When Is The Real Release Date...

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Gary13579 said:
B-ZaR said:
$ python -c "print 'The pandora will be ready %i.11.2009' % __import__('random').randint(1,31)"
The pandora will be ready 24.11.2009

gary@snuggles:~/qqbot/bin/Debug$ python -c "print 'The pandora will be ready %i.11.2009' % __import__('random').randint(1,31)"
The pandora will be ready 31.11.2009

Yes there's a 1:31 chance that the pandora will never be ready. On the other hand I may have thought about parameters for range().
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Clad said:

Here is the release date of the Pandora given what craigix said :

clad@desktop:~$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:24:49) 
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from random import *
>>> random()*30+1

The 13th of November.
17:59:30-david@david-desktop:~$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.r19180-b20091021023451 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_16).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> util.Random nextInt 29 + 1
res0: Int = 13



EDIT: You rounded the result wrongly however....
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dflemstr said:

Uh ? Where the hell did you quote that from ? This post's not from me.

Btw, if the post were from me (which it isn't as I have no clue about python and am running windows anyway), I would had rounded the result correctly. The result has been incremented as there is no such thing as a 0th of November, but rounding instead of lefting the decimals over would have let a 1 out of 60 possibility to come with a 31th, of which there is no such either in Nov. Beside, the 1st would have half the chance to come up than any other number. And this would have been a damn discrimination, which is bad, m'kay ?
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Clad said:
dflemstr said:

Uh ? Where the hell did you quote that from ? This post's not from me.

What? I never quoted anything? What are you talking about... :P

Clad said:
[...] I would had rounded the result correctly. [...]
No idea about python, eh? The behavior of random() seems to be something you know of...
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I ain't discussing how this function work, but rather what I would have said in the purely hypothetical case I actually typed what you quoted. Which, of course, I haven't as it would have meant I hadn't read the thread thoroughly and redone the joke that had been posted twice already. And we all know I'm not that kind of person.
Python 3.0.1+ (r301:69556, Apr 15 2009, 17:25:52) 
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import random
>>> random.randint(1,30)

Just use randint ;)
I am also close to 13 lol (first try !)

It shows we are all getting really bored here lol
marshal said:
Python 3.0.1+ (r301:69556, Apr 15 2009, 17:25:52) 
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import random
>>> random.randint(1,30)

Just use randint ;)
I am also close to 13 lol (first try !)

It shows we are all getting really bored here lol

In an attempt to really screw up the randomization algorithm as much as possible:
18:59:44-david@david-desktop:~$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.r19180-b20091021023451 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_16).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> import util.Random._
import util.Random._

scala> for(x <- 0 to 30 if nextInt(2) == 0) yield x
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = NewVectorImpl(0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 27, 29)

scala> res0(nextInt(res0.length))
res1: Int = 13


And yes, I'm bored if you couldn't tell.
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If there is a chance that November will be when 'it' happens, shouldn't the things like the Cases and so forth be along any day now in readiness?
PHP is more optimistic:
$ echo '<?php $day = rand(1, 30); echo "The Pandora will arrive on the ${day}th of November.\n" ?>' |php
The Pandora will arrive on the 6th of November.

Ruby guesses a bit more conservatively but still well before the 13th:
$ echo 'print "The Pandora will arrive on the "+(rand() * 30).ceil().to_s()+"th of November.\n"' |ruby
The Pandora will arrive on the 9th of November.

My quartz d20, rolled twice, gives me 5 + 16 = 21. But that might just reflect a bias analog entertainment might have against a digital entertainment device.

Still, summing up all results so far we get an average of 12-ish so the 13th of November does sound plausible.
Vorporeal said:
craigix said:
There is a date in November that the 4000 should be finished on, but no one dares to post it.
Pandora-hungry forum members

You mean us customers deprived of a product for over a year? Don't just cast us away as "that crowd, don't bother to listen to them"

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Vorporeal said:
Pandora-hungry forum members

You mean us customers deprived of a product for over a year? Don't just cast us away as "that crowd, don't bother to listen to them"

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CC_machine said:
Vorporeal said:
Pandora-hungry forum members

You mean us customers deprived of a product for over a year? Don't just cast us away as "that crowd, don't bother to listen to them"


agreed... after spending a fortune on this device, it must should be expected of the company to provide us with an exact date, not a loose "whenever".
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aesir911 said:
agreed... after spending a fortune on this device, it must should be expected of the company to provide us with an exact date, not a loose "whenever".
Have you ever dealt with companies in China? If not, then you won't understand why it is so hard to nail down actual dates. I can't even get a question answered for a different project that I started asking about back in September. It's like talking to a Genie that grants you one wish and then ignores you the rest of the week.
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MWeston said:
Have you ever dealt with companies in China? If not, then you won't understand why it is so hard to nail down actual dates. I can't even get a question answered for a different project that I started asking about back in September. It's like talking to a Genie that grants you one wish and then ignores you the rest of the week.

We have and I feel your pain. It's difficult even getting an order started with people who often don't even speak English and are sending you clearly machine translated e-mails, and you have to wait until 4AM your time to get a response. And those are just the geographical and language barriers. Although things have been made in China for a long time now I think it's relatively recent that they've all been on the open market like this and could legally export private goods to small businesses/individuals throughout the world. Actually it's impressive just how far they've come in such a short time, guess it's only a matter of time before they start dominating the entire tech industry..
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MWeston said:
aesir911 said:
agreed... after spending a fortune on this device, it must should be expected of the company to provide us with an exact date, not a loose "whenever".
Have you ever dealt with companies in China? If not, then you won't understand why it is so hard to nail down actual dates. I can't even get a question answered for a different project that I started asking about back in September. It's like talking to a Genie that grants you one wish and then ignores you the rest of the week.

I have dealt with China more than you know... it's disgusting, isn't it? I thought this "company" was in England though, not China. I was disappointed that they are making these moulds in China. Earlier posts from EvilDragon said they were to be made in Texas rather than China because...well...it's China. They are cheap because they use cheap materials, cheap labor, and the list goes on...
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aesir911 said:
MWeston said:
aesir911 said:
agreed... after spending a fortune on this device, it must should be expected of the company to provide us with an exact date, not a loose "whenever".
Have you ever dealt with companies in China? If not, then you won't understand why it is so hard to nail down actual dates. I can't even get a question answered for a different project that I started asking about back in September. It's like talking to a Genie that grants you one wish and then ignores you the rest of the week.

I have dealt with China more than you know... it's disgusting, isn't it? I thought this "company" was in England though, not China. I was disappointed that they are making these moulds in China. Earlier posts from EvilDragon said they were to be made in Texas rather than China because...well..it's China.

All the test FDM CNC etc. cases were. But the moulds, well, China is the only place to do them right now. Everything else is done in the west.
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craigix, on 22 October - 12:55 PM, said:
All the test FDM CNC etc. cases were. But the moulds, well, China is the only place to do them right now. Everything else is done in the west.

I see... good to know. Thanks.
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