Come Get Some :)

Seraptin posted on Sep 27 2005 at 06:41 PM said:
hey at

i just got my duke3d working. (thx to vimacs ;P)

it seems that you need the right .con files...

i used the .cons from some version i found on my pc and they seem to be wrong.

here a comparison:

the left one is the not working game.con and the one on the right is working :)

note: the ohter .cons seem to be different too
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news from the test front:

we just tested a non atomic version with atomic .cons and its working :)
btw. the other .grp i used is 25 mb big.. i think its the shareware or something ;)

@marcma99 im using a nlu.

Edit: I upped the cons im using. (got them from vimacs :) )

here are the .con files of the atomic edition, with them evry .grp seems to work, you need the following files in your gpmm/duke3d folder


hehe Seraptin was faster :-)

ps: link corrected
Thanks for that - I'll try the files now. Looks like you typoed the URL though. It should be this

edit - Still no luck here. Time to find my Duke3d CD I think!
I got it running with the con files. But i have to wacht 15 sec to a white screen before it start :)
Ric posted on Sep 27 2005 at 07:21 PM said:
I got the sharware version running with the con files. But i have to wacht 15 sec to a white screen before it start :)
Don't worry, that's perfectly normal (takes it time initialising stuff).

Now we know the .con files are the problem I'm going to see if I can get it working with any version of them. Has anyone with a blu+ tried the .con files vimacs posted? Need to know if I have to create a special blu+ version or not.
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Noticed that when you get atomic health it gives you 10000+ health points... might be a notable mention :D

This was using files supplied by vimac & Seraptin with the shareware version.
good work dude !!! the Duke in our gp32 can be the awesome.

I have a gp32 BLU with Slubman firmware. When the game loads the white screen appear, and it reboot in 3 seconds... :( What go bad ? i tried with the shareware needed files to load.

The sfx and load+save will be possible ?

Regards ... RST
rst posted on Sep 27 2005 at 07:40 PM said:
good work dude !!! the Duke in our gp32 can be the awesome.

I have a gp32 BLU with Slubman firmware. When the game loads the white screen appear, and it reboot in 3 seconds... :( What go bad ? i tried with the shareware needed files to load.

The sfx and load+save will be possible ?

Regards ... RST
Try using the con files vimacs posted a few posts ago, seems to work for people and will do as a temp fix until I figure out what is going wrong. As for sfx and load+save - I won't rest until sounds are in there because duke just isn't duke without the speech, and I think the main problem with loading and saving is because it wants you to type in a save filename which you can't really do. Hopefully that will be the only thing wrong with saving, and if it is then I should have a version out later tonight that supports it. If there's more things wrong with it then it might be like quake and I'll never be able to fix it ;).
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Yeah, Blu+ is needed. Even if it would be running, there would still be the white bar problem.

I haven`t got it running yet, I have the same grp Vimacs mentioned, have to download the damn Java package now to use that game extractor thingie and delete the dmo files.

I let you know if it`s running on my BLU+ then.
why do you want to remove the dmo files ??

just use the grp and the con files from some posts ago... should work fine :)
Woogal: Flav0r has a little bit of savename with gp32 controls code in Wolf3D that might be useful for you ;)

also, is chatboard going to be incorporated into it eventually?

Shikigami: use those replacement files and the duke3d.cfg that comes with them and wait a little bit it should start (just takes awhile to load)
Shikigami posted on Sep 27 2005 at 08:03 PM said:
Still doesn't work using replacements .con, wave's .cfg and 4 differents .Grp including the shareware one :(
(Gp32blu not blu+)
still doesn't work too
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Well Woogal.

I tried the files vimacs posted and i placed in the duke3d folder into GPMM the big .grp from Atomic edition. The result still the same, the rebooting :(
Is possible i have some bad file now ?

into duke3d folder are there the follow files...


That's all