When Will It Be Avaible


Still Fresh
May 31, 2008
When will this be avaible in usa/canada.Aslo is it a set price of 350.00.
I'm waiting also! But I think the reason you are not aware of it right now is because no one is knows yet.
As far as I know, we're still waiting on an issue with the USB port of the OMAP chip, which has to be resolved by the makers of said chip, so not even the Pandora developers know when it'll be ready.
Asking when it will be released invokes the curse, and pushes the release date back 2 days from whenever it would've been before you asked. :p
We're waiting on more than the USB parts. We're waiting on the actual software development. The 100 "elite" (or at least some of them) have received their Pandora parts, in various shapes and sizes, and they need time to develop the software that ships with the unit.
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There's a "when it's done" policy. This includes anything that has the potential to make it less than perfect.
javaJake said:
The 100 "elite" (or at least some of them) have received their Pandora parts, in various shapes and sizes, and they need time to develop the software that ships with the unit.

Some of them, that is. ;)

Bent boards don't make for good GL ES or other firmware component testing targets...
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javaJake said:
We're waiting on more than the USB parts. We're waiting on the actual software development. The 100 "elite" (or at least some of them) have received their Pandora parts, in various shapes and sizes, and they need time to develop the software that ships with the unit.

I might have understood something in the wrong way, but this link says that the rev C version of the Beagleboard is "expected earliest at November 2008".
Hm, earliest is the most important word here, though November 2008 seems quite informative to. Why should we believe that the Pandora project will get problem-free USB host chip earlier, than the beagleboard team?
So are we really waiting for the software stuff, or the delay is caused by hardware problems?

EDIT. this link is better
EDIT 2. November 2008 - not nice :(
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Prophet said:
reidjr said:
When will this be avaible in usa/canada.Aslo is it a set price of 350.00.
Both questions are answered here.

You mean this? :

When and where can I buy it?

It is already available to selected developers and in June/July for casual users via UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey.

Surely those dates are out the window.
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tmcnair said:

When and where can I buy it?

It is already available to selected developers and in June/July for casual users via UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey.
Surely those dates are out the window.

Maybe, maybe not. If the USB chip problem gets sorted out there could very well be pre-orders by July.

If you read any of the dozen or so other threads on the subject, you'll see that the dev team is 100% committed to making sure Pandora is ready to be released before it goes into full production. If that means pushing back the release by a month, or two months, or six months, then that's what will happen.

There are a few issues right now that are out of their hands. These issues make it impossible to say "Pandora will go on sale on XXX date." Until there is a definite reason that they cannot go on sale by July, that date will probably stay on openpandora.org.
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the site made me look like an idiot when I checked if mWeston(edit, well now I know that it is his first name, not his user name) was on the Dev team or not, it is outdated. <_<
Kloplop321 said:
the site made me look like an idiot

!! Don't sulk and blame the site. It doesn't take much reading on this forum to work that one out.

Perhaps if you took more time on your 40+ posts per day...
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Well I did check, but my point still remains, as well as others, the site is outdated and might as well say: "Expected time for Dev release and public release pending."

I'm bored right now and I have nothing to really code on that I am interested in right now.
Kloplop321 said:
I'm bored right now and I have nothing to really code on that I am interested in right now.
Now that I can sympathize with - I'm happy to wait for Pandora but that doesn't make it any easier - Pandora has made me want to start coding...
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If you really want to code, may I suggest helping out with PyPy's ARM JIT ?
Well I can only do C after heavy analyzation, as I really do not know C, I am learning it though, so far most of my theoretical tests have worked in the PSP world, but they are not very memory friendly it seems.
I mainly do PHP though.
I don't do VB.NET anymore.
Chip said:
tmcnair said:

When and where can I buy it?

It is already available to selected developers and in June/July for casual users via UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey.
Surely those dates are out the window.

If you read any of the dozen or so other threads on the subject, you'll see that the dev team is 100% committed to making sure Pandora is ready to be released before it goes into full production. If that means pushing back the release by a month, or two months, or six months, then that's what will happen.

The FAQ should be as clear as you've been here, which is to say, it will be available when it is good and ready. As it stands, the FAQ implies availability in July at the latest, whereas the truth seems to be that it will be available for pre-order in July at the earliest and thats only if we're lucky.


There are a few issues right now that are out of their hands. These issues make it impossible to say "Pandora will go on sale on XXX date." Until there is a definite reason that they cannot go on sale by July, that date will probably stay on openpandora.org.

That is a strange thing to say. If there are issues which are out of their hands, they should be more conservative with their promise dates. If not, anyone who visits the web site but does not scour the forums are only going to think that they are being misled when the date comes and goes. Breakout box anyone?
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Kloplop321 said:
Well I can only do C after heavy analyzation, as I really do not know C, I am learning it though, so far most of my theoretical tests have worked in the PSP world, but they are not very memory friendly it seems.
I mainly do PHP though.
I don't do VB.NET anymore.
I didn't really expect anyone to know much at all about PyPy :D
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well I won 2nd place in state for a programming competition(it was in a place with like 20 computer related ones going on at once), and I was only there for the first 20 minutes and last 15(everybody else had 5 hours.) I left in the middle for a web competition(failed, tried to make entirely out of flash, don't try that)
they were using a custom made python based language so that nobody knew it.