Worth Getting

Aninhumer posted on Jul 18 2006 at 11:13 AM said:
Sony hasn't made an actual Portable Playstation due to a product with a similar name :P
Yeah, but I call my Idea the PPS (Portable PlayStation). :D
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Aninhumer posted on Jul 18 2006 at 02:13 PM said:
Sony hasn't made an actual Portable Playstation due to a product with a similar name :P
They haven't hmmm? Well they'll probably call it the Playstation Portable, so I'd better trademark the name before they get it! ;)
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Correction, the PSP is in fact not a portable playstation, but a totally new handheld marked PlayStation Portable. ;)
One very good reason why Sony won't be making an actual portable playstation: They wouldn't sell a single game for it unless someone went back and started actually developing for the PSX again.