Smashgp Characters

Ganepark32 posted on Apr 10 2005 at 03:02 PM said:
Im thinking about making Turner from Comix Zone for smashGP. IF i have time ill get it done but ive still got to finish Viewtiful Joe, Pulseman and Knuckles but hopefully i can find some good sprites to do Turner.
edit: wats the best sprite making program that i can get that is free? its just i found some sprite but its only a single one so i need to make more for it.
I thought about doing sketch turner from comix zone once i bought the game for $2 at a pawn shop... Man comixzone is cool, Unfortunately i cannot seem to find sprites on the net.. :(
Btw I just use Ms paint to mess around with stuff...

I tried to do falco and mr game and watch, but it didnt turn out good... so into the trash it went... :(

I'm working on:
Mai (From king of fighters)
Nakoruru (From samurai showdown)
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Please help someone! I'm opening the editor and placing my sprites in from individual bitmaps I have saved in the same folder. (I open the mario template to help with power stats) When I'm finished (I apply after each entry) I save the whole character but when I re-open it, its blank with no sprites or stats saved!! What am I doing wrong? please someone help because Ive done this one character 4 times now and would love to get it finished!

Well from the times that ive made character files and saved then opened the cahracter editor the sprites never loaded. Not to sure about y ur states arent saved and wont appear. when u put in the stats do u click the apply button on the character editor? that might explain y u dont have any stats.
Yeah you have to make sure you hit apply after you make changes to something or else it wont save it...
Trooper located some sketch turner sprites for me so hopefully I'll be able to work on making him this weekend :D
EDIT:Sketch sprite are too big and cant be scaled down well... wont be able to make sketch character... :(
Because of lacking a gp32, i have not been able to make any progress with my charas, but, if desired, I can offer to host any completed characters. That way it can be like a sort of library, and easy to access to.

Good idea?/Bad idea?
Can someone put some screenshots up? I dont have a GP32 (even if I did, I wouldnt know how to transfer the files) I really want to see this. Sounds awesome.
hey i dont know if you guys know about my site,, it has every single (i think) character made for the smashgp/sp(and any news). theres some characters from here, some from pspudates and some of my own,,
heres the site
Sousanator's Archive
it has all the characters that pspbrew has plus ALOT more,,
check it out
hey i dont know if you guys know about my site,, it has every single (i think) character made for the smashgp/sp(and any news). theres some characters from here, some from pspudates and some of my own,,
heres the site
Sousanator's Archive
it has all the characters that pspbrew has plus ALOT more,,
check it out
Woah, awesome website. There are lots of cool characters on there. :) I do have one suggestion, though. You should add compatibility info on the characters, because there is the PSP version and the GP32 version of SmashGP, and maybe eventually a GP2X version. For instance, would the Jackal at version 0.5 work on my GP32 instead of a PSP? I think that you should make a version of a Brute or Hunter from Halo 2. B) Keep up the good work!
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sorry, ive never got an email saying some replied from my last post, until yoyoyoyo replied,,
umm, i dont think it makes a difference whether they are for gp32 or psp,, cause the gp32 characters work on my psp fine,, and i dont have a gp32, so i cant test my characters on it,
the maximum characters for the psp version is 56, any more and itll freeze, im not sure for the gp32 though,,
and now i have made a lot more characters, just me alone 10 more characters, and im halfway on three(yoshi, wario, and chopper(one peice)) so ya, visit my site, Sousanators archive(3 posts before this one)
Hey, just wanted to spread the word as far as my own characters and arenas go. Click the link on my sig, find it on Sous' website, or go here to find all sorts of goodies.

Characters include a chibi Inuyasha, Fefnir from Megaman Legends, Blue from Gunstar Superheroes and Super Gogeta from Dragonball. There's a total of 8 arenas there too.

I'd like to submit these to the file archives, is this where I do that? If not, let me know what to do. Thank you in advance.


Edit: This may be off topic, but as far as the .mod music files go for the arenas, I'm in a snag. The music stops after it plays itself out once. How can I change that so they'll repeat themselves over and over? Once again, thanks in advance.