Xgp Xgpmini Spec


Still Fresh
Dec 2, 2005
Have anyone seen this?

*Could* it be that GamePark developed their second system together and just split about a year ago? Their specs are quite similar, and I wonder anyhow *why*w they really split, if it *really* was for the open source's sake (which I doubt).
Apart from the inbuilt battery and the small screen, the Mini's specs are pretty cool. I'll pick one up if it's open to developers :)
well the XGP site surely pissess allover the GP2X one. it even works in firefox first time round!

I think i might get an XGP, it looks pretty cool. the mini is just shit...too small.
2.2" 320x240?! I wonder what their dead pixel return policy will be like :P
knowing gamepark they keep buying class1 screens, so you shouldnt have any dead pixels.
Or maybe class2, wich would mean max 2 dead pixels per 1m pixels.
The specs on the mini look very promising. It could be a bit bigger and maybe squeeze 64Mb in there, but otherwise it's pretty good. The widescreen and analogue stick put me off the XPG, though.

Maybe they're pandering to the emulation market with the mini, incase the XGP fails to cut in to the PSP's pie?

EDIT: Anyone noticed the mini's website has a picture of it running a GP32 game? Is that just Gamepark being lazy and cutting & pasting any old screenshot on there or is it a hint? ...probably the former.
I actually like the mini -- especially the joypad.

Because it states that both XGP machines run GPOS, as does the GP32, does that possibly mean that software for the GP32 may run? Probably not, but just think.

I also prefer the XGP from the last time that I saw it (clam shell version)
Yeah, looks pretty nice. but: The XGP looks ugly and the mini is just too small for mature hands. Beside that, WHEN they'll be released I'm sure, the GP2X releases will be that great, that we don't even look at the XGP again...
And, btw, I think Gamepark is digging their own grave, because with the mini nobody will buy the XGP one, since they're too similar in their specs.
Huxley posted on Mar 19 2006 at 05:05 PM said:
The specs on the mini look very promising. It could be a bit bigger and maybe squeeze 64Mb in there, but otherwise it's pretty good. The widescreen and analogue stick put me off the XPG, though.

If the mini's screen is physically at 320x240 then (if you can handle its small size) it's looking very good. There is not much to complain about its design (except the size) and perhaps memory could be 64MB instead of 32MB.

Huxley posted on Mar 19 2006 at 05:05 PM said:
Maybe they're pandering to the emulation market with the mini, incase the XGP fails to cut in to the PSP's pie?

It all depends how many titles (and how good or famous) it will get. I doubt it will get anything more than 2-3 bigger commercial games at beginning. Therefore I'd risk to say it destiny is a failure when competing with PSP.

The mini has much more potential sales wise.

Huxley posted on Mar 19 2006 at 05:05 PM said:
EDIT: Anyone noticed the mini's website has a picture of it running a GP32 game? Is that just Gamepark being lazy and cutting & pasting any old screenshot on there or is it a hint? ...probably the former.

No idea.

However if mini's screen (yes - I'm repeating myself) is 320x240 physically then I have to say it'd be best handheld overall.

Depending how the GP will be friendly toward the homebrew and the screen mystery (320x240 at 2.2 inch!? - please someone check its validity) we might have near perfect unit.
(but something is telling me there will be a catch somewhere)

QuasaR posted on Mar 19 2006 at 05:27 PM said:
Yeah, looks pretty nice. but: The XGP looks ugly and the mini is just too small for mature hands. Beside that, WHEN they'll be released I'm sure, the GP2X releases will be that great, that we don't even look at the XGP again...
And, btw, I think Gamepark is digging their own grave, because with the mini nobody will buy the XGP one, since they're too similar in their specs.

The big XGP has an analog joystick - it's clear its focus is for 3D aplications mostly.

The mini is much more universal however its small size isn't exactly encouraging. But some people will like it and I'd would have to get one in my hands to decide if it's ok.

The 320x240 resolutions at 2.2 inch screen is puzzling me thought. I know that LCD can have very high pixel densities but so far there weren't too many appliances with such screens.
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(xgp mini)It has a cover for its sd cards. It also has a hold button! This thing is perfect for mp3's, I just hope they make it so it plays gp32 emulators as well! :D
Radek posted on Mar 19 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
The mini is much more universal however its small size isn't exactly encouraging. But some people will like it and I'd would have to get one in my hands to decide if it's ok.

Gosh...even the guy in the official photo looks kinda cramped to fit his fingers around there. Like you said, best to get your hands on it before you judge, but I can't imagine it being half as comfortable for playing as a full-sized handheld like the GP2X.

And am I right in thinking these two consoles won't be fully compatable? They're a similar spec, but I'd imagine even if they are compatable in some way the different ratio screen, analogue stick and extra ram on the XGP will cause quite a few headaches. Surely Gamepark would do better to release two identical consoles in different guises?
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