Geekiest Thing You've Done Lately

iignotus posted on Aug 28 2005 at 09:54 PM said:
I stayed home and read about the SDL library instead of going out on a date.

I win, yes?

Yes, nerd.
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i broke into pc world to find a mouse mat with a bugs bunny design on it... only to find a life size donald duck robot in my path.

shaken but not stirred i lept into action and with one swift arm movement the cartoon bird was on the floor and the mat was mine
The geekiest thing I have done recently?

Well I was getting fed up of my permanent ADSL connection resetting and my modem not resynchronising. So I build a little box that connects to my server, then I wrote a little piece of software that pings the net, and if my connection dies, it uses the little hardware box to power down my modem, then power it back up. It also writes to a database every time this happens. Usually about once every 2 weeks. My next project is to use a USB modem to dial my mobile if my ADSL dies. maybe not, that would be wayyyy too geeky LOL.
I got my dreamcast (2pts) back from a friend's basement, so I set it up (throwing Xbox (1pt) and gamecube (2pts) out of the way in the process) and switched it on, only to find that it kept resetting randomly. So I finally decided enough was enough, and looked on the net (1pt), on dreamcast software development forums (2pts) for a total fix. This involved opening it up (3pts), taking out the upper mainboard (3pts) and bending the pins between the upper mainboard and the power supply so that they connect better and don't keep shorting out (3pts). So now my DC works perfectly, and I can play endless games of Soul Calibur (1pt), Power Stone 2 (2pts) and ChuChu Rocket (3pts), and complete Shenmue again (3pts).
That's 24 points of pure geekiness :P.

In other news, I got out all of my power rangers toys, assembled them, and put them on shelves. Oh, and then downloaded the japanese kids series from which most of the fight scenes in Power Rangers were taken.
I actually haven't done that much geeky stuff lately. I took apart my little brothers old (and very painful to take apart) computer, took out his CD drive which wasn't working, took that completely apart, and spent about 15 minutes realligning the roller thing for the disc tray so it would come out properly (it was getting stuck on something before). After fixing that I attempted to fix his portable CD player but got bored of that (too many small, small, hidden screws). I also got a liveCD of knoppix (distro of linux) and am running that whenever I don't need to save anything or use any of my windows only devices (which would work with linux if I knew how to write drivers for them, but I don't and the generic ones don't work with quite a few of my obscure devices). I reread all of Megatokyo (web comic/manga) except for some of Dom's days and some of the random stories that include the main characters. I also looked at buying some stuff from the megatokyo store (called megagear, i think) but decided not to (that "practices static safety, hack naked" one is tempting).

I don't think it classifies as "geeky" but I purchased the first four seasons of stargate SG-1 on dvd (got them from sams club, $31.52 each. Most places charge around $50 dollars for them!). I love that show.
markusdragon posted on Aug 30 2005 at 04:21 AM said:
In other news, I got out all of my power rangers toys, assembled them, and put them on shelves. Oh, and then downloaded the japanese kids series from which most of the fight scenes in Power Rangers were taken.
The shelves part is like (1000 pts). I imagine you proudly displaying them lined up around your bedroom, organised by colour and/or series.

Nilsiboy posted on Jul 5 2005 at 02:30 PM said:
i refreshed for at least half an hour, looking for an email I saw, because it sounded cool and i wanted to write that person a mail.... it was cutenerdgirl@[idunnowhat]
i hoped to find it again,but until now, it never reappeared
Oh wow looks like you have a chance!

I was using my boyfriend's computer earlier when I noticed an away message that he has saved from who knows how long ago... it says sex is overrated.

I hope that is from before he met me.

Though, come to think of it, he tells me that all the time.

Time for a new boyfriend.

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deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 30 2005 at 01:20 PM said:
I actually haven't done that much geeky stuff lately. I took apart my little brothers old (and very painful to take apart) computer, took out his CD drive which wasn't working, took that completely apart, and spent about 15 minutes realligning the roller thing for the disc tray so it would come out properly (it was getting stuck on something before). After fixing that I attempted to fix his portable CD player but got bored of that (too many small, small, hidden screws). I also got a liveCD of knoppix (distro of linux) and am running that whenever I don't need to save anything or use any of my windows only devices (which would work with linux if I knew how to write drivers for them, but I don't and the generic ones don't work with quite a few of my obscure devices). I reread all of Megatokyo (web comic/manga) except for some of Dom's days and some of the random stories that include the main characters. I also looked at buying some stuff from the megatokyo store (called megagear, i think) but decided not to (that "practices static safety, hack naked" one is tempting).

I don't think it classifies as "geeky" but I purchased the first four seasons of stargate SG-1 on dvd (got them from sams club, $31.52 each. Most places charge around $50 dollars for them!). I love that show.

Heh - I dunno - any Linux use is a bit geeky. Talking of that, I've been setting up a Mandriva box to act as a webserver/ftp. Ah well... We all gotta have our little enjoyments in life :P
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