Wrist strap with thumb nub


Nihilistic Mystic
Feb 28, 2014
I have wanted a wrist strap on my Pandora for a while.  Typically I just make them with 550 cord.  When I tried this it prevented the Pandora from sitting flat on a table or desk, so I removed it and started looking at things I had around the house.  I decided to use my original DS wrist strap since it has the thin section to attach to the device and the little extra piece for a thumb nub stylus for use on touch screens, but it turns out a family member already snagged it.  

I saw those straps on Nintendo's site for a couple bucks, but they no longer have them listed.  A quick web search took me to ebay where I only saw a couple, with one listed for around $13.  Checking some more I found some bundles on Amazon that have a picture of a wrist strap that looks correct, but still a bit pricey since I only want 1 piece, and pictures aren't always accurate: http://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-3DS-4-In-1-Case-Pack-Red/dp/B004LQLD32/ref=pd_sim_sbs_vg_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0ZQQT8E0BH6XV96K3XKP

Does anyone know of a cheap source for those type of wrist straps?

I was thinking of picking up the wrist straps Nintendo currently has and finding a way to make the little nub piece, maybe with a zip tie.  Has anyone made something comparable?

Anyone have any other ideas or advice?