What's The Geekiest Thing You've Ever Done?

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Just the other day, I was playing Custom Robo Arena for the DS ... your robot gets dirty after battling and needs occasional cleaning.

I actually used the micro-fiber cloth that I carry with my DS to virtually 'clean' my robo (the interface uses a virtual cloth, so I thought it appropriate) ... immediately after, I felt embarrassed ... and I was alone in the room! :ph34r:

So come on, spill it! I'm sure there's someone out there who can top me! :lol:
I don't know about geekiest ever, but just the other day I was driving behind another car in the late afternoon. As we rounded a bend and the shadows changed accordingly I thought to myself "Cool - dynamic soft shadows!" before I realised how very sad I was.

I was looking in a box for something, I instantly thought "dir" (before I was a linux user, in that case I would have thought "ls") B)
Parkydr said:
The geekiest thing I find myself doing is spotting assembler instructions in the letters of car number plates.
lol... that's a good one.

When I was in 6th grade, I started pen and paper role playing. We've got this ruleset in germany called "das schwarze auge" which is a good but simple D&D spin off. Since I didn't have a rule book or anything back then, me and my friends just used a manual of a dungeon crawler game (think elder scrolls 1) that was made using the "schwarze auge" franchise. I am pretty sure that computer-game exists in english, don't ask me what it's called though...

It worked quite well... so yeah, I guess that's pretty geeky.
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Actually.. I have to revise what I said.

Working around a hard drive controller failure and using the drive in a windows machine daily without hassles.

xnopasaranx said:
I am pretty sure that computer-game exists in english, don't ask me what it's called though...
It's called "Realms of Arcania". There's Star Trail, Blade of Destiny and Shadows over Riva.
Admittedly, the computer games are not nearly as good as the PnP.

My geekiest thing... I wrote a Perl program that generates Java code that generates an Excel Macro which generates an Excel table. Does that count?
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Mosch said:
xnopasaranx said:
I am pretty sure that computer-game exists in english, don't ask me what it's called though...
It's called "Realms of Arcania". There's Star Trail, Blade of Destiny and Shadows over Riva.
Admittedly, the computer games are not nearly as good as the PnP.

My geekiest thing... I wrote a Perl program that generates Java code that generates an Excel Macro which generates an Excel table. Does that count?

fair enough... I think that is pretty geeky.
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In seventh grade I built a Hallow'en costume out of a large cardboard box and went as... an Asteroids cabinet. I used poker chips for buttons and drew the screen using black contruction paper and cut out white shapes for the ship and asteroids. I think that qualifies as pretty geeky.
bought manic miner for the spectrum 48k with my pocket money before i had a spectrum.
virusx said:
I've made the same thing with my amstrad cpc. Keeping an old w98 laptop to "burn" floppy images :)
w98 laptop, that's what I did as well, did not work with my older xp-laptop although this one got a printer port as well. star commander works also with the cpc? or did you use a different program?
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Cried when the tape drive stopped working on my acorn electron a few years ago. I soon got it fixed though! (turned the screw on the head to move it closer to the tape)
Also, pirating electron games and using the speakers to boost the signal so that the recorder could pick it up correctly. I got several odd looks from people due to all of the screeching coming out of the speakers. It was worth it though :ph34r:

Not really done anything overly geeky recently (that I can remember), other than pulling out my PDA whilst camping in the hopes of picking up a wifi signal when sat in my tent <_<
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chaos engineer said:
virusx said:
I've made the same thing with my amstrad cpc. Keeping an old w98 laptop to "burn" floppy images :)
w98 laptop, that's what I did as well, did not work with my older xp-laptop although this one got a printer port as well. star commander works also with the cpc? or did you use a different program?

It's not thru networking. I installed a compatible 3"1/2 PC floppy drive on my CPC (how geeky is it?).
Then I burn 3" disk images on some 3"1/2 floppies.
But the tool is only working with W9x computers.
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Well, I have a tough time working on any of my coding projects in my apartment. There's too many distractions around, video games, guitars, the internet, movies, etc. So the other day, I drove into work (on my day off), snuck into one of the empty offices, hooked up my laptop and coded there in secret. And I think I'm going to do it again today. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked (spent most of the day battling with the compiler...) but I got more done than I do at home.

Oh, and one time, a friend and I got really drunk and discussed binary math in a seedy pub. In a place full of old men drinking alone and hipster douchebags out "slumming", I'm pretty sure we were the only ones having that conversation.
Lets see...spent 4 hours in the Hyatt on the 24th floor trying to get a wifi signal...and got one! (its quite miraculous actually)

I often play Frets on Fire using the "keytar" (an upside-down spare keyboard with a neck strap made from printer cable wire). People think that's really geeky.

Managing to use an AOL dialup connection with linux (the only way to do it is to have a computer with Windows ME and AOL 7.0 share the connection through ICS).

Spent 3 days figuring out how to shuffle a standard deck of cards in TI-82 basic. (it was difficult as there is no way to resize or delete from arrays)

I also use a wireless optical mouse...with my laptop keyboard as the mousing surface.

And right now I'm writing a program for the GP2X whose backend is entirely in shell script (complete with sed, grep, etc.)... in the dentist's waiting room.