Short version:
1. The get a cross upgrade for 50€ less from donation is a very good idea, will shorting the waiting queue a bit and has no problems. I think we agree on this

2. The half cross upgrades (for 199€ or 159€) are controversial. I have read your post and want to explain my opinion about it.
1. Not everyone is going to be willing to 'upgrade'.
True but a lot of people will, when it is cheap enough.
The solution can not, therefore, touch that money - that still has to flow out to units for people sitting in the queue the longest.
It is hard to determine what is "fair".
1. The one who waited longest, should be served first, is fair.
2. We should clear the queue with the least possible amount of sales, to make sure everyone who payed for a preorder will get a Pandora, is fair too.
Both things are fair, but both say different things.
What would be worse? Getting a Pandora later then someone who ordered after myself, but pays extra money? Or getting not a Pandora because there are not enough sales? Or getting a Pandora 6 month later then possible, because nobody is allowed to jump the queue for money?
All 3 things are not nice. But I believe most people will agree, that getting a Pandora later is better then getting no Pandora at all. This way I think the best thing is too allow half cross upgrades.
2. Your idea is a violation of the agreement that ED and CraigIX had whereby profits from sales go to fund orders from the queue. You're using it for orders that HOP the queue - that is different.
Are you sure about this? I think the hopping is reducing the queue is helping to fullfil the agreement with less sales, since you need less profit.
ED latest numbers there are 237 preorders left.
When the production price is 375€ he needs 88,875€ to produce them. He needs less when people pay to get the Pandora more early. With the average sales of 40 Pandoras a month and 2 sold Pandoras fund preordered Pandora he needs 12 months for clearing the queue.
You can say, the queue is worth 89,000€.
So the agreement between Craig, ED and the preorders is to get 89,000€ to clear the queues.
There are allready 3 ways of clearing the queue:
1. Selling enough Pandoras and use the profit.
2. Get donations from nice people
3. Let someone pay the production for his Pandora and jump the queue (cross upgrade).
We have now 2 other ideas:
4. Use donation to let more preorders cross upgrade. Use a small but significant amount of 50€ (+25€ if the are not enough willing to do it)
5. Sell 1 Pandora and let the other half of production cost be paid by someone who want to jump the queue.
You see point 3. and 5. are quite similar.
Let's have a more mathematical view at it:
Every crossupgrade removes 375€ from the 89K. Every 2 sales removes 375€ from the list. Every half cross upgrade removes 375€ (you have to pay 199€ for a Ghz Pandora, the rest is taken from profits).
Every cross upgrade is free (costs covered by upgrader). Every 2 sales, costs 2 sales. Every half cross upgrade costs 1 sale (half costs covered by upgrader). We (and in fact nobody) don't know how many Pandoras ED will be able to sell. And how many per month. The "best move" to deliver to as many as possible Pandoras to preorder customers would be use the least possible amount of sales.
Imagine it as a kind of walking game. You are just allowed to do X steps. X is unknown. And you want to reach the goal before you are out of steps. You have to use the path, which takes you to the goal with the least steps. The goal in this case is the fullfilment of the agreement to deliver all Pandoras to the preorders.
A cross upgrade costs 0 steps and is best.
A 50€ donation subsidized cross upgrade costs 0 steps and the best too.
A half cross upgrade costs 1 step and is ok.
A "sell 2, build 1" Pandora costs 2 steps and the worst.
A donation is "get an extra step".
So we have to use all this tactics to reach the goal. The best tactic would be: "all predorders just cross upgrade". This is not possible. The 50€ donation cross upgrade is a good way to get more cross upgrades and should be considered. The half cross upgrades are the most realistic way to reach the goal, since they costs only half the steps, then the "sell 2 Pandoras to build 1 new Pandora" operation.
So: when more people do half cross upgrades, the amount of needed steps (sales) is reduced. So everyone gets a Pandora sooner, and the probability that every preorder customer gets a Pandora rises. If everyone is doing a half cross upgrades there are only 250 sales needed, which can be done ca. 6 months instead of 12 months. If 50% of predorders do the half cross upgrade, ED needs to sell 375 Pandoras and we need 9 months. 250 or 375 are far less then 500 sales.
The agreement is not broken by doing half cross upgrades.
1. If nobody half cross upgrades, nothing happens.
2. If some people cross upgrades, the queue is reordered (some people get to the front), but queue will be shorter and still all people will get a Pandora when ED sells enough new Pandoras.
3. If all are doing cross upgrades, the queue will change not, but will be cleared in half the time. So ALL people have to wait only for 250 instead of 500 sales and will keep their positions in the queue.
The only drawback from half cross upgrades is, that people who half cross upgrade will get in front of the queue. This is the cost. You change positions in the queue. But the queues gets shorter with every position change, and the global waiting time to clear the queue would be a lot shorter.
4. Your idea requires the diversion of something in the range of 200EUR for each of 500 orders = 100.000 EUR that doesn't exist.
I think there are just 237 orders. This would need about 50.000€. And this money can be taken from the profits ED is making with selling new 1 Ghz Pandoras.
5. Your method requires diverting funds away from someone else's Pandora shipping earlier in the queue in order to subsidize one going out earlier to you.
This is true. But it is making more people getting their Pandora much faster, even when only of the preorders are half cross upgrading.
Let do some easy math. Say we have 240 people in the queue. The last 50% is doing a half cross upgrade.
The amount (sales) needed with half cross upgrades:
120*1+120*2= 120+240=360 sales needed
The amount (sales) needed
without half cross upgrades:
240*2= 240+240=480 sales needed
With 40 sales per Month, this are 3 months more. This is way I think half cross upgrades would be a good thing.
Only question: what to do with the already existing rebirth units? They were produced from existing, old Omap chips. Are there still old omap chips left?