How Much Would Emulators Cost?

nintendos new console the "revolution" will play all the old nintendo games nes, snes, gameboy....... nintendo say you will be able to download the games directly to the console from the internet
nintendos new console the "revolution" will play all the old nintendo games nes, snes, gameboy....... nintendo say you will be able to download the games directly to the console from the internet
Yeah but you will have to pay for them though, they talk about subscribtion based services and credit earning by registering your bought nintendo revolution games online. It's all just rumours though, but if it's true, then i would like one.
Anyway GP2X is the talk here :)
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Don't want to rain on your parade guys, but all roms that are not public domain or homebrew are illegal. :( Even though you are allowed a backup of a game you already own, this backup must be in the same form of media as the original. So you could make a backup of an NES game, for example, if you flashed the original game directly to another blank cartridge. Having roms of games you own is close to being legal so there is no reason to get too worried. Emulators on the other hand are 100% legal. You can play any PD or homebrew rom on an emulator without breaking any laws. I am pretty sure however it is illegal to sell emulators. I'm not too sure how it would work for GP2X emulators though.
That might be true in the USA but not for all countries. And selling emulators is NOT illegal. Not even in the USA. :P
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As OrR said. :)

You can download music legally here. You can't upload it, that's illigal, but no pronlem with downloading, or even ripping your friend's cd.

Kinda the same with roms. =)
As OrR said. :)

You can download music legally here. You can't upload it, that's illigal, but no pronlem with downloading, or even ripping your friend's cd.

Kinda the same with roms. =)
Aye same with denmark, for the time being, lobbyists from the music industry are trying to change it.
Even want us to pay the same for a piece of downloaded music from a legal order site as if you bought it on a cd.
EDIT: Better formulated
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There a lot of emus for Nokia's Symbiam-based phones, like the N-Gage, 3650, 6600, etc.. which most of them cost money (shareware) so yes, there are a lot of non-free emulators, and they are not illegal (most of them emulate nintendo consoles, and you all know what thinks the big N about emulators)