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I know, right!!??? :D

What always bothers me is the idea that the post office CAN send you something as soon as one day. They just won't unless you give them extra money. What does that money do? Buy them supplies that make the delivery trucks faster, or make their legs move faster? No, it's basically just a modernized bribe.

"Wanna get this package there in just a SINGLE day?"

"Wow, you can do that?"

"Sure, you just have to give us extra money".

"But wait, if you CAN do it, why don't you just do it all the time?"

"Well because then we wouldn't make that extra money. If you want something to get there faster, that extra money will ensure that we'll put it in the OVERNIGHT bin instead of the "WHENEVER THE FUCK WE GET AROUND TO IT bin. Without the extra money, well, we just can't manage to put the package in the faster bin. So pay up."

What is it, more motivation for them? Well, I guess it would work for me...

Anyway, thanks for the camraderie- I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who agonizes while waiting for something like this!
@Reesy: another job well done mate.

bagmouse7 posted on Oct 8 2005 at 01:30 PM said:
Save problem.
Saving seems ok, but when I try to load the saved file I get the following message:
File not in Snes9x freeze format

I am getting this too, no matter what rom I try (tried Mario Kart and Kid Klown).
I have read others are getting it to work? Am I doing anything wrong here?
Using a BLU @ 166mHz with all Reesy's options set correctly.
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I've got this error too. Even though I've been able to load the save state before but now for what ever reason it gives me the error as described before.

I'll see if its something that can be fixed.
I know, shinerri. It was just fun cynicism. Besides, when you get right down to it, if they can deliver something fast, they should theoretically be able to do so whether I give them an extra twenty bucks or not.

Sorry to hear there's some issues with the BLU+ version. I wish you had one to try this out on Reesy, or wish I had mine so I could participate and help figure out problems and whatnot. Just please don't give up!
This is the first emu to run Blackthorne, Yippie! Even with sound it runs very well!

Another nicely working game is Act Raiser. Cannot wait to see the new sound core in :D
mrdark posted on Oct 9 2005 at 09:07 AM said:
I know, shinerri. It was just fun cynicism. Besides, when you get right down to it, if they can deliver something fast, they should theoretically be able to do so whether I give them an extra twenty bucks or not.

Sorry to hear there's some issues with the BLU+ version. I wish you had one to try this out on Reesy, or wish I had mine so I could participate and help figure out problems and whatnot. Just please don't give up!
Different shipping methods cost different amounts of money. As in, ship by ship from UK to US, costs less but takes longer, than by airplane, par example. Same with train/trucks. They also have finite number of trucks and post-train-carts at their disposal. If everything were to reach it's destination at the minimum time, they would need more of those, which would cost money.

It's also about logistics, there is cost to everything. A train can take lots more post and cargo than a truck, but trains have schedules. And the larger the amount of goods to be transferred, the less it costs per kilogram. Thus, if you wish something to reach it's destination by tomorrow, they can't wait the train to deliver it, maybe not even the big hunkin' postal truck. It gets delivered by van, maybe all by itself. They need to cover the expenses of sending a van across the land, in the least.

Come to think of it, it might also get more expensive as gas prices go higher... :(
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Come on everybody, the post office remarks were, like I said, basically cynical. No one has to waste their time convincing me that the p.o. can't actually deliver everything at the same time, I know that isn't the case.

It's just like when the government is in debt- why can't it just let those money presses run overnight and make the extra money needed to pay everything off? After all, they MAKE the stuff! It's all fiscal politics that make sense when analyzed, but it's still fun to find loopholes in because, at face value, some of these situations do seem pretty silly.

Gallagher had the mentality nailed when he said this, and said it best:

"Should a bankruptcy lawyer EXPECT to be paid?"
Are you using the latest BLU+ build I released because I'm pretty sure the saves are broken in that release. I have now fixed the problem, don't ask me how. I just uncommented some debug code and now the saves work again. I'll release another version later today. There shouldn't be any major problems with auto-frameskip apart from I need to reduce the maximum amount of frames to skip, I increased it while testing but forgot to undo my changes.
Reesy, just giving you "mad props" for fixing the sound quality. That was my only complaint about the emulator. I'd rather have better sound then better speed, and better sound it definetely is.

Once again, thanks.

As for transparency hacking, have any of you tried the "hacking settings" in the menu? Usually setting it to a transparency hack of 1 fixes a lot of the problems. I use it for SMW and Zelda:LttP, and it works great. I know a lot of ppl know about this, but some people dont.

Wow, this is really a major improvement. My BLU+ is humming with games (not litterally). I was playing around with Secret of Mana and Castlevania IV and more. Very playable and sounds TONS better. Thanks for the great work Ressy! :D :D
The Transparency hack dosent help in many games. All it seems to do is turn off graphics that are needed in order to show the transparant graphic so you can't play untill you switch back. In other games it dosent seem to fix anything at all.

