Idea: Wrist Mounted Pandora

The picture of Craig with the Pandora is just so awesome! :lol:

But, I wanna rub the nubs with both hands. So this freaky setup is not for me.
CodedKitty said:
My avatar approves of this idea.

Your avatar is weak..

EDIT- I was going to buy a special edition of fallout3 to get the pipboy3000 watch, and then just put a beagleboard in it. hmmm.....
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lulzfish said:
I like this, the added weight would give my pimp slaps the force and stopping power they've been lacking as of late.

Lol!!! That statement is full of win. When I get a Pandora one of the first things I'm going to do is mount it on my wrist. And then wear it to school.
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OH WOW! It'd be like BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!!!!

With a flip out screen and everything!!!

I am SOOO engineering a lightweight wrist strap mechanism slash pandora holster that allows for one handed wristy mounted action!!!
Heh, completely silly. I can see no use for this. And really, I would never risk any of my electronics to a wrist/arm/whatever strap. Too much movement, risks breaking it, flinging the pandora and splitting it in to a nice screen and the pandora cube that we've been hearing about.
Whoops, I was so busy making Toy Story references in my last post that I forgot to provide a link to that tutorial I mentioned yesterday.

It's here. Obviously, the pattern as-is is not suitable for this, since it's literally a carrying case with an arm-strap on it. However, the basic techniques would be useful when combined with some sort of form-fitting carry-case for the Pandora (like the ones available for the various Nintendo DS models, which allow you to open and use the system without removing it from the case) - though how to make one of those is left as an exercise for the reader. :P (I wasn't planning on making one myself, so I have no pattern ideas for that. :lol: )

That's my idea for feasibly making a wrist-holder of some sort, at least.
torpor said:
I'm gonna use my Pandora to hack an ATM.
Haha, Terminator/Atari Portfolio reference.

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Nice idea, but nothing beats the µWatch in geekness factor.



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I still prefer the idea of Pandora as a belt buckle. But I could also see the Pandora as a locking mechanism for a chastity belt. You have to beat some game on it to unlock it. Brings new meaning to the term "Win".
Beholder said:
I still prefer the idea of Pandora as a belt buckle. But I could also see the Pandora as a locking mechanism for a chastity belt. You have to beat some game on it to unlock it. Brings new meaning to the term "Win".
"Win"? I would have gone with "Score".
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Even the new stupidly expensive LG mobile phone watches are pretty chunky, the thought of a Pandora strapped to your arm would be a bit silly and you'd definatly look a right plonker. Come on? You'd have to be a bit mentally challenged to pull it off. Makes me think back to the guy on the bike with solar panels, lazor, satalite tv etc etc pic that was on here a while back, I don't want to search for it but maybe he should have a pandora watch added, lol :)
Mentally challenged? How so?

Most people that are hard-core into the "Wearable computers" scene are from MIT or Caltech or something.

You aren't seriously considering someone "mentally challenged" because they dare to be different?