I don't know if this is old news or what, I don't remember seeing it in any of the threads talking about the 360... last I saw was just the rumor being repeated that the 360 would 'emulate' the Xbox 1 and would play 'some' of the Xbox 1's games.
I didn't even think to ask about this at E3 last week, though I DID ask if there were going to be multiple versions of the 360 (to which the answer was no, only one version).
Anyways, I was talking to some of my friends who also attended E3... apparently guys who were smart enough to ask more questions than I
Anyways they said it was confirmed by the MS reps and also in a press kit they recieved (one of my friends runs a mock internet game news site to get in every year) stated that the 360 will have absolutely NO backwards compatibility with the Xbox 1 whatsoever!! :blink:
I think this is a HUGE mistake on M$'s part and another shot in the foot to the 360. Considering that apparently Xbox 1 sales have picked up over the last year or so, a sort of 'second wind', there are going to be some angry consumers out there. It REALLY baffles me considering that even *Nintendo* is going with backwards compatibility this time around... I mean you gotta keep up with the competition... and even MORE confusing is the fact that now we KNOW it will have a hard drive, which many people thought the possible lack of would be the main obstacle to including compatibility. I just can't understand why M$ wouldn't do this. Slowly I find myself becoming less and less excited about the 360 as little tidbits leak out....
Well, there's at least some hope tht it will be cracked like every system before it, and we'll get even better emulators and such to stick on that fat 20gb's.... though considering that PSX and N64 emulation are almost perfect with Xbox 1, and I wouldn't expect PS2, GC or Xbox 1 emu's on it... that leaves maybe only DC as a possibility for something we don't already have?
I didn't even think to ask about this at E3 last week, though I DID ask if there were going to be multiple versions of the 360 (to which the answer was no, only one version).
Anyways, I was talking to some of my friends who also attended E3... apparently guys who were smart enough to ask more questions than I
I think this is a HUGE mistake on M$'s part and another shot in the foot to the 360. Considering that apparently Xbox 1 sales have picked up over the last year or so, a sort of 'second wind', there are going to be some angry consumers out there. It REALLY baffles me considering that even *Nintendo* is going with backwards compatibility this time around... I mean you gotta keep up with the competition... and even MORE confusing is the fact that now we KNOW it will have a hard drive, which many people thought the possible lack of would be the main obstacle to including compatibility. I just can't understand why M$ wouldn't do this. Slowly I find myself becoming less and less excited about the 360 as little tidbits leak out....
Well, there's at least some hope tht it will be cracked like every system before it, and we'll get even better emulators and such to stick on that fat 20gb's.... though considering that PSX and N64 emulation are almost perfect with Xbox 1, and I wouldn't expect PS2, GC or Xbox 1 emu's on it... that leaves maybe only DC as a possibility for something we don't already have?