As for the Wii U? Am I the only one feeling uninspired or underwhelmed?
Not at all, I'm in the same boat as U.

Sorry, I had to throw that in there!
Very lacluster showing from Nintendo. A handful of remakes for the 3DS, and next to ZERO information on the WiiU. I'm sure it will be great once it comes out, but it is Waaaaayyyyyy early in developement, and they just had nothing to show or talk about. No real games to show, specs, price, or a release date.
This is typical Nintendo, and I have seen it first hand all my life. I imagine next years E3 will have all the meat and patatoes. I'm gonna personally say SONY won the conferance battle for me. As they had a tangible item, with a price, and cool software, and a window of a release date.
I feel if you have nothing to show, don't show anything, it is a waste of time. Considering how everything Nintendo showed last year, still hasn't come out yet(starfox, zelda, kid icarus, ect.), what do you think will happen next year? They will show a small amount of ports, and 3rd party games next E3, and I don't expect a release until 2013 feb or march for UK and US. Japan may get it holidays next year. A mario, zelda, metroid game won't see the light of day until at least 2013-2014 at the earliest.
I was excited to see Lugi's Mansion 2, as the first game was stellar, and a true sleeper hit.