Come Get Some :)

So great dude... you will be the god of the gp32 when this port is over :)
I can twait to test it and blablablabla ;)

REgards ... RST
WEll, i tried the new .fxe and the result was the same for the moment.
This time i tried with all the files from Atomic Edition of the game. All .cons files and the complete .gpr file. The program it reboots in over 3 seconds.

Anyways i saw that .fxe is smaller to the old one...

Regards .. RST
Tried the new version on my BLU, still no worky white screen of death, resets :(
i have a flu and with the original fullware version, works great!!!

Only thing is the enemies "float" and cannot be killed, they don't attack either, they just "float" over you, and its not every enemy, just the ones that jump or fly. They never land and they can never die no matter how many times you shoot them.

Still, great release. I'm having much fun with this.
rst posted on Sep 28 2005 at 01:59 AM said:
WEll, i tried the new .fxe and the result was the same for the moment.
This time i tried with all the files from Atomic Edition of the game. All .cons files and the complete .gpr file. The program it reboots in over 3 seconds.

Anyways i saw that .fxe is smaller to the old one...

Regards .. RST
Oh well, looks like it's going to be a difficult one to try and track down :(

Angel posted on Sep 28 2005 at 03:41 AM said:
i have a flu and with the original fullware version, works great!!!

Only thing is the enemies "float" and cannot be killed, they don't attack either, they just "float" over you, and its not every enemy, just the ones that jump or fly. They never land and they can never die no matter how many times you shoot them.

Still, great release. I'm having much fun with this.
That will probably happen on every version apart from atomic. I'm working from the first linux port of the original source, and that code was never designed to be backwards compatible. I should be able to find a fix somewhere in the jfduke code though.
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I'm using a non-atomic grp with the supplied .cons (cheers loads guys!) and the lizard down the alley with the jetpack dies just fine for me :D
C:\>dir k:\gpmm\duke3d /-w

 Volume in drive K has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000
 Directory of K:\GPMM\Duke3d

.              <DIR>        27/09/05   9:42 .
..             <DIR>        27/09/05   9:42 ..
DUKE3D   CFG         4,693  01/01/00   1:01 DUKE3D.CFG
DEFS     CON        35,992  11/12/96  13:50 DEFS.CON
GAME     CON       151,190  11/12/96  13:50 GAME.CON
USER     CON        45,493  27/09/05  20:46 USER.CON
DUKE3D   GRP    26,524,524  19/04/96  13:30 DUKE3D.GRP
DUKE     RTS       188,954  19/04/96  13:30 DUKE.RTS *** not required - thanks Vimacs;)
         6 file(s)     26,950,846 bytes
         2 dir(s)      93,405,184 bytes free
No .ini files at all!

Thanks Woogal!
Awesome work!
Duke has got to be one of my all time favorite games.

Now -- when is the Carmageddon source gonna be released? ;) :) :)
DUKE RTS 188,954 19/04/96 13:30 DUKE.RTS
you dont need that one :-)

Would be nice to also get the other build engine games to work after duke is perfeckt :-)
gp32rich posted on Sep 28 2005 at 09:59 AM said:
I'm using a non-atomic grp with the supplied .cons (cheers loads guys!) and the lizard down the alley with the jetpack dies just fine for me :D

Now -- when is the Carmageddon source gonna be released? ;) :) :)
The .cons posted here are from the atomic version, which is why the jetpack baddies work. The problem is something to do with the non-atomic .cons

And if the Carmageddon source was available then I would never have got round to porting duke ;).

Vimacs posted on Sep 28 2005 at 10:06 AM said:
Would be nice to also get the other build engine games to work after duke is perfeckt :-)
I'll give shadow warrior a try soon, but I think it uses the voxel additions to the build engine which means it will probably be a lot slower and need more work.
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hm wasnt even a bit yerky on my nlu..... :P but my batterys ran out.... have to check if new ones are ready....

Its Time to kick ass and play duke... but im all out of batteries :(
It seem that the new fxe makes some files corrupt - GP does restart with both old and new fxe files!
Then i reinstalled all files it works again with both fxes. :blink:
And BTW: i had the most weird reboot i ever saw:
the GP was rebooting and the startup animation and sound (im using EU FW) was in Slow Motion! :blink:
BTW2: I am using Atomic Edition!
P.S.: please dont use always the same file name, put the version number in!
It gets really chaotic!
Anyways i can't understand how is possible in the gp32 FLU can work and not in the BLU. The machines are the same !! or what is the difference ?

Can't understand.. :(

Thanks woogal, after several tries now it works.
I have a NLU and with the first fxe none of the Duke release i found worked.
The best i had was a crash atfer the first Duke nukem loadind image.

Now with the last fxe, it's working great with the shareware 1.3d and i found a full release on an abondonware site, and it work great too.

thank you very much woogal.

just a little problem with the key mapping for weapon changing, and some enemies fly like little birds.


Herc. :ph34r:
use the modiefied cons from to fix the wierd acting enemies

what exact problem do you have with the key config? you know that you can change it in the cfg as described in post1

woogal, it may be a good idear to include the cons in the download, or at least link them at the frontpage, untlil the problem is fixed.
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Woogal, how you did the ASM conversion from de source of the Duke nukem to the ARM processor ?. It sounds like a so hard work !!

Regards ... RST
if this game is running at 132mhz as good as it is, is it a safe bet that we could see sound in a later release with the game running 156-166mhz or would adding sound break the ram barrier or something?

Anyway, another "impossible" application running on the GP32.