Cheetahs heading towards extinction as population crashes

If the cheetahs become extinct... perhaps mankind will stop taking shortcuts and making token efforts when it comes to environmental protection.

*ba dum tssss*...
What a marvelous business oportunity! We can organize Cheetah hunting safari's at triple the price! (donate a large amount to WFF and they will organize one for you.... sadly not kidding here... in the past, they have organized multiple huntings for big donators...)

We are in a time of mass extintion. Mostly human driven.
Let's throw in numbers, real numbers:

Just to illustrate the degree of biodiversity loss we're facing, let’s take you through one scientific analysis...
  • The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.*
  • These experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year.
  • If the low estimate of the number of species out there is true - i.e. that there are around 2 million different species on our planet** - then that means between 200 and 2,000 extinctions occur every year.
  • But if the upper estimate of species numbers is true - that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our planet - then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year.

Do not remember where, but there was a talk about having too many roads cutting the land in too little slices of habitat... unsustainable for migrating wildlife. But more roads were needed to sustain wealth...


And as humans venture into wildlife territory: Houses build on snake migration routes... nightmare stuff... they even documented an incident with an airport.

Illogical English: Eye laugh few.
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Nah, just keep them isolated on an out of phase planet far away from where it's all happening in the rest of the galaxy.... keep them occupied in a hyper realistic holographic virtual reality, shorten their lifespan, shut down their perceptual abilities beyond the most basic sensory recognition patterns, sabotage their ability to retain information between lifetimes. .. and create a class system.

Make zillions on the Galactic interactive comedy channel.
You seem to have forgotten all the resources that would be required to sustain them in that situation.

Destroy all humans.
They pay for their own prison... due to the class system... everyone of them is a slave... even those at the supposed top.
And the virtual holographic reality is maintained by their own projected psychic energy.
They are all too happy to give up their spiritual energy to 'higher beings', 'gods'.. due to their total indoctrination in the class system.
Slaves in every way you can imagine.
It's a cash cow I tell you.
Hmmm I started to read the wwf link and came quite quickly to wikipedia. Now I am sad, because there are so many extinct animals. We humans destroy so much every day... it really makes me sad
it really makes me sad
Don't! If you can do nothing about it, don't be sad. Else you will cry for life:
You know, those insight/perception changes, for example: when you look upwards to the sky, and imagine that is down, and you are glued to the earth... and not falling.

* The buffallo went extinct. Imagine a prairie, as far as your 20/20 vision eyes can see... full, and I mean FULL of buffalo... gone.
* The seas are EMPTY compared to 100 years ago. Not only fish... my coasts have been swept by Japanese, all life forms are gone. From seaweeds (cosmetical creme) to fishes.... empty.
* There are no big trees left. All big trees are from black and white pictures where they have felled them (cut down). All trees that remain are saplings.
* There is no Helium left. And so are other materials.
* Remember Midway, the documentary where they open up the guts of birds and show what they have in their stomach
* Ebola is airborne. and it (or a similar bug) will get us all. Not an "if", it's a "when".
* If you are Christian... it get's worse. Tidal locked earth, 1/3 scorched by the sun, tsunami's 1km high... no distribution of food, collapse of government...
* 1 out of 3 is getting cancer. This is because of the GMO food (unlabelled, invisible, crosspolination).

If you can help: do a little. For example: separate plastics, so there is less plastic soup in the oceans. Do by example, so others may become brave enough to do too.

Also: open your mind. Think a few days about placebo, the global consciousness network (princeton), and double blind experiments: It means YOU can do something about it. YOU can not only interact with, but modify the fabric of reality itself... by thought. Let that sink in.
Destroy all humans.
I found a Dalek! But on a serious note: that is the same topic Enki and Enlil were discussing.
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RIP: Chester the Cheetah
Just to illustrate the degree of biodiversity loss we're facing, let’s take you through one scientific analysis...
  • The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.*
Well, humans are Haplorhini so animals and part of nature, so what makes people time and again assume that everything that is related to humans is "unnatural"?
Maybe some species rising to the top and consuming everything until the own foundation of its existence is gone too is the natural way.
Just a thought.
I agree, however those that can prevent large scale destruction would also benefit from preventing it. There will be catastrophic events that destroy most/all life on our little speck, and it really doesn't matter anywhere but here. Do we really want to be responsible for killing everything off, or would we prefer to coexist with our siblings with all of us sticking around for a little longer? Many humans don't care.

Destroy all humans.
well, if we destroy our own habitat (and thus off ourselves), that makes us just like the parasites/viruses that the matrix's antagonist likened us to.
Solved until everyone decides cloning is acceptable given they can't reproduce the old fashioned way. At least that reduces the population growth, however those in less developed countries, or the poor, are likely to be the only ones that this prevents from continuing down the current path. After a generation or two everything would be different, and I am curious what thins will be like then. It still won't eliminate the negative impact human actions have on other species, however it would take a long time for things to get back to not be controlled by our hand even if we all disappeared right now.

I know a way to help everything else recover quicker...
Hmm castration for all the males... that sounds familiar... oh wait that´s what some americans wanted for germany after ww2 :D

I know that it is not in my power to change a lot of things, but still I am sad about that.
Eco-terrorism! I mean activism, I think they prefer to call it activism. Everyone can get involved! :p
As a young naive human, I use to be all for wiping out humanity in my ignorance, but then as my true self began awakening, I realised that its happened many times before... Your reptilian slave masters would just reseed the planet with an updated hybrid slave species a.k.a humans once the ecosystem had stabilised and they could continue milking this planet for valuable bio resources.

The cycle would just repeat itself.

I thought maybe the information age would allow humans to network and figure out their hopeless situation and actually do something... But it seems I was mistaken. They are too addicted.

If humans can't overthrow their slave masters, I'm afraid they will be facing slavery and war for a virtual eternity.

Some of us have bought them some time, but if they don't get it... Some of the other vocal species in the galaxy could force the decision to destroy the planet entirely.

It' only our sympathy for humans and their potential as an enlightened species that has pushed back that eventuality so far.

This is a war between the traders/slavers and those species who value all life and are working to abolish all forms of slavery throughout the galaxy.
It has been going on for millions of years.

Humans have a great destiny as a liberated species... But they have to save themselves... We can't do it for them. That is why I've had to put my foot down on certain 'misconceptions'... All I can really do is advise... And I had to incarnate as one of you in order to do even that.
Unfortunately, my message fell on deaf ears... Those who had already been completely seduced by the promise of power.

It is quite sad really.
As much as I dislike human nature as it currently is realised ... It would be sad to have to lose them entirely.