Who Is Your Current Favorite Forumer & Why?

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Axeman posted on Feb 21 2006 at 09:30 PM said:
People come and go, but the core remains (You, Me and Rico, eh Troop??? :) ) :P
I don't pick favourites either, but we will always be regdate buddies :D
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I would say daclassicgamer as well as he seems to pop up everywhere, look he's even here right now. There has also been a couple of funny arguements over i-pods in the past...
not sure if i got the name right
edit: and spray is cool and so was pink even though he talked about being drunk way too much
edit 2: also mark
so 4 people and i'll probably be back, that is why this board is good
stay far away from the qj.net forums there is a guy their named iball who is the king of assholes
edit3: Clown and Twimfy
Craigix, he always seems to bring good news and somehow manages to stop board arguments
Squidge and Warm Fluffy are really cool.
Well, after Daclassic's sig I am very very huffed.

I'm going now!
lubidog posted on Feb 22 2006 at 03:15 PM said:
Well, after Daclassic's sig I am very very huffed.

I'm going now!
No no, you have to make a meaningless poll before you can do that. :D
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I vote Loz (come on, I have a room)

I joined one year ago today! It's my birthday)*

*Forum birthday
TheCheat, Kuriboh, Spam, Lubidog, Nova, Mark, Trooper and the rest.
Including KKnd_cf and finty
Big Huuuug!!! I am drunk, celebrating! We have balloons and everything!

(Cheers, BadToad=best!) :D
Goity posted on Feb 22 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
TheCheat, Kuriboh, Spam, Lubidog, Nova, Mark, Trooper and the rest.
Including KKnd_cf and finty

Awww you're too sweet. Props go to you too goity.
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