Pandora Exclusive Games...


Still Fresh
Sep 5, 2010
Now, before I start, I want to make sure people know, I'm no programmer. I can just about handle HTML, PHP and the most basic of Java and Python. Im not going to be writing games any time soon. That said I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say on this subject.

We've got everyone wanting emulation of the better consoles of yore, and sure that's all great and fine. We've also got people (myself included) really wanting PC games, which we then get told are not possible to be moved over to the Pandora... but few people seem to be pushing the independent game makers.

Now, I don't have my Pandora yet (or have even ordered it yet, waiting on some disposable cash), but it seems to me that the console would benefit from some exclusive titles. We'll be having something equivelent to the Apple App Store on the Pandora (but with less commercial pap hopefully) comming to the Pandora soon, so for those who are in it for the love of the game, you could share your creations with the rest of us, and for those who'd like to try and make a few bob, I'm sure people here would agree they wouldn't mind a few £'s for a decent game if the infrastructure for selling the programs over the Pandora is there.

Personally, I'd love to create games just for the fun of it. I've many ideas, I just can't program, so if anyone is interested in making games for the Pandora and would like concept art, story-writing, level designs etc. I'd take great pleasure in lending a hand. I'm especially interested in Platformers and RPG's as I think those are the two strengths of any handheld system, but Real-Time Strategy and MMO games are the real strength of the Pandora, with it's full keyboard.

So... is there anyone out there who's creating interesting games for the Pandora or could be talked into it, or even anyone with any interesting ideas? At the very least what kind of games would people want to see on the Pandora?
take a look at these:

Making a game takes time, give the homebrewers time, and time will tell.

Did I mention time?
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to sound ungreatful. I realise it's going to take time for games to come out. I'm basically just working my homebrew groupie thing as everyone seems to be talking about emulation at the moment and I'm wondering if they're getting enough love. Plue homebrews are more likely to happen if people feel their games are wanted and they have a venue for brainstorming.
but it seems to me that the console would benefit from some exclusive titles.


I am one of the people making a homebrew game (Panjoust) , and there is one problem with what you mentioned. "Exclusive" would vastly limit the number of users of a game. Panjoust currently runs on pandora, but also on linux and windows pc's. And i see no reaon to limit the number of potential players of my game to the couple of hundred (and soon thousands) that have a pandora, when there are millions (billions?) of pc users. And every developer likes his game played by as many people as possible i think.

Only incentive would be money perhaps, but i think the pandora team are struggling to get things done enough already. And the dev fund can probably be used for more useful stuff than one or two exclusive titles.

Just my thought, Cheers!


I am one of the people making a homebrew game (Panjoust) , and there is one problem with what you mentioned. "Exclusive" would vastly limit the number of users of a game. Panjoust currently runs on pandora, but also on linux and windows pc's. And i see no reaon to limit the number of potential players of my game to the couple of hundred (and soon thousands) that have a pandora, when there are millions (billions?) of pc users. And every developer likes his game played by as many people as possible i think.

Only incentive would be money perhaps, but i think the pandora team are struggling to get things done enough already. And the dev fund can probably be used for more useful stuff than one or two exclusive titles.

Just my thought, Cheers!


Hi, and a pleasure to meet you. You misunderstand what I mean by exclusive. I don't mean exclusive as in only avaliable on the Pandora (which in retrospect is how it came across I probably should have used a different word), but more exclusive as in designed specifically for the Pandora and not simply emulated games from previous consoles many of which have been released for the Nintendo DS, Sony PSP or even the iPhone 4.

I have nothing against the game being freely avaliable on as many platforms as possible, but it would be nice to have a library of games that are designed for the Pandora, rather than designed of the Nintedo 64, Sega Mega Drive or the Sony Playstation and simply ported over. It would make the console feel like more of a console in it's own right rather than simply an emulation platform which is how many website seem to describe it.

But hey, I'm just throwing my ideas out into the forum and seeing which ones stick. I'm glad to hear someones working on games and I look forward to playing them once I get my Pandora.
Hi, and a pleasure to meet you. You misunderstand what I mean by exclusive. I don't mean exclusive as in only avaliable on the Pandora (which in retrospect is how it came across I probably should have used a different word), but more exclusive as in designed specifically for the Pandora and not simply emulated games from previous consoles many of which have been released for the Nintendo DS, Sony PSP or even the iPhone 4.

I have nothing against the game being freely avaliable on as many platforms as possible, but it would be nice to have a library of games that are designed for the Pandora, rather than designed of the Nintedo 64, Sega Mega Drive or the Sony Playstation and simply ported over. It would make the console feel like more of a console in it's own right rather than simply an emulation platform which is how many website seem to describe it.

But hey, I'm just throwing my ideas out into the forum and seeing which ones stick. I'm glad to hear someones working on games and I look forward to playing them once I get my Pandora.

Ah ok, no problem, glad to be of service then :P And really, lots of stuff in the works everywhere, don't know if it has been mentioned before but: it just takes time... ( ; )

everyone has ideas, not everyone can program in their daydreams, as ive said before, this whole I HAS IDEA, NOW YOU CODERS AND PROGRAMMERS MAKE IT HAPPEN! thing never really works out, unless youre willing to put in some serious work into a project, people with the knowhow arent gonna jump out of nowhere and help you make it a reality, ari64 is a perfect example here, he had an idea which everyone whos heard of emulation has had before, but he actually took a vast amount of time and put something together, and other coders jumped ship right away to be of any help possible
ari64 is a perfect example here, he had an idea which everyone whos heard of emulation has had before, but he actually took a vast amount of time and put something together, and other coders jumped ship right away to be of any help possible
You know "jumped ship" means "abandoned" right?
Can I just add's definitely a time thing. Also I'd say there are a few collaborative issues as well. It's difficult to work on a big project cleanly and coherently when people are scattered over the globe. I'm not saying fatal, just saying it makes it harder. I've seen it myself, not here but anyhoo,in my experience a group of programmers in the same room will more than likely get a lot more done in a week than the same number spread all around collaborating on-line as with the second scenario one person is more likely to put them self in charge and everyone else ends up trying to catch up with a codebase that is wildly different from their local version. I'm not saying that's what always happens, I'm just saying it's one lesson experience has taught me
really, from early september...?just to spellcheck me basically? besides, who says they didnt "jump ship" from their own projects to help out on mupen?
'Tis OK.

As for exclusive games?

There's Pandora Panic, and...Pandora Panic. You want exclusives, get a DS. :P