Chaotic Neutral
So the president has become a peach?
That explains the complexion I guess...
That explains the complexion I guess...
And Bill Clinton didn't make such a noise about the actual Impeachment unlike Donald and the Reps do. Double standards at it's best. Once, the republicans were pretty fast with the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton. And compared to what Donald did, Bill "only" had Sex with an intern. Which sounds like a normal day for Donald Trump. Now the president and the Rep. Party riot even before the decission for an impeachment even was made. Is there no Rep with moral and integrity?The donald's only been impeached thus far in the same way that Clinton did, it doesn't actually mean anything unless the senate comes down on him and convicts him or whatever it's called. I'm not sure if that stops anyone running for the next term, but in practice this is going to drag on so long that if he gets a second term he's going to get one before this gets decided anyway.