I hope that it can be found this keyboard on the market. Any producers? Where can I buy it?
The terming "Human" is frequently employed in some Linux distros/development. It is indicated here in more details:
For those who are familiar with Linux, in particularly Debian family distros, they have probably heard about that. The Ubuntu distro brought this terming "human" (or a philosophy). It may have various meanings. Human in this thread might be related.
The advantages of the keyboard that is proposed are numerous. The design is made to be ergonomically user friendly and ideally suited to coding (eventually word processing). It is also similar to classical keyboards.
For example:
- soft keys
- low keys (height) (seems like) and force required to activate the switch made for little efforts
- Modifiers at their place (like any keyboards) (left side for those that are not getting)
- Function key in the corner, because it is the most used key mod.
- Semicolon and colon not in a corner on the left hand side... (come on, who got the idea to bring the colon on the left hand side.
- ...
It has been very probably a lot of testing, experience, and efforts to design a similar achievement from the concerned person. It showed a great innovation, considering the limited number of keys that are available on the Pandora.
DEFINITELY, this keyboard is exceptional. Soft keys sounds also great, and spacing between the keys also. Take an example, the design of VIM is strongly well made. The function of each key is positioned so that it is comfortable to use, ... It should be the same for a keyboard and be according to common standards as well, and comfortable.
Even with my shitty black-berry (small keys...) I type even much faster
Please I would be interested to be contacted to buy. I am your customer.
** Note: Urgent: Need to work (efficiently considering the keyboard) & travel **
Other topic:
Mouse is another thing. I just talk about the keys. One mistake is made: Tab. For console Linux use, it has no place there. No matter you can remap it with the keycode 9 (<---- tab) to another place (left side of the keyboard) into your rc2.d with the command loadkeys /etc/customkeymap.map
(or a regular xmodmap if you need x11).
- Note: regarding layout, of course US, is the best choice since most developers know this layout the best. Any default installers has us layout. Who care about EU, they all have very different layout.