re unzip? what do you mean? i relpaced the movie body.png file and the movie background shows up in photo as well, its confusing, when i get that fixed i will only have a little more to do
Nope nevermind, it doesnt work i just tried it out myself :lol:
The reason why imgmovie's body always shows up in the imgphoto's body is because When I opened up the cfg file I noticed there isnt a Imgphoto in there at all.
This leads to the conclusion that the only way u can view it is if u put the photo one in a diff directory to see it.
well, here it is!,0,0,0,50,955 ! i thnkn you will enjoy the explorer icon and background! i didnt change most of the icons and left the music player comepletly alone please check it out or change it or whatever, it was fun to make and i tested it and it worked on the gp2x just fine