Quick update inbetween


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Some might've wondered why not all units I planned to ship until yesterday have shipped yet - and some followed IRC or our Discord channel and could imagine what the reason was.

During assembly, I noticed that about 10% of the units didn't want to boot up after they had been powered down.
I couldn't possibly ship these units, so I put them aside, assembled a bit more but then went on together with daveshah to find out what the issue is and how to fix it.

This took a bit of time (with testing, etc.) but it seems like there are still some wrong timings setup in the memory configuration.
We found a quick workaround (so that I can finish and ship these units) while daveshah wanted to take a closer look at that this weekend.

Additionally, thanks to feedback from users who received their unit already, I'm constantly improving the build process so that the next units should have less flaws than the previous ones.
I also had to investigate what issues we have and how to fix them (all of them are tolerance issues, so the plastic is a tiny bit too thick on some areas and needs to be sanded down).

Of course, such manual labour is too much work, so I had to record videos for the team at UniquePlast so they change this in the mould and the next batch of units won't have these issues anymore, so assembling them will be a lot faster and easier.

Therefore, due to lack of time, only a few units have shipped out, but the remaining ones will follow soon. :)

It seems that today I finally found the rooms I want to rent where the assembly of all our stuff (Retrode2, MegaDrive and SNES games, ColUSB, Pyras, etc.) will take place and we can move around February.
This will make things a lot easier and faster as well - as right now, we need to spend a lot of time playing real-life Sokoban with the boxes of parts :)

That's it for now, back to work :D
Thanks for the update. Good to know these last little niggles are being sorted out, and that improvements are made with each round of shipped units - even if it is now harder to wait, your hard work is always appreciated.

Also thanks to the guys who already have their units who are also helping with the improvements and/or helping the rest of us with little snippets of feedback, pictures and videos... can't wait to see more :D
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Also, @EvilDragon, please ensure that @matzesu gets his unit soon :p he's been promising a video or two, and I suspect is very close in the queue now...
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Appreciate all the hard work Ed, how many have shipped?

Alltogether around 30 so far.
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Not enough Units for Pyra 28 (unfortunately) ^^
But it’s fine on my part..
Oh, it doesn't have to do with the number. When I'm assembling units, I am combining the same types.

So from order numbers 23 - 50 (which is what I'm currently assembling), I first count what I need and then assemble the units accordingly.
So, for example, first the 4G US Dark Chrome ones, then the Standard Dark Chrome ones, etc.

So it can be higher numbers are shipped out already while yours hasn't yet. That's not a big deal, as these full small batches will be assembled in a couple of days anyways, so it's nothing where someone would complain ;)
Well I don’t think that I will have that much time next week anyway, so i would suspect to get my Unit maybe Thursday, because on weekend the Issue will get solved, Monday may get flashed, test and shipped, so a day after Monday I could make at least the unboxing..
and Wednesday a small review..
so it’s doesn’t matter 1 or 2 days more..
this weekend where cool, but this wasn’t possible due to the issue..
Edit: oh and Matzes Pyra 28 is a Dark Chrome EU 4G, because my Pandora was a CC Unit, I wanted it to be maxed out

Send from something, i guess ^^
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I received mine yesterday (many thanks!) and it hasn't had any problem booting. Only issue was wifi wasn't working until after rebooting (so I assume it was a first boot thing) and it's worked fine since. Really liking it so far, I've been quickly getting accustomed to the keyboard and controls and am not having much problem, I'm pleased to report.
This is cool, congratulations ^^
My Last post wasn’t addressed on Evildragon, because it was in Work while he posted..
i don’t want to get faster delivery only because I plan to make some Videos shoot whit the not that professional camera of the IPhone XR whit my quite bad English scills..
but it’s nice to hear that the next units will have the issues solved the first users meantioned .. ,
So the current Pyra will close smooth? This might be good for a Pocket Carry Computer..
at least it’s dosnt mean whe have to make a new batch of boards

Send from something, i guess ^^
This is cool, congratulations ^^
My Last post wasn’t addressed on Evildragon, because it was in Work while he posted..
i don’t want to get faster delivery only because I plan to make some Videos shoot whit the not that professional camera of the IPhone XR whit my quite bad English scills..
but it’s nice to hear that the next units will have the issues solved the first users meantioned .. ,
So the current Pyra will close smooth? This might be good for a Pocket Carry Computer..
at least it’s dosnt mean whe have to make a new batch of boards

Send from something, i guess ^^
ref: my quite bad English
Actually your English is pretty good, it is really easy to understand. English spelling is pretty irregular so I don't count the odd bit of creative spelling as being bad English.
This will make things a lot easier and faster as well - as right now, we need to spend a lot of time playing real-life Sokoban with the boxes of parts
I like Sokoban :happy:\o/ ... but I know what you mean, I have this every now and then when I handle a larger project.
@matzesu Your English would look even better if you used "we" instead of "whe".

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting my Pyra. At least it'll probably be (almost) flawless because it's all the way up there in the range of 887–898.
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Videos please mr Trashy.
Videos please mr Trashy.
Well I guess I'll quickly drop a video to keep the Zombies off me.

I know this doesn't show the power of the Pyra, but quick build of Yamagi Quake 2, prob off some old sources as it was on my devboard SD card. Fullscreen crashes for some reason, but runs accelerated via GL4ES.
