i think that the clicks for dev this month should go to this project, i have no idea how much that is but i do think that it will be well spent here
And with the aready fullspeed games you could underclock to 133mhzto go fully in 3D emulation we need much more power than that!
N64 needs a really fast CPU ( i have 2Ghz and some games still not fullspeed).
THe Mame 3D games are impossible to emulate too, mame does support those games, but they dont have any acceleration.
I think the current specs are perfect. only thing i would like to see is a touchscreenand it should have a powered female USB jack.
with this thing you can emulate pretty much.. Perfect Snes and GBA, Neogeo should be also possible, PSX could be playable too. + many new mame games. and still much more, with those specs and a 640x480 display, new PC ports will come. Like Exult, perhaps simutrans, Stratagus, perfect Quake and perhaps also Quake 2 playable etc. with those games this system will be just awesome.
N64 emulation doesnt need a powerful CPU and GPU as you would expect, i dont know the exact specs but in 1998 or whatever year the N64 emulator ultra hle came out i had a 3dfx 2 card and pentium 2 233mhz and most games ran full speed at 800x600 res running near enough purely through glide on the 3dfx card, , but that came out of nowhere people were amazed it was even possible, i think getting a N64 emulator running on 320x240 through direct3D on an nvidia goforce 4500 is indeed possible, they are porting Dreamcast games directly to the Gizmondo on this chip, its very powerful at 1 million polys/sec is good in comparison to the estimated 2million of the voodoo 2 which was believed too only have half the performance to what was on paper, also the Nvidia chip has new hardware features like Early-Z meaning less polygons need to processed that actually are go fully in 3D emulation we need much more power than that!
N64 needs a really fast CPU ( i have 2Ghz and some games still not fullspeed).
THe Mame 3D games are impossible to emulate too, mame does support those games, but they dont have any acceleration.
I think the current specs are perfect. only thing i would like to see is a touchscreenand it should have a powered female USB jack.
with this thing you can emulate pretty much.. Perfect Snes and GBA, Neogeo should be also possible, PSX could be playable too. + many new mame games. and still much more, with those specs and a 640x480 display, new PC ports will come. Like Exult, perhaps simutrans, Stratagus, perfect Quake and perhaps also Quake 2 playable etc. with those games this system will be just awesome.
Backwards compatibility. This way, we can have many Programs right from the start, porting them would only take half an hour, because the authors wouldn´t need to change much.why not change the processor by this one?:
it has 3d acceleration and it´s an Arm device.
Best wishes with the project ninja.
Button wise 6 face buttons with analogue stick ala NGP (not clicky though!) 2 shoulder buttons.
Why not change the name by project pd-x?
(Pocket Dragon X)
400mhz isnt enough for proper Amiga emulation.Backwards compatibility. This way, we can have many Programs right from the start, porting them would only take half an hour, because the authors wouldn´t need to change much.
What´s the big deal? 400 MHz is enough for SNES, Neogeo, GBA, Amiga. If you want 3D, go for a PSP.
I´m not expecting PSX emulation anyway.
The CPU is OK, it grants a big deal of Backwards compatibility, plus mr. mirko is already working on it.
More RAM would be nice though, might be needed for NeoGeo.
Also it wouldn´t cost much more.
EDIT: oh, and did you know that there´s already a "project ninja" for the PSP, a "team ninja" for the DS and another one for the PS2? Maybe we should change to: "codeword ninja"
Obviously, you´re much smarter than me. If you want a 3D- chip, then please tell us WHO will sell us only ~1000 pieces and this at a affordable price?still think a cheap 3D accelerator with direct 3d and open gl support will be needed