Is It Still Worth It?


Still Fresh
Sep 9, 2007
It's a simple problem, but of gigantic proportions for me. So I'll be short:

Is it still worth getting a GP2X today? I currently saw the last one on sale yesterday and I'm thinking on buying it. I've seen that it can emulate CPS2 and NeoGeo greatly, and basically, that's what I want. I mean wow, SNK's golden treasure and capcom's arcade champion (at least in the 90s) in one portable console? Count me in. But then I saw this forum and started to look at some more recent articles. Many said about a new console of the GP line. I couldn't read all posts to get a conclusion if they're fake OR real. IF they are real, would it still be worth getting a GP2X? Or are they just rumors? You see, I live in Brazil, and the prices are cruel here. Really really cruel. Basically with the money I'd get the GP2X, I could wait a year or so and get a x360. That's not THE problem tho. The problem is getting the gp2x and then out of nothing it becomes obsolete, while I could have a console on par with it.

So all in all the problem is:

Is there a new GP coming? If there is, WHEN?

If there is one coming, would it be foolishness to get a GP2X?

IF there is not one coming, would it be wise to get a GP2X? (I already have a NDS, and seriously, that thing doesn't have one decent fighter, and I refuse to play that damn Bleach fighter that's basically a SF+GG clone, not to mention that the psp is the last in my line. No, seriously, it's plain bland if you own a ps2.)

That's about it. I'm extremely grateful for any help.
I have a feeling someone may have asked a similar question before. :P

Simple answer - they are great (well - not the place for unbiased assessment) so get a new f-200 (aka Mk 3 with touchscreen and d-pad) when they become available (a couple of weeks) unless you want to wait a long time for the as yet un-speced and un-100% confirmed Craig machine.

Best bit - buy from and you increase the chance of the Craig machine making production. Albeit from Brazil that probably isn't the best choice of vendor.

Edit to say - I've heard of not bothering to search, but just reading down the front page of threads and you'd have hit this:
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andyB911 said:
I have a feeling someone may have asked a similar question before. :P

Simple answer - they are great (well - not the place for unbiased assessment) so get a new f-200 (aka Mk 3 with touchscreen and d-pad) when they become available (a couple of weeks) unless you want to wait a long time for the as yet un-speced and un-100% confirmed Craig machine.

Best bit - buy from and you increase the chance of the Craig machine making production. Albeit from Brazil that probably isn't the best choice of vendor.

Edit to say - I've heard of not bothering to search, but just reading down the front page of threads and you'd have hit this:

Ouch. Sorry for the not searching stuff. So basically what's new with this MK3? Only TS and D-pad? That doesn't appeal to me at all. I hated the ds' touch screen to death. Is the GP2X's Analog THAT BAD? I can use the PS2'S Dual Shock's analog without any kind of input problem or timing, so that shouldn't be much of a deal, or are there more improvements on MK3? Like, higher overclocking or something like that? Will it be more expensive?

Crap. Edit button saves the day. On that topic you mentioned someone (user Goity to be precise) said:

"NONONONONO!!! PS1 emulation is extremely unlikely given the status of psx4all right now, and N64 and Dreamcast is definitely completely impossible. If you don't believe me just search the boards. The GP2x-F200 is excactly the same internally as the GP2x-F100, just with a dpad and touchscreen."

Basically, it'll be a GP2X with TS and D-PAD? Absolutely nothing more?
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Imaginr yourself trying to cast a move in mortal kombat like Smoke's teleport:
Or when trying to hit the diagnonals directly after right or left, like if you were walking in Contra then trying to shoot an enemy on the higher right corner of the screen,
These two situations are why you will hate the current stick the most :)
I see. That CAN be complicated, but nothing bothers me more than a touchscreen. God. I simply hate that. Well since there are no internal changes that would harm homebrew dev. such as emulators I think it's safe to get the mk2 one right?
Bottom line - the gp2x could go obsolete any time if everyone upped and went - pretty unlikely imho.

What you will have (whatever happens) is access to all the software already available - of which there is a huge amount - especially when looking at emulators.

_I_ would guess the craigix machine won't be available (in any quantities) until well into next year (if ever - many of these endeavours fail early on - let's hope not) - and no-one knows what the take up on that will be.

The gp2x is a known quantity and only you can decide by looking around at what's available and guessing what may be available over the coming year as to whether it's worth buying (it's your money and we're obviously all slightly biased :) ). Also if you should want to develop for a machine, it's a good place to start.

As for the touchscreen on the new gp2x - who knows - maybe if you're not in a great hurry wait a couple of months and see what others think of it??
The stick will be frustrating at first, then you will get used to it. After a while though, you will once again be frustrated with it, even more so this time around. Wait for the F-200, the touchscreen will rarely be used in most apps except the firmware, and the hardware will be more durable overall (a stick can break easier than a dpad).

However, I'd be undecided whether to get the F-200 or wait for the new 'secret' thing. I'd wait a few more weeks at least to get the semi-final specs of the secret thing, including price and community reaction. If it will be something to blow the GP2X out of the water, no matter how well the GP2X will hold up in the long run, it will still be 2nd place. The same thing happened to me when I got the GP32 instead of waiting a few months for the GP2X :D
GP2X is great, if you like 8-16bit gaming, get one!

I dont know about the rumored GP3X/Y/Z or whatever; that project would want to have some serious money behind it or else it wont see daylight.

I'm a product designer, even fairly simple electronic products can ask big development bucks especially if you're paying western professionals. I'd imagine something like the GP2X costing at least USD100K+ to develop "on the cheap" in Asia, maybe less depending on who you know and how you cut corners? Then there's patents, revisions, logistics, marketing, first manufacturing run... adds up!