@ptitSeb ,
here is the link to the web page to download the complete package with all versions of Heboris!
Look at the end of the page: EXTERNAL LINKS
The fourth link is pointing to a 7zip file on dropbox.
Download this file (30 M) and use 7zip to extract all the versions of Heboris.
1) this is the collection
2) You must open the folder UE C++ and you'll find this
3) in the EXE folder you'll find this
In the folder "
bgm" there is the file Bgm.mid (a very simple soundtrack for the original game)
In the folder "
se" and "
voice" all the sound-effects that you must put into the "
se" folder of Pandora version.
The music and sound effects, including speech,
are all present in the original game. I do not know whether they are available for distribution, but they are certainly on the page linked above. Try to play the original version and you will see that it is the same music and sound effects. Even speech is the same.
What do you think about it? Do you think you can put them in the package for Pandora?
And now the new Medusa-Touch backgrounds
From BACK01 to BACK_VS in the Pandora folder for backgrounds
loading.png and title.png in the Pandora folder "graphic"
logo_hi.png in the Pandora folder "title"
(you can rename the old file with the suffix "-original")
Bgm.mid in the Pandora folder "bgm"
the files in the folder "se" and "voice" in the Pandora folder "se"
So it should be all right 
Remember, when playing, to choose in the setting-menu that music is a midi!
Finally, I remind you, that there is a beautiful collection of music on this site:
--- attention: there are 2 packages. The first is for the MiniHebo version, the second is for HEBORIS U.E. --- ;-)
You can put the .mp3 files in the Pandora folder "bgm" and set the music on .mp3 in the setting-menu. Fantastic!
Please forgive my terrible English

Sorry, yeah, 800x480 (10:6). I realised I'd written it wrong after I turned off my computer last night. If these are new backgrounds, couldn't they just fill in the remaining 60x480 pixels on each side of the play area by being rendered 60 pixels to the left of where they currently are?
Unfortunately it is not possible. The program requires 640x480 format. However, keep in mind that it is the most advanced existing version of tetris-game: thanks to Kenji Hoshimoto aka Hosiken and community 2ch.
@Mrk : nice work. Looks pretty good.
Just now I managed to get a Gm ranking in G1. That's a first for me
Who good start is half the battle

and you can use thanks
@ptitSeb the best version of tetris-game ever made!!!