Who's into Racing Games?

I really miss the game "Slicks'n'Slide" I wonder if it's playable on the pandora.
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It really seems like Playstation is the way to go if you want to try and get a more "modern" racing game. NFS Porsche Unleashed looks swish!

Certainly gonna get that Cannonball emulator hauling as well.

And yeah, oh my, how I dream of a cabaple Model 2 emulator :)

Just yesterday I tried out Hydro Thunder for the PSOne. I have some excellent memories of that game in the arcades, unfortunately the PSOne version just doesnt quite cut it.
I remember TOCA Touring Cars had an impressive AI at the time for a racing game. 

Crash Team racing was the answer to Mariokart.

I prefered the first Colin Mc Rae to the second one. It was more fun. 

For WipeOut, prefer WipeOut XL. 
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I had Pole Position on cartridge for my Atari 800 back in the day...and altough it wasn't the most responsive racing game that I've ever played...it was the funnest.  Maybe we all chase that feeling.  I'm really enjoying the CompoMAMEFun4all thinger dinger... kind of reminds me of an internet arcade.

I love racing games in general, BTW.
If you want a slightly different twist - No Fear Downhill Biking (PSone) - is a great game. However, it's unplayable on the Pandora because IIRC because you need L2 and R2 to pedal. I suppose I should double check.

Edit: Well, I never noticed before, but you can remap keys, and L2 and R2 are mapped to O and P. So it should be playable, but for some reason, it's no longer on my SD card.... Time to copy it back on and give it a proper going
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I feel a strong craving for a good racing game from time to time.

The sad thing is I only use Linux and Mac. Every time I try to find a new racing game there is none...

All the racing games available for linux that I've found are boring or the physics are crap.

And all the old games have lost their charm for me, I can play for five minutes then I ragequit from boredom.
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have you got this to run on Pandora, if so how? my disk image always seems to crash no matter what i do
Yes, I have it running on the Pandora ... did not do anything special to make it run though, it just does ...

oh, wait, I converted it into eboot format, but that shouldn't change anything.

Darn it, now I can't get the idea of making a Lotus+RoadRash-Clone out of my head ... I can't find any examples of how to do these "fake-3D" graphics though ... all I can see are top-down racers (which I never liked that much, Gene Rally is one of very few exceptions). I would just like to know how to do this in principle (it will probably be enough to kill the idea of doing something like this myself :P I should start with something easy anyway ...)
Darn it, now I can't get the idea of making a Lotus+RoadRash-Clone out of my head ... I can't find any examples of how to do these "fake-3D" graphics though ...
Are you a coder? Do you want the theory side to it?
Darn it, now I can't get the idea of making a Lotus+RoadRash-Clone out of my head ... I can't find any examples of how to do these "fake-3D" graphics though ... all I can see are top-down racers (which I never liked that much, Gene Rally is one of very few exceptions). I would just like to know how to do this in principle (it will probably be enough to kill the idea of doing something like this myself :P I should start with something easy anyway ...)

Darn it, now I can't get the idea of making a Lotus+RoadRash-Clone out of my head ... I can't find any examples of how to do these "fake-3D" graphics though ... all I can see are top-down racers (which I never liked that much, Gene Rally is one of very few exceptions). I would just like to know how to do this in principle (it will probably be enough to kill the idea of doing something like this myself :P I should start with something easy anyway ...)

Wow, that's a much better than I would have described. I'll probably give that a good read too.

Micro Machines hands down favorite and most difficult for me.

Where is the best online multiplayer racing on the Pandora?
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My recommendation is terep or terep 2 aka. Deformers,

It's not a fixed track game. It uses a 256x256 height map and very good physics considering (demo) release date (1996/7).

Search youtube for "terep 2 deformers".

terep and terep2 runs fine in DOSBOX at 950Mhz. The 16050 byte version of terep2.exe runs fine under dosbox.
I think this forum needs a specific section to talk about games that we play on the Pandora. For sure, many of us are playing some of these older games for the first time.


Wondering who among you all are into racing games? Racing is my dirty secret genre that I never realized I actually really liked. So I'm thinking, with this little Panda baby in the palm of my hands (running at 1000 Panda Power), with access to a jungle of titles, what might be some fun racing games you all could recommend?

Anything, really. I'm a secret racing junky, but I tell everyone I'm into platformers.
I like racing games, but I find that Pandy's controls are ill-matched to most racing games.

That said, if you have PanMAME instaled...Overtop can be a lot of fun.  Also Rally-X and New Rally-X...an older game to be sure, but fun.

Also, on MAME...City Connection is fun.  Also, Mad Gear is good.

There's a few others...but, for the most part the really DRIVING....driving games do not work well.  For example, Poe Position...which CAN be made to work on PanMAME...but it is difficult...it just does not play very well.  A D-Pad is no replacement for a steering wheel.