I'm back ( .. "hey sonic! long time no see hu?" )
A couple of days ago I bought a
used N-gage with a 64Mb MMC included.
I've tested a few games and apps with my girlfriend and down this page I'll give you the first version of my
"N-gage pro's and con's list"
PRO's (+)
+ Nice looking unit!
+ Fits nice in my pocket (better than expected

+ The screen seems(is) highres
+ Easy to navigate in the menus
+ Great Radio
+ Easy to write SMS / text! Simple and fast !
+ Excellent MP3 quality (when using headphones)
+ Listen to music/radio when writing SMS / using apps and stuff (at the same time)
+ Thps, The Sims (my gf loves it

, Super Monkey Ball, Rayman 3 - all great games!
+ Easy to install software / connect to the computer
+ MSN/AOL/ICQ/MIRC clients available
+ Can pause in games and go to the "Phone menu" to use other apps and stuff
(+ The MMC cards is rather cheap now ^^ )
CON's (-)
The Battery Capacity - The big CON!.. well, it's ok if you not playing games and using the Mp3/radio constantly. But when u do the battery drains out fast, way to fast.. maybe just in 3-4 hours.
- Some games are not suitable for the N-gage Screen (Sonic N as an example)
- Can't plug in ordinary headphones without using a special cable/"adaptor"
- The included handsfree is "Ok" but very very plastic
- Some of the buttons are way to "hard" for looong gaming sessions (the fingers hurts little)
- Lack of great 2D games (just love Rayman 3 though
+/- Sidetalking - I think that sidetalking is not that bad that ppl says, it's ugly blabla.. sure! but it Works PERFECT and you could always use the handsfree or the built in speaker instead! But yeah, IT'S UGLY AND YOU LOOK KIND OF FUNNY SIDTALKING

(.. would also be ugly talking normaly cuz the N-gage is formed as a gaming device )
+/- Even though the screen is not as big as the Gp32 screen it's OK. Highres and well enlightened.. but It's kind of fucked up that it's not wider and In the same shape as a ordinary phone..
Conclusion: rather nice device after all! I have fun using the N-gage and will spend more time testing games/apps. Think I'm going to use it constantly if I get MSN and IRC to work (my SIM-card is fucked :/ ) Some of the N-gage games are really good (and some are no more then crap) and the Mp3 player/radio works really good! I've heard some rumors about
better batteris for the N-gage and I'm going to check it out, maybe I can use the QD one? Going to find out cuz it's MUCH better

Maybe someone knows anything about it?
Note: I'm NOT going to test the N-gage emulators cuz I'm rather playing my favourite old games on my Gp32! Just love the Gp32 Screen.. after using my N-gage a while the gp32 screen looks giant

Now I badly want a Blu ;> hehe
Edit: Sorry about my crappy english ;D Took some time writing this post even though I've not checked my spelling and stuff ;>