There Will Be 2 Consoles Xgp And Gpx2

I think that it is from the spin-off company. You have told us by yourself that their hanheld would be more powerful and this handheld seems to be very powerful. Plus the Gamepark Holdings' handheld won't be called XGP.
The front page link may be a bit overboard for the "wrong" system, though. Of course, I'm not the admin...
Well this ain't the new GP32... thats for certain...

Just seeing DaveC getting upset about the screen was enough to require some calm, or else these rumours will plague the new system forever. Just like the BLU+ shit which still goes on to this day...

But DaveC - that oddball screen is NOT part of the new GP :)

TandeM posted on Jul 20 2005 at 02:28 AM said:
The front page link may be a bit overboard for the "wrong" system, though.  Of course, I'm not the admin...
Why the wrong system? Consider it as the other system! B) All I am trying to say is taht the front page link is at its correct place, together with this thread, together with the Gamepark SPIN-OFF company.
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craigix posted on Jul 20 2005 at 12:32 AM said:
Well this ain't the new GP32... thats for certain...

Just seeing DaveC getting upset about the screen was enough to require some calm, or else these rumours will plague the new system forever. Just like the BLU+ shit which still goes on to this day...

But DaveC - that oddball screen is NOT part of the new GP :)


in GPzigi
one of the administrators went to Gamepark company and got this information

so this is pretty much correct info
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If it is I won't buy it. If I want a 16:9 widescreen movie portable with stretched out emu screens and a fast CPU I will just use my PSP. I will use the current GP32 model for all of the emus that work well with that ;)

Leave it to GamePark to do something stupid. The current model is a fluke that they got so much right, I guess that is due to the fact that they copied the GBA. The way they handled the "marketing" of it afterwards was terrible. Their record has been pretty bad all through the life of the system with alot of bad decisions, why stop now. At least you can say they are consistant ;)
DaveC posted on Jul 19 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
If it is
AH! It's not! Craig said it's not, so it's not. Chill.

Anyway, this probably is that XGP, but who's going to want that if it's not even open and more expensive with undoubtedly subpar games...
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shinneri posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:20 AM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 19 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
If it is
AH! It's not! Craig said it's not, so it's not. Chill.

Anyway, this probably is that XGP, but who's going to want that if it's not even open and more expensive with undoubtedly subpar games...

boradori says it is, Craig says no. So who knows what is going on. All I know is if it is like that It would be pointless, a PSP clone without games, buy a PSP instead. Get a 1.5 and it will be more open too.
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I'll take my previlliage as Korean and give you a more accurate translation off gipizigi website.

Miscellenious - Meeting result. Ready for XGP

Hey, this is IceGiant.

There hasn't been enough info gathered for an entire news to be posted, but there wasn't any embargo on the info so I'm giving it a go and posting here on the User News forum. I will only reveal what was allowed to be revealed.

I had an arranged meeting with chief executive Mr. WooSuk Lee of Gamepark.

1. GamePark and GamePark Holdings are a different company completely. Please do not be mistaken. GamePark Holdings will soon change its company name and will go seperate ways. At the moment, though, GamePark Holdings run website and A/S (after service) department so we will have to transfer the ownership of those stuff including GP32 related work. GamePark website will be renewed. The news below is what this is all about.

2. They are developing a new next-gen portable called XGP. Specs aren't written in stone yet, but the concept for this whole thing is 'succession of predecessor, and improved media capability'. Once the specs are all layed out, new website will launch with the new info.

3. Gamepark IS alive. Well, they have to be alive to be making stuff. They wanted me to make sure you guys know of that. They also wanted me to tell you guys that they are working to death on this one for last time, to have faith in them, and to keep a lookout for more news.

Only the ones who went to the depth of the abyss know how bright the stars in the night sky is. Let's wait for what they're gonna bring to us.

Also I'm happy to tell you I'll finally have something to play with.

P.S: Bake or Cake, do what ever you like with the news.
(Direct translation of this would be: Boiled rice (Juk) or steamed rice(Bap))

XGP- Spec partially announced.

Hey, this is IceGiant.

I'm pretty sure the media will get it covered pretty soon, but they gave me a clearance to make the announcement preemtively. I will repost the news formally on the main news forum after official statement from GamePark is announced.

Specs below are still under developement. A kind of UBER-Spec in a sense adhering to traditional form of spec announcement.

They are still figuring things out so there can be a change to it.

1. CPU
-ARM920T core. Clock still under adjustment.

2. GPU
-Core still under adjustment. MPEG4 and 3D acceleration supported.

3. RAM
-64 MB. probably main memory + video memory. Type unknown

4. Sound
-under adjustment. Possible support for intergrated sound.

5. Display
-Samsung 4 inch TFT-LCD 480X272. 32 bit color

6. Medium
-SD & external USB hard disk. No word on support for current products.

7. Network
-Wireless Lan module. specifics unknown.

8. Battery
Internal Lithium-Ion. Bye bye, double-A.

9. Extra functions
PMP- music, movie playback
File browser - Text and image
DMB service(wireless TV) - Korea starts their domestic service starting this december.
TV-out - awsome.

