A Huge Favour

Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 29 2004 at 11:38 AM said:
Pirotic posted on Apr 29 2004 at 04:34 AM said:
im from the UK and have a CD-writer, i'd be happy to whack everything on a CD and post you a copy

PM me, if possible with a list of what you want - otherwise i'll just whack everything on it :P
Shameless self promotion: Make sure you throw a copy of PerfectFit on there!
i already went to your site and put all your progs on it mate ;)

along with gigas of course. rofl
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gp32animefreak posted on Apr 29 2004 at 03:47 PM said:
heres a little bypass that might help instead of http put in https it will most likely work, it works on my schools blocker and firewalls, also jsut keep you pc link and driver on a floppy install when u need to download then copy to your gp and delete it(thats if your at the library or your school) im sure u wont get into much trouble if your caught just say you didnt know and your sorry (those words got me outa many many detentions)
It's very unlikely to work most of the time, especially with a product as good as Websense. Also, be careful, as all blocked URLs are logged by Websense and can be brought up in a report. Any establishment wont be happy with you trying to circumvent their security.
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GBAX.com give out a free cd pack full of emus, games, and apps when u buy a new gp32, talk 2 craig, he might give u one if u ask nicely. :)
Axeman posted on Apr 29 2004 at 05:36 PM said:
gp32animefreak posted on Apr 29 2004 at 03:47 PM said:
heres a little bypass that might help instead of http put in https it will most likely work, it works on my schools blocker and firewalls, also jsut keep you pc link and driver on a floppy install when u need to download then copy to your gp and delete it(thats if your at the library or your school) im sure u wont get into much trouble if your caught just say you didnt know and your sorry (those words got me outa many many detentions)
It's very unlikely to work most of the time, especially with a product as good as Websense. Also, be careful, as all blocked URLs are logged by Websense and can be brought up in a report. Any establishment wont be happy with you trying to circumvent their security.
like i said just say u didnt know.........but it might not work 4get wut i said, and if your feeling up to the risk download a ????????(forget the name of it ill post it later) from a p2p client, it bypasses all blockers i gotta ask my friend surindra at school he knows way to much about hacking shit.
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If you need stuff inthe future, get a smart card reader with USB (they're small and not so conspicious as that effing pc link cable :)) Also I've found that very little er.. government institutions have protection against USB devices. So just download direct to the USB drive. (Helps if its NOT Windows NT, since USB is well dodgy with this).

Also if you dont get Explorer or the "Run" bit is obscured in some way then just create a shortcut to "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" that should get you explorer. Oldest trick in the book! :)

hope this helps you! :)

Also the amount of people who leave the password for the logon as "Adminstrator" is just plain stupid. :)
hey, i know how to bypass the security on your computer and all you need is to be able to access google. Go to google, type in what you want and click the search button. once the selections come up click "cached" at the bottom of the description and you will be able to access it :rolleyes:
Kai posted on Apr 29 2004 at 11:16 AM said:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 29 2004 at 12:12 PM said:
May I suggest http://www.tunnelproxy.de for all your "slipping past the fascists" needs ... :ph34r:
Thanks - I tried it but unfortunatley it doesn't work!

Access to this web page is restricted at this time.

The Websense category "Proxy Avoidance" is filtered.

Fucking Websense.....I hate it.....Who ever wrote that bloody program needs to be taken outside and have the shit kick out of them. Big Brother has just installed it at work and I can't do any thing now.....fucking bastards.....Damm them, damm them to hell
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Fucking Websense.....I hate it.....Who ever wrote that bloody program needs to be taken outside and have the shit kick out of them. Big Brother has just installed it at work and I can't do any thing now.....fucking bastards.....Damm them, damm them to hell
I know it seems stoopid, but think of it from the businesses' pioint of view. If you were a business, paying good money for your workers AND your bandwidth, woudl YOU want them to be surfing all day, and downloading stuff that could potentially get you and your business in to the sh**?

Just wondering....

Fucking Websense.....I hate it.....Who ever wrote that bloody program needs to be taken outside and have the shit kick out of them. Big Brother has just installed it at work and I can't do any thing now.....fucking bastards.....Damm them, damm them to hell

I know it seems stoopid, but think of it from the businesses' pioint of view. If you were a business, paying good money for your workers AND your bandwidth, woudl YOU want them to be surfing all day, and downloading stuff that could potentially get you and your business in to the sh**?

Just wondering....

try this site - http://proxify.com - Most sites at school I goto are blocked (Including working Proxy sites), BUT this site (http://proxify.com) works all the Time for me at school :D

Try it... it might work...

gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console