Should I have received my final order eMail already?

Analyzing the problem and testing everything out instead of crying about a damaged device is what makes the product better for all of us!
Well, I think this was the exact idea behind this project) We get gadget with open hardware design, user repairable made by a small team of enthusiasts, who are open to the community in sorting issues together and making the product better. I do not get the point of people who expected to receive a MacBook - it is a completely different story, got to Apple for this and do not mess up our sandbox.
Can we get a 'Pyras built' counter?
Sure. Base on the numbers from people reporting in this forum, we average approx. 17 units per month. Based on these numbers, we are at 220 on christmas. On the following diagram, you can see, that everything is as usual. The most funny thing for me, pyra should make everything different than pandora, but at the end, everything is exactly the same. (with one exception: craig is not involved). BTW: last "official" newspost from January 9th?

Sure. Base on the numbers from people reporting in this forum, we average approx. 17 units per month. Based on these numbers, we are at 220 on christmas. On the following diagram, you can see, that everything is as usual. The most funny thing for me, pyra should make everything different than pandora, but at the end, everything is exactly the same. (with one exception: craig is not involved). BTW: last "official" newspost from January 9th?

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Well, on the one hand you are completely right. On the other hand there are quite some unexpected issues, objectively slowing everything down. Major of these are: corona stuff and bad cases. Every Pyra owner who opened his unit will confirm, that there is a lot of manual dremel tinkering done on every case to make it fit and operate properly. ED just can not afford to thow these 500 cases away and produce new moulds yet. So yes, until he will be able to hire a number of people with good DIY skills helping him to tweak those cases - Pyras are going to be assembled in a relatively slow pace. When he will hire them - things will be just slow. Normal pace of production will happen only when (if) current moulds will be modified, or the new moulds will be created.
Progress has been slowed due to obvious reasons, so unless you're a pre-pre-orderer (in the first 200), then don't expect an email for at least 8 weeks, then it will be the first early pre-orderers who will be getting theirs from the first 500 units. Unfortunately, it's a tough waiting game for most of us, but the processes are being gradually refined I believe.
How do I know what was my order number from 1 to 500
How do I know what was my order number from 1 to 500
If you were in the first 200, then you should have a signed, numbered PCB. Beyond that, it's just down to when (how soon after pre-orders started) you orderered (you'll be in a group, I think). I was quite a bit after the first 500, so I'm not sure myself.
To me, it seems like the crack is in a place where it almost can't get bigger, as the hinge is putting inward pressure on it.
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Hi there! So today I've received my pre-preorder Pyra s.n. 104. I bet this is the first and only delivered to Mother Russia! Now I will be able to hack all the American elections much better! (Joke. Maybe.)

Comrades, dear ED! I need to admit that numerous times, especially in recent years, I was getting a bit tired of all the struggle the project faced. Occasionally I even thought about cancelling the order. That said, today holding that FEDEX box in my hand I've experienced so much excitement that I didn't feel in years (well, maybe except the day I received the delivery of my son). For those who still haven't watched Pyra unboxing - do not do it! ED did such a great job with Pyra package that you really want to experience it first hand!

The only issue I experience right now - is that something is missing. And it is the WAIT. ED, you need to start another project, immediately. No matter what it actually would be, you personally do not even have to know it yet. Just let us pre-order something else ASAP!

Best regards,

Congrats comrade. Glad to hear that Pyras can reach us in here without problems (all things considered).
Hello, comrade! Moreover, using vouchers to pay for Pyra shows up in the invoice as "discount", which reduces the customs duties. Note this.
You mean that if, like me, you've pre-paid practically the entire cost of the device in vouchers, they count against the customs value of the device, reducing it to practically nothing?

That would explain why a few people reported not getting tax bills for importing their Pyras. Still, I'm not convinced it's right, fair or legal. After all, if selling your customers shop credit - which they then use to buy goods - were a valid tax loophole, wouldn't every retailer be doing it?

Compare the scheme by which many museums in the UK have converted their entry fees to "charitable subscriptions", thus making them eligible for Gift Aid!

How does this interact with the UK-EU VAT weirdness?
You mean that if, like me, you've pre-paid practically the entire cost of the device in vouchers, they count against the customs value of the device, reducing it to practically nothing?

That would explain why a few people reported not getting tax bills for importing their Pyras. Still, I'm not convinced it's right, fair or legal. After all, if selling your customers shop credit - which they then use to buy goods - were a valid tax loophole, wouldn't every retailer be doing it?

Compare the scheme by which many museums in the UK have converted their entry fees to "charitable subscriptions", thus making them eligible for Gift Aid!

How does this interact with the UK-EU VAT weirdness?
Well, we are talking trans border TAXes, which are weird by nature. Secondly, I am sharing my experience with Russian customs.
Definitely if the price was reduced to 0 by vouchers and discounts this would have triggered the customs officers, but a 50% discount is nothing extraordinarily. Once you combine this with 200 euro tax-free base line - customs duties become not that painful to pay (you pay import taxes only for the amount which exceeds this base line, so for normal Pyra at 700 euro you will have to pay 13% import tax from 500 euro, being 65 euro).
Also about right, fair or legal - I submit to customs what I receive from the seller. For me this is completely right, fair and legal.
This wouldn’t make sense for me :
Vouchers are like money, therefore there is no vat on them at least in Germany..
Instead of paying whit cash, you pay whit the voucher..

It should be a different reason way some don’t had to pay a tax
It should be a different reason way some don’t had to pay a tax
The reason is how vouchers are indicated in DragonBox shop invoices - they are indicated as discounts. Customs value is the total in this invoice. In my case it is 270 euro.


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you pay import taxes only for the amount which exceeds this base line
That sounds sensible. In Germany there's some threshold beneath which they consider the imported value negligable (it's somewhere between 20 and 25 EUR, which includes shipping). If it's above, you pay import tax on the full amount. There's a second threshold at 150 EUR, above which you have to pay a customs fee with the percentage being dependant on the product category. This is also calculated from the full amount. This is stupid. It gives you quite a jump, when you surpass such threshold. It's the same with income taxes (or was it social thingies?). You can receive less money after getting a raise.