Exam Results This Week...

Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 11:34 PM said:
Dude, relax. 50% of the job is networking and contacts. If you get on well with the interviewer you get the job. If you know, or your friend knows, or whatever, some guy at a business you can get a job there. I was offered a £40k job that way which I declined to go to Uni, but will probably take if I don't get into Bath.

The major problem with this approach to getting a job is that you need to have reasonable self-confidence. I'm somewhat lacking in being nice and friendly to most people, especially people I am meeting for the first time. Still, those skills are buildable. A job in retail helped a lot.

I know you can assume the worst and never be disappointed but you will feel like shit until you get the results. Then if they're bad you'll wallow in self-pity: you were right all along, you correctly predicted how much you 'suck'. Remember academics aren't everything.

That said, the mere act of getting into University is impressive, no matter what one it is. So please don't keep casting the unis as bottom of the barrel; crap. A degree is still going to make a favourable impression on the interviewer. You'll still have a fun University experience. Seriously, unless you're going to Cambridge or Oxford nobody gives a foobar what uni you went to. Even that advantage is fading. As for course, you probably won't get a job in that field anyways.

A degree is more a mark of your ability to learn and apply knowledge and survive living on your own and all that jazz. Most people I know aren't doing a job in their degree subject, just ask Axeman ;)
damn, just re read my last post, bit OTT!

its all good, southampton has places on pol and phil, will be my first port of call if the results suit it.

well good luck to everyone tomorrow, think of it as the storm before the riot of celebrating/pissing sorrows away!
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Well done Spray, you probably underestimated yourself. Hell, I did that too... finally got my results. I'm trying to work out a way to say it without everyone hating me.
4 As

I'm somewhat more relaxed now, anyway.
Rico posted on Aug 19 2004 at 09:52 AM said:
Well done Spray, you probably underestimated yourself. Hell, I did that too... finally got my results. I'm trying to work out a way to say it without everyone hating me.
4 As

I'm somewhat more relaxed now, anyway.
Yeah, but those A levels are getting easier. They were solid in my day :P

Seriously though, congrats.
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spray posted on Aug 19 2004 at 11:27 AM said:
i'm going to southampton!

sorted, now to spend three years as a proper bum studying politics and philosophy!
I'd love to do those courses. Something interesting, that most people find deadly boring :) Like gaming, I guess.
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Apparently philosophy is dead shit at degree level if you actually enjoy it on a personal level.

p.s. I got As in everything.
p.p.s i havent actually got my results yet
With the focus being on 'spread' in my case ;)

You know when someone said about examiners actually marking people up? Gotta be true. On one law exam, I wrote just one line "If you are homeless you cannot sit on the jury." and got 4 marks for it lol.

I'll be resisting my two English papers to try and get a B (it was such a bitch of a paper) and two of my politics ones to try and get a C.
sebastian_insua posted on Aug 17 2004 at 07:33 PM said:
Hoping for:
Maths: A
Physics: B
Chemistry: B
Economics: C

Maths: B
Physics: C
Chemistry: B/C
Economics: D/E

AS Levels (Broken Down in to Modules)

Maths: B/B/D (both of those B's were 1 mark off A's so I am very pissed and the Mechanics paper was much more difficult than normal)

Physics: A/A/E (What can I say that E makes me on average about a C daMn!!!)

Chemistry: B/B/D (I knew I was gonna ge a low mark in one of the modules)

Economics: C/C/D

I'm very pleased as I have lots of time now to retake the 3 D's and the E and then my results will all be A's and B's apart from economics which I shallnever speak about again.

[quote name='Some Guy' date='=Can't remember the time=']p.s. I got As in everything.
p.p.s i havent actually got my results yet[/quote]


[quote name='Rico' date='=Can't remember the time='] Well done Spray, you probably underestimated yourself. Hell, I did that too... finally got my results. I'm trying to work out a way to say it without everyone hating me.
4 As

I'm somewhat more relaxed now, anyway. [/quote]

Good for you Rico where were you going to study Computer Science again?
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LHC posted on Aug 17 2004 at 06:11 PM said:
Politics: C
Paper 1: B
Paper 2: C
Paper 3: C

History: C
Nazi Germany: C
Votes for Women: C
Black Civil Rights: C

Chemistry: D
Paper 1: C
Paper 2: E
Coursework: B
Open book: E

Maths: D
Stats: B
Pure: B
Mechanics: U
I'll break it down.

Politics: A
Paper 1: 100/100 A
Paper 2: 93/100 A
Paper 3: 70/100 B

History: B
Votes for Women: 106/120 A
Nazi Germany: 70/90 B
Black Civil Rights: 59/90 C

Chemistry: E
Paper 1: D
Paper 2: U
Open Book: E

Maths: B
Stats: 88/100 A
Pure: 82/100 A
Mechanics: 52/100 D

Overall I'm pretty pleased, but annoyed about the Chemistry.
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