EvilDragon said:
Just wanted to add: I am going to have some coffee right now.
What kind of coffee? Decaf, caffeine injected?
I'm kinda privy to using honey in my tea...
Woah, woah... hang on. I'm getting a signal from the main brain, if you know what I mean. It's telling me that I need to talk to all you fine folk about butter! Okay. No sweat. I can do that. Let's talk about butter, not the relative ability of sea horses off the coast of Brazil to dial the wrong number.
bigun talks about butter:
The best butter is army butter! You know, the kind Anne Francis used to natter on about endlessly in her later years. My junior half cousin once removed, added back, and thrice compounded on a semi-annually sliding scale determined by a computer-based rating engine once enlisted just for the butter! Only... He wound up in the Navy. Not quite the same sort of butter, I'm afraid.
another voice in bigun's head weighs in on butter:
The best butter is halfway-to-hell-I-just-saw-the-devil-and-he-was-eating-butter-sandwiches-with-Adolp-Hitler butter! Just don't fall into the churn.
a third voice's opinion:
No, you're all wrong--the best butter is unpasturized Nigerian monkey milk butter! It's rather rare because a.) the monkey milk has to be imported into Nigeria, b.) it's illegal to import monkey milk into Nigeria, which means it has to be smuggled in, and c.) few Nigerians still know how to make it.
Okay, now that we've aired a few opinions regarding the best butter, here's how to make a wonderful tasty butter snack that many Americans--and by "Americans, I'm specifically referring to the stupid, ignorant, obese fucktards currently infesting the United States) enjoy:
Take three pounds of real butter (12 sticks) and mix
Mix 2 pounds of sourcream together at room temperature
Mix until creamy
Add bacon to taste
Is it butter, or is it Parkay? It's butter, dammit!
The original concern never did concern me. It was really an item for Pete the Bowser, more or less. (Preferably less!)
The dairy farmer's place is in the back of his sense of apathy towards change and epileptics. You ever see a dairy farmer inconvenience himself for the sake of an epileptic? I didn't think so.
Make mine Moxy. Moxy brand butter, that is!
If your looking for fresh unpasteurized butter, you better not look in Burma. You just better not. Well, you certainly can look there, but i don't recommend it!
I want to make my family die. Woops--sorry, that didn't come out quite right. What I meant was "I want to take a family ride." I want to take a family ride but I do not want to offend the location with embarrassing, shameful, inferior butter.
I totally lifted this by the way.... Man I need to get better... *goes to lay down*
Frosted butts