You're Free From The Nazi Mod Until August 12th!


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
That's right people, I'm leaving for the Bahamas tommorrow until the 12th. So no more Nazi modding until then, unless Rico wants to take up the slack :D Don't know if I'll have internet access there. While we (me and my family) will be staying at a super-fancy resort, it IS the Bahamas, and I'm not sure how well it's wired for the Internet.

Of course I'll be taking my GP32. Heck, I take my GP32 everywhere already. Never know when things will become boring! ;) Oh, and my little brother loves my GP32 (more then his GBA!) and wishes to play it on any given occasion.

Those that will rejoice at my temporary leave - well I'm going to the Bahamas and you're not, so neener neener neener! :P
I was close to the bahamas last year. St thomas in the Virgin Islands on my honeymoon. Beautiful area it is. :blink: *oh my god I sound like Yoda*
Understand what I am talking about you do? mmmm area of Virgin Islands, very beautiful it is. :unsure:

Have fun you will
Bye now ... but for chrissakes stop calling yourself 'The Nazi Mod'. In terms of evil, your recent moderations make me look like Pol Pot :)
generalnmx posted on Aug 7 2004 at 12:14 PM said:
That's right people, I'm leaving for the Bahamas tommorrow until the 12th. So no more Nazi modding until then, unless Rico wants to take up the slack :D Don't know if I'll have internet access there. While we (me and my family) will be staying at a super-fancy resort, it IS the Bahamas, and I'm not sure how well it's wired for the Internet.

Of course I'll be taking my GP32. Heck, I take my GP32 everywhere already. Never know when things will become boring! ;) Oh, and my little brother loves my GP32 (more then his GBA!) and wishes to play it on any given occasion.

Those that will rejoice at my temporary leave - well I'm going to the Bahamas and you're not, so neener neener neener! :P

Seriously though have a good trip. And remember to make me mod when you come back lol :).
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...Ok, I think the connection is improving. Well, let me tell you a little bit about this place. I am staying in the Royal Towers of the Atlantis Hotel on Paradise Island (right off of Nassau). Besides having our own private part of the ocean (which is sooooo warm), there are three outdoor pools in the hotel. One is a "fake beach" created inside of the hotel's boundries. They also have a few HUGE water slides that go through tunnels submerged underwater with fish on either side. The most terrifying one is called the "Leap of Faith", which is an almost vertical drop with a tunnel through shark-infested waters (yes, real sharks). The inside of the hotel is pretty much like a shopping mall. With everything here, there's no real reason to go outside the hotel unless you want to sample the REAL Bahamas - which I have sworn to do, and lots of it (why come to the Bahamas just to relax at a hotel which seems more like a slab of America / Europe?).

Tommorrow I hope to go jet skiing among other things, as today my burnt skin stopped me from participating. Not burnt in the usual places, but on my feet. I saw my father and little brother walking down the pavement without shoes, so I thought it was safe. Shortly thereafter, I was reeling from the pain. Afterwards, I found out some migration medication I take can make people "photosensitive" (meaning I sunburn easily), which also explains why I lathered myself up with sunscreen (SPF 30) every hour or two and still managed to get some mild sunburns.

Tonight we shall be dining near lobby, where the walls of the restaurant are actually an aquarium. Sometime this week (we return on Thursday) we are going on a Dolphin Tour, which I am most looking forward to.

This place has everything. They even have a pre-teen & teenager hangout (the pre-teen and the teenager hours are different, so they don't mingle) called "Club Rush", where adults are NOT allowed! It's full of games, movies, drinks (non-achoholic of course!), dancing, and other entertainment. My two little siblings got in of course, being 7 and 9. I tried to pass myself off as 17 and almost suceeded, until they asked for an ID. I said I was over 17 and they thought I was 18 :D That's what I get for having a baby face and so many pimples ;)

So that's why I am just relaxing on my little geek toy here until dinner. I'd go "scope out the babes", but I doubt they'd be impressed with my little whelps of pain as I wobble over to them.

Oh, and speaking of geek other geeks also have trouble getting on a plane from USA? I had to take off both of my watches, take out my laptop, show them what's in my Gamepark bag, take off my belt, take off my SHOES (they had little metal stubs), and still had trouble because my hat had a little piece of metal on the back. When I STILL had trouble, I had to empty my pockets: one pen, one packet of Trident sugerfree gum (the aluminun can cause it to go off), one pocket notebook and one comb. I finally passed the scanner, but I guess they were still a little suspicious, as one man proceeded to do a strip search. That was all fine until he got this weird smile on his face and...well, I got fed up after the flute session.

All in all, I'm having a great time! Especially now that I have wireless up and running! And it will even work on the pool and beach now that I signed up here! Exclamation point!

Wish you all were here ;)
generalnmx posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:55 PM said:
Wish you all were here ;)
trust me, you don't . it would be waaay to crowded, and you'd have to moderate all o our discussions, which is probably much harder to do in person than on the net.

Personally, I've had pretty good luck when going through security, and I get nervous when going through, even though I have nothing to hide.

Have fuin on your trip, though, and stay away from here. B) :)
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Hi! I'm on an Internet terminal conveniently located in a ferry terminal. I am waiting for our ship to depart for the "Dolphin Encounter", where we go into a little pool (perhaps lagoon?) where we play with real dolphins.

I've been drinking Pina Coladas like crazy. They've been my favorite drink since I was about 10 (virgin coladas of course). Thank god I don't order them with alchohol, or I'd easily go blind!

I still wish you were all here, the hotel is HUGE - it wouldn't be crowded ;) And I'd just hit someone with a stick if they got out of line :D
spongebue posted on Aug 10 2004 at 03:37 AM said:
generalnmx posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:55 PM said:
Wish you all were here ;)
trust me, you don't . it would be waaay to crowded, and you'd have to moderate all o our discussions, which is probably much harder to do in person than on the net.
That's the funniest thing I've read this week :)
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Rico posted on Aug 10 2004 at 03:43 PM said:
spongebue posted on Aug 10 2004 at 03:37 AM said:
generalnmx posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:55 PM said:
Wish you all were here ;)
trust me, you don't . it would be waaay to crowded, and you'd have to moderate all o our discussions, which is probably much harder to do in person than on the net.
That's the funniest thing I've read this week :)
glad to hear that :D
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