My Naruto Skin...


Mar 29, 2005
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Introducing the skin entitled Naruto For the GP2X.
(Just some backgrounds with titles and Chibi icons :D)
For Naruto Lovers, or Likers.
Ill be watching this long anime untill its over so I made this.
Plus, I love the Naruto font.

•I used PS, and GIMP to make them.
•By the way; GIMP's transparency options are superior to those of PS :)

Download [ZIP]: (Click the below picture to bring you to file archives.)

300kb Preview: (Below Link)
[Note* the Chibi Pics are not placed in the menu like that, those are just a preview of the main icons matching their roots :)]

Any Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Problems?
Im Open to anything and working on the next version.


Main Menu + Main Icons Are Done.
Most, If not all background pics are done?
Still need to do Settings Menu Icons etc.
Some music stuff is done, no boxes yet. Sorry!
Fixed a small error where the Battery Indicators didnt show up trapsparent enough... I blame PS for that, but still they look a bit messed up, I have to ^Re-Do^ them.
Picture Directories too.

*A Note to the wallpaper/ picture authors:
I have used your pictures in my gp2x skin and added a menu to/ blended them, if you wish for me to take them out then by all means ask me and ill do it ASAP, btw Great Pics.
Your photo editing skills make my eyes hurt...

I'm not saying I don't like it, I like it, it's just... too bright!

*Don't mind me, I like dark things... and nice skin.  If I liked Narutard, I would think about it... but I hate it worse than kancho (google it)

I like titles to be bright. It looks really nice on the gp2x, I could also make a dull version perhaps? If anyone wants it like that.. Not too hard to do at all, so just ask!

Kancho, ah I remember that, I had a japanese friend who would try to do that here in Canada... Suspensions :P
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If someone does a good Mahoromatic skin i will give them a shiny penny.

If someone does a good Mahoromatic skin i will give them a shiny penny.


I didnt like that one too much. Infact, I didnt even finish it since the nudity was too unnecessary :P

anyway back to topic... Fixed a small error that PS made for me with battery, and file names.

Next version will have alot more work done on it, Including new icons for Settings Menu and possibly some mp3 Stuff Done.

Get it at the top with the same link.
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