As you can see, most of the stuff are still under work, but this is some shocking spec.

No wonder Spadeworker wants to hold out on PSP for this.

That's all. Cheers.

P.S. Off-line voting on the XGP design will start at around August.

DaveC posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:24 AM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:20 AM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 19 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
If it is
AH! It's not! Craig said it's not, so it's not. Chill.

Anyway, this probably is that XGP, but who's going to want that if it's not even open and more expensive with undoubtedly subpar games...

boradori says it is, Craig says no. So who knows what is going on. All I know is if it is like that It would be pointless, a PSP clone without games, buy a PSP instead. Get a 1.5 and it will be more open too.

Are you capable of reading and comprehending what you read? As has already been said many times, Gamepark has split up into two different companies - AFAIK one is called Gamepark and one is called Gamepark Holdings. Some people call Gamepark Holdings the "spin-off company"; others (like craigix) call Gamepark the "spin-off company". Not that it really matters. The point is this:

EvilDragon posted on Jul 14 2005 at 07:33 AM said:
Okay. I think it's okay to tell you that much:
GamePark broke up because one of them wanted a new, very powerful handheld with incredible system specs (which would be much more expensive, think of Zodiac).
And the other guy wanted a new handheld, which hasn't totally uber-specs, but isn't more expensive than the GP32 had been.

EDIT: Damn, poloo2 beat me with a much better post. Good job on the translation! :)
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On GamePark and GamePark Holdings, btw:
Gamepark announcement:

To our dear users,

This is Gamepark Holdings.
On this coming July 31st of 2005, our contract offer made with GamePark on the website will expire along with other contracts for sales of GP32 unit, GP32 repair services and general service. Therefore shopping mall sales will be limited to customers who ordered the unit before July 22nd of 2005, and repair services for units arrived at the factory before July 22nd of 2005.
We have no decision on whether we will continue shopping mall sales at this moment. We will let you know of further progress.

Thank you.

Esn posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:05 AM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:24 AM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:20 AM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 19 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
If it is
AH! It's not! Craig said it's not, so it's not. Chill.

Anyway, this probably is that XGP, but who's going to want that if it's not even open and more expensive with undoubtedly subpar games...

boradori says it is, Craig says no. So who knows what is going on. All I know is if it is like that It would be pointless, a PSP clone without games, buy a PSP instead. Get a 1.5 and it will be more open too.

Are you capable of reading and comprehending what you read? As has already been said many times, Gamepark has split up into two different companies - AFAIK one is called Gamepark and one is called Gamepark Holdings. Some people call Gamepark Holdings the "spin-off company"; others (like craigix) call Gamepark the "spin-off company". Not that it really matters. The point is this:

EvilDragon posted on Jul 14 2005 at 07:33 AM said:
Okay. I think it's okay to tell you that much:
GamePark broke up because one of them wanted a new, very powerful handheld with incredible system specs (which would be much more expensive, think of Zodiac).
And the other guy wanted a new handheld, which hasn't totally uber-specs, but isn't more expensive than the GP32 had been.

It rather looks to me like GamePark contracted an out source for their A/S, website management, and sales.

Gamepark Holdings has no say on development as far as I can tell.
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Esn posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:12 AM said:
It rather looks to me like GamePark contracted an out source for their A/S, website management, and sales.

Gamepark Holdings has no say on development as far as I can tell.

Are you saying that EvilDragon and craigix are wrong, then?

This machine IS by GamePark, and gamepark holdings is just an out-sourced company who does non-development related service such as repairs and sales.

In that sense, yes. I'm not here to destroy anyone's ego though. I'm just here to tralsate.
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polooo2, thank you very much for clearing everything up.

So that's the XGP (the specs polooo2 has posted), which will obviously be the company that retains the Gamepark name. I suppose we have no confirmation or denial of BC or openness on that one.

The other console (BumHong Lee's? :P ) is the one that Craig and ED have been telling us about, which will be a more conservative, original GP-like console. And they'll be getting a new company name, which I find really exciting for some reason. :D

Everything's making sense again!!

EDIT: Okay, everything stopped making sense after reading polooo2's last post.... :( :huh:
EDIT2: Wait, I was right! :D
shinneri posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:19 AM said:
polooo2, thank you very much for clearing everything up.

So that's the XGP (the specs polooo2 has posted), which will obviously be the company that retains the Gamepark name. I suppose we have no confirmation or denial of BC or openness on that one.

The other console (BumHong Lee's? :P ) is the one that Craig and ED have been telling us about, which will be a more conservative, original GP-like console. And they'll be getting a new company name, which I find really exciting for some reason. :D

Everything's making sense again!!

If you're correct. :) For some reason I thought that BumHong Lee's company was named Gamepark Holdings, and they were the ones who were making the cheaper successor to the GP32.
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I'm rather interested in the USB external Hard Disc support.

I'm pretty sure they mean our usual standard IDE hard drive in an external case with USB connection.

I suppose that opens up for 500+ gigs of media on the move.

edit: I'll search for gamepark holdings news and see what it's all about. I've been missing out alot.