That's not to say it isnt useful for some games but there are some it does nothing for.
Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but no one's really specifically answered my question:

How well is this running on the BLU+ at this point?

You know, can someone just explain how improved or newly problematic it is? I keep hearing that it's better- which kicks ass. But lots of people are saying they're having problems with lines and save problems and so on.

So can someone using this on a BLU+ explain how well it's working? I'm wondering if the BLU+ is still experiencing buzzing or white bars or save problems or whatever. But there's other stuff too- like can someone tell me if it's so imrpoved that previously really slow games are now running much better, etc?

I just need someone to take a couple minutes to explain what's different in this new version on the BLU+. I know it seems better in general, and it's the sound that was fixed. But I still don't understand how individual performance has changed. I mean, is it as serious as something like Final Fantasy 4 ran slow as hell with sound on, but now doesn't? Are there issues like having to tweak seven different options to get it to successfully save?

You know, stuff like that. Someone please just explain how the BLU+ is working with this revision, since I don't have mine yet and I'm going crazy wanting to know how improved this version is!! Please explain it to me, then I'll quit asking, I promise.

Long story short, I cared more about the sound than transparencies too. I just wanna play my snes games at as full a speed as possible but sound was equally important. I didn't really care about anything else. So I'm dying to know what to expect with this cool new version!

Either way, thanks again reesy. I want to test this out so much.
There are no more problems with the screen for Blu+, but there are still probs with saveing sram and save states. The other thing that pple are talking about is the transparency effect prob. Thats something thats not easily fixable. The Gp32 has it limits
and I cant really see it ever being as fast as it is now with tranparency going on, unless with the rumor about the hack that syncs it all up somehow. The only emu that supports full transperency effects is the one I talked about before in my first post. It is sum wat slower but for the rpg games where transperancy effects are important its what I use.
mrdark posted on Oct 9 2005 at 08:11 PM said:
Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but no one's really specifically answered my question:

How well is this running on the BLU+ at this point?

You know, can someone just explain how improved or newly problematic it is? I keep hearing that it's better- which kicks ass. But lots of people are saying they're having problems with lines and save problems and so on.

So can someone using this on a BLU+ explain how well it's working? I'm wondering if the BLU+ is still experiencing buzzing or white bars or save problems or whatever. But there's other stuff too- like can someone tell me if it's so imrpoved that previously really slow games are now running much better, etc?

I just need someone to take a couple minutes to explain what's different in this new version on the BLU+. I know it seems better in general, and it's the sound that was fixed. But I still don't understand how individual performance has changed. I mean, is it as serious as something like Final Fantasy 4 ran slow as hell with sound on, but now doesn't? Are there issues like having to tweak seven different options to get it to successfully save?

You know, stuff like that. Someone please just explain how the BLU+ is working with this revision, since I don't have mine yet and I'm going crazy wanting to know how improved this version is!! Please explain it to me, then I'll quit asking, I promise.

Long story short, I cared more about the sound than transparencies too. I just wanna play my snes games at as full a speed as possible but sound was equally important. I didn't really care about anything else. So I'm dying to know what to expect with this cool new version!

Either way, thanks again reesy. I want to test this out so much.

r u serious?? i answered ur question a few posts back
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Classic, I know that you gave an answer, thanks. That's not what I meant though.

I don't have my system yet so I don't know how well this rmu worked originally. I don't have a point of reference.

So I meant that I'm trying to see if someone can tell me in terms that I'd be able to get without having had to know the earlier version. Like, are all the games faster than they were, is it more accurate to actual Snes quality, stuff like that. But also, are there STILL bugs specific to the BLU+ that as of right now are still around- like save problems.

That's all. You know, just how close is it to the actual super nes at this point, and what has to be done to the options to get it that way- that's what I mean.

I know you helped earlier, and thanks.

openSNES9x is a far from perfect emu. You can expect to get passable speeds on games, but nowhere near fullspeed when the sound is enabled. The only thing that Reesy has done so far is clear up the sound quality, but there have been no speed increases so far.

However, the main thing slowing down oSNES is the sound core (which unlike the graphics one, is not optimized), so when Reesy puts this new sound core in, we should see a significant increase in speed.

We probably won't see transparency support, but there are several hacks built in to oSNES that help fix transparency problems (often by just hiding the layer altogether). No SuperFX chip support, but that's completely understandable.

IF there are any BLU+ specific bugs still present (save states or whatever), they'll surely be fixed by the time you get your GP. ;)
Mrdark - The screen is the only thing different that the BLU+ has in regards to the other versions of the GP32, so once the screen problem is delt with it should run as well as it does on any other GP32. Quality wise, aside from the already stated deficiencies in some sounds and graphics it's generally functional.

I havent tried the latest version... or atleast I'm not sure if the version I had before my card stopped working was the newest (It might be time to replace or reformat it... not sure) so I can't speak on the save problem but I'd assume if it happens on the BLU+ it's happening on the regular BLU and FLU as well unless that bit of screen code is interfering with it some how, which I doubt.