Fdave For Guru


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Ok so fdave's only been with us a few weeks but in that time he's pulled off a second place in the GBAX compo and has been a prolific and informative poster here too. With Gigadrive shaping up to be one of the best emulators ever I think the least we can do is give the man a Guru status.

What do you think?
GigaDrive is tons better than the beta version of Fgen that I have, will Ryleh give up on it knowing there is someone else working on Genesis emu, and that fact that its probably better?
extremegamer posted on May 12 2004 at 12:36 PM said:
GigaDrive is tons better than the beta version of Fgen that I have,  will Ryleh give up on it knowing there is someone else working on Genesis emu, and that fact that its probably better?

I appreciate your praise... but if you compare FGen and GigaDrive, FGen is faster at drawing graphics (about 2x or more), has more options, is more compatible, and has some sound as well.

So why the %$!^ would Ryleh give up? That's crazy talk....
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BTW: The actual FGen32 private beta also features the new Cyclone core :)

BUT we shouldn't forget... FGen32 wouldn't be possible as good as it is without fdaves Cyclone :)

So praise both :)
fdave posted on May 12 2004 at 12:47 PM said:
extremegamer posted on May 12 2004 at 12:36 PM said:
GigaDrive is tons better than the beta version of Fgen that I have, will Ryleh give up on it knowing there is someone else working on Genesis emu, and that fact that its probably better?

I appreciate your praise... but if you compare FGen and GigaDrive, FGen is faster at drawing graphics (about 2x or more), has more options, is more compatible, and has some sound as well.

So why the %$!^ would Ryleh give up? That's crazy talk....
Well, you did write the core :)

Nice work to both of you.
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BTW: The actual FGen32 private beta also features the new Cyclone core

I think it has the core of the 0.018 Cyclone release because sonic3 or Mickey
world of illusion don't work with the last Fgen retrodev release.

But i think it's just a matter of time. :D

Then thanks to Fdave and Rlyeh for their works.Please still go on, i don't matter
which one is the best , i just know they are both great.


Herc. :ph34r:
Do you understand what the term GURU means?

No it doesnt mean someone you like, or someone you think is cool, or someone who is making an emulator that you love.

Its someone who is a very knowledgeable and constant source of help and information. Just because someone makes a great emulator doesnt make them a guru. All he did was port his own emulator to the GP32 platform, you dont even have to be very knowledgeable about the GP32 to do that. Just need to know a bit about programing.

No insult intended, I appreciate the effort fdave is putting into his port to give us a better genesis emulator, but it doesnt make him a guru.
In all reality. I think both fDave and Rlyeh are great because I know absolutely nothing about creating or porting an emu.. So thanks to you both for your hard work! It doesn't go unappreciated.
Akuma no Houkon posted on May 12 2004 at 02:54 PM said:
Do you understand what the term GURU means?

No it doesnt mean someone you like, or someone you think is cool, or someone who is making an emulator that you love.

Its someone who is a very knowledgeable and constant source of help and information. Just because someone makes a great emulator doesnt make them a guru. All he did was port his own emulator to the GP32 platform, you dont even have to be very knowledgeable about the GP32 to do that. Just need to know a bit about programing.

No insult intended, I appreciate the effort fdave is putting into his port to give us a better genesis emulator, but it doesnt make him a guru.
Although, if fDave knows enough about the ARM processor to write an 68000 core in arm ASM he must be very knowledgeable and therefore deserves the title of guru. I have found him to be informative on the dev forums, and his website explains exactly how to compile the emu + core to get it working on the GP32.
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Do you understand what the term GURU means?

Do you?

Look it up on dictionary.com

One of the definitions is. "A recognized leader in a field."

As fdave is a recognised leader in the field of GP32 emulation (especially where the Genesis is concerned) I believe I'm right to think of him as a guru but each to their own...

You should cut down on the chips Akuma. You'll end up with a shoulder injury. :rolleyes:
BaDToaD posted on May 12 2004 at 08:33 AM said:
Do you understand what the term GURU means?

Do you?

Look it up on dictionary.com

One of the definitions is. "A recognized leader in a field."

As fdave is a recognised leader in the field of GP32 emulation (especially where the Genesis is concerned) I believe I'm right to think of him as a guru but each to their own...

You should cut down on the chips Akuma. You'll end up with a shoulder injury. :rolleyes:
A recognized leader? regcognized by who? he simply ported an emulator that he had already written for another platform, how in the world does that make him a leader? I mean, give credit where credit is due but dont blow it out of proportion.

And there are many definitions of the word guru, this one here is the one that most fits with the guru title.

An expert, especially in <GP32>. Implies not
only wizard skill but also a history of being a knowledge
resource for others

I dont have a chip on my shoulder, I am just tired of people saying that someone who ports and existing emulator, is somehow a guru now. It doesnt take a whole lot to port an emulator that you have intimate knowledge of, to another platform, you dont even have to be skilled in the platform you are porting it to

Hell in some cases, if written with cross platform libraries, you can write an app on one platform, and just recompile it on another with no changes! Does that make you a guru of that other platform?
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Akuma mate, i think which ever angle you attack this from, your gonna be shot down, and by a great many people.

The genesis/megadrive is one of many peoples all time favourite consoles and along with the snes defines the mainstream gaming wishes of an age, to see a constantly updated emulator being released by who is perceived as a complete new comer to the field is going to gain alot of adoration and praise.

This guy clearly does know his stuff and now in an effort to thank him and show the huge amount of gratitude felt for him, people are suggesting he should get to have an extra little picture below his avatar!

Without wanting to slam you, i've read the entire thread and you do come over rather tetchy and to be honest rather het up.

All i'm saying is, let the guy have his glory and let the people have their glee!