wizzley presto and the vampires tomb


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
Craigx will you be releasing this for Pandora? :)

I'm assuming your waiting for the payment system on the app store to be fully functional so you can sell it, of course I would buy it :) will you ever release it is the question, I know you have hinted at it before.

I talked to Craig a month or two ago about porting it to Palm WebOS and Pandora, but Craigs a busy guy and I think forgot about it :) It'll happen eventually I imagine.

I haven't played it, but it seems like it'd be way better with real controls. Craig might be waiting for iCP to be out to try to strengthen sales of both it and Wizzley, but I don't think Pandora ownership is anywhere high enough to cannibalize this.

I think giving it as a Pandora pack-in would be nice bonus for Pandora owners and would do well to help promote the platform. Not that I think he needs to do this or anything. But selling it on the Pandora app store would probably only make a few thousand at the very most.
I think giving it as a Pandora pack-in would be nice bonus for Pandora owners and would do well to help promote the platform.

+1 that would be a very nice thing to do especially since most of us with a Pandora had to wait 2 and a bit years to receive the device. it would make me feel special :lol:
Aye, if I were craig, I'd install a special "thank you for waiting so long" version of wizzly presto on every 1st batch pandora ;)

Anyway, porting the game or letting someone port it to pandora, would show he supports his own device, you know :D
Frankly I think its quite weird that Wizzley Presto wasn't ported to Pandora. Its just another chink in the cheese, as far as I'm concerned. A pity, this really would've been an opportunity to do something *extremely* cool, but I'm afraid Craig missed the boat.
he hasn't missed the boat yet he can still release it for the pandora, there isn't anything stopping him from doing that apart from time maybe? as he is busy building pandoras?
I cant from work, maybe you could quote/paraphrase what it says? cheers

In 2009 a rumor surfaced this game would be ported, pandorapress says craigix confirmed that

Timetable: 2 Months

EDIT for quote:

Update: Those who have delved into the 30daygame site will know by now that Wizzley Presto is indeed bound for Pandora. Rumour no more!
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Yea but some idiot would just complete it on the toilet...
The game is using a game-lib (commercial) that is for iphone (and some others.) It wouldn't be a lot of work to convert it to native or SDL, but its somethign that has to be done. So its not a 'click here to spit out pandora version' thing, its a bit of work.

Yeah this is something which will happen eventually. It's not at the top of the list right now, but it will happen.
I would also be interested in playing this - I hear the ending is also a hint at a sequel.

Two interesting observations, though:

They never came anywhere close to their "30 days" (surprise).

The webpage for the game *still* lists there as being a $1500 (GBP? EUR? USD?) prize for the first person to complete the game. However, months after it's been released, I can't believe no one has claimed this. In fact, I personally know someone who *did* finish it, and never heard anything back after emailing. Notice also that the webpage contains no actual contact info...
The webpage for the game *still* lists there as being a $1500 (GBP? EUR? USD?) prize for the first person to complete the game.

The $-sign would suggest some kind of dollars. As you probably know, EUR uses € and GBP uses £. My guess is USD.

EDIT: typo
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