N-gage Question


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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hi does any1 know if its possible to use n-gage games as mmc's? coz i havnt got 1 yeat and i would like to play sum frozen bubble at school, but im not suer if i try it that it will wreck the game. :unsure:

any help appritiated.
ngage isnt that bad, ive got picodrive on it and im going to use my 128mb mmc to store most megadrive games on. itll save up sum space for my gp32s smc.
yup you can just wipe it off but u should backup your save games

i know alot about ngage they are some cool releases on it but games are a lil expensive.
man i didnt think the n-gages games had enough extra space to put another game on cuase i tried everything to erase a mmc and i couldnt couse it was write protected i soon found out
OmarNawaz posted on Oct 16 2004 at 05:15 PM said:
oops didnt read properly why dont you use the nokia card that was in it originally.

yeah that the crappy 32mb flowboarding game, u can wipe that one out if you want.
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jlebrech posted on Oct 17 2004 at 08:35 AM said:
OmarNawaz posted on Oct 16 2004 at 05:15 PM said:
oops didnt read properly why dont you use the nokia card that was in it originally.

yeah that the crappy 32mb flowboarding game, u can wipe that one out if you want.

thanks for all the help.

although i didnt get any mmc's with it, only tony hawks pro skater.
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