Guru Granularity


Active Member
Aug 4, 2005
I think it would be best if there was more granularity to the guru status as to increase the meaning of the badge. I think the following groups would need to be created:

GP32 Guru =Bronze=
GP32 Guru =Silver=
GP32 Guru =Gold=

GP2X Guru =Bronze=
GP2X Guru =Silver=
GP2X Guru =Gold=

Guru =Bronze=
Guru =Silver=
Guru =Gold=

GP32 & GP2X Guru status would be granted to those who have made their contribution to the community specifically for one platform. The ‘plain” Guru status would be granted to those who have made their contributions across multiple platforms.

Bronze would indicate that the individual is an important part of the community who has proven to be both knowledgeable and helpful, and has gone far out of their way to make contributions to the community at large. Examples of this would be extremely prolific, knowledgeable and helpful posters, or occasional coders who have made significant albeit not earth shattering contributions. (example candidate: davec)

Silver would indicate that the individual has made multiple large that benefit all members of the community in a significant way. If at least a third of the community uses a coders program, or a hardware hacker’s modification, they have certainly earned silver status. (example candidate: nickspoon)

Gold would indicate that the individual is absolutely critical to the community. These are the people who the GP2X or GP32 wouldn’t be worth buying if it wasn’t for them. (example candidate: Reesy)
That would be ok except get rid of the GP32/GP2X designation. Many of us have both, and some that have a GP32 today may get a GP2X tomorrow.
What is this Olympic bullshit? No, the Guru is a bonus for developers that commands newbies to take their words more seriously, as they know what they're talking about. It was never anything particularly serious, but your proposal would create a situation where the Guru badge is a barometer for how helpful or important a user is, and people without one are not worth listening to. Furthermore, it would create even more elitism and about a hundred times as many 'why hasn't this guy got Guru status?' messages, except this time I'd also get 'why hasn't this guy got a silver instead of bronze?' messages thrown in. No thanks.
bah.. o well - just an idea. It would be cool if we had a Karama system ala Slashdot... (runs and tries to find a flame proof suite)
DijiTao posted on Feb 24 2006 at 12:46 PM said:
bah.. o well - just an idea. It would be cool if we had a Karama system ala Slashdot... (runs and tries to find a flame proof suite)

The only karma that counts is in real life.

Just look at GameFaqs and how they treat it .... :P
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DijiTao posted on Feb 24 2006 at 05:46 PM said:
runs and tries to find a flame proof suite
Don't worry, I'm not about to set fire to your living room.
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Does anyone actually take their guru status seriously though? Out of all the Gurus I know, no one has gone "Oh, I am Guru therefore you must bow down before me!!" or anything similar.
yaustar posted on Feb 24 2006 at 07:25 PM said:
Does anyone actually take their guru status seriously though? Out of all the Gurus I know, no one has gone "Oh, I am Guru therefore you must bow down before me!!" or anything similar.

It's not the gurus that take it too seriously.
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Cyclops posted on Feb 24 2006 at 08:29 PM said:
Did I tell anyone about MY swimming badges

With all the hot air you seem to contain, you certainly should be buoyant ;)
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fishybawb posted on Feb 24 2006 at 09:35 PM said:
With all the hot air you seem to contain, you certainly should be buoyant ;)

Oi Cheeky, really hated learning to swim
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