What Was Your Gaming History?


Jan 6, 2010
What was your Gaming history?
be as descriptive as you can to show the evolution of video games.
edit your post when you remember other classic games you haven't listed
its Off topic, but with all the negativity in the threads recently, I thought we'd need it as icebreaker
Here's mine:

When I was born '89, and the first console I had was a 2nd hand broken one (not sure what it was) that had Pong!
'95)Next another second hand Sega (all I could afford) and only had 1 game = Wonderboy.
But I could never finish the 3rd level of Wonderboy