Geekiest Thing You've Done Lately

I don't know how it works at your school but at mine only the complete licks won music awards. I mean the kind of people who you want to hit over and over until your arm breaks.

This isn't because we think music is uncool, alot of my friends are musicians, it is because school music was so stupid no-one took it seriously.
I make my living as a musician. But the idea of making music at school was horrible....! And all the guys that did play in assembly are all working at Burger King now... :(
Geekiest thing I've done lately, hmmmm, laughed at this joke,

"Two helium atoms are walking down the road, when one atom says to the other, 'You know, I think I've lost an electron', 'are you sure?' says the other atom, 'Yes, I'm positive!'"


Geekiest Thing? Bought $100 headphones.

I want to get me the Seinheiser phase cancelation cheap ones :P £100 :P But I haven't got the money ahah :D
I think you mean Sennheiser. And what are these phase cancellation headphones? From the sound of it they are cheap quality and not head-fi sound. For that much money you should consider the refurbished Sennheiser HD600s on Amazon right now. It's an amazing deal. Of course, the audio-technica line is also good since they have amazing soundstage. The A500s run for $100, so that could save you some money right there and still give you great sound quality (They are also closed cans). Of course you could also get the A900s for $199, but the A500s are ~80% of the A900s.

You're right 'bout the makers, sorry for that, didn't even notice I mistyped it ;P

The objective of those aren't for head-fi sound. They're great to use wherever in the streets/tube/etc and protect/preserve your hearing.

Phase cancellation means that it also captures the ambient sound, phase inverts it, and adds it to whatever you're listening to. What's the point about it? Most of the ambient noise is cancelled and you don't have the need to increase the volume to listen to your discman/mp3 player/whatever :P In fact you are able to listen to it quite low and enjoy it tenfold :P i tried that and I loved it. Just to use outdoors of course. However it can be dangerous if you're walking down the street and can't listen to anything important ;P They also have better phase-cancellation models though :P

Or if you're in a noisy place, you can just turn on the phase cancellation on them without having anything playing and (but not as effectively as other methods) reduce the ambient noise. I'd recommend ear plugs for that, though ;P

If you want a good and not very expensive headphone set to have a good head-fi sound, I've recently tried the Beyerdynamic DT-150 and loved them. ;P They cost from £90 to £140, depending on the store.

BTW I'm an audio engineering graduate ;)

EDIT: here are links to the Sennheiser ones for whoever's interested ;P
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BTW I'm an audio engineering graduate ;)
good for you, mate ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P ;) ;D ;P
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If you get any good cans make sure you have suitable amplification for them please. It makes a WORLD of difference.
Well, it depends on the cans. I have the A500s and they don't really benefit that much from an amp. But I'll be getting MS-1s this Christmas along with the Xenos 3HA amp. That should suffice for most of headphone hi-fi life. After about a year or so I'll pick up the Senn HD600s...yum :P

exael - Those headphones aren't exactly the best Senn cans, if you ask me. You could get the HD280s (Or HD25-1s), HD555s, or refurbished Senn HD600s for those 3 Senn headphones. Check out's headphone forums.
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I just packed my bags for a holiday for turkey for 2 weeks

I am tacking 5 t-shirts (sadly all reference t-shirts - Fantastic 4, Green Lantern, Family Guy, A-team, and Monty Python)

Also in the bag is a few pairs of shorts

and finally:

My laptop
My Pocket PC
My GP32
A surge protector to charge all at once
My Rio Karma
My CD Player
My Underwater MP3 player

I actually have nearly as many gadgets as clothes
I just packed my bags for a holiday for turkey for 2 weeks
I went to Turkey when I was around seven. Just a little warning for you. The first thing I saw when I got to my hotel was a turd floating in the swimming pool. Yes, an actual poo floating in the swimming pool.

Don't get me wrong; I liked the country and enjoyed my hotel, but it kind of put me off swimming.

Dirty turks. :(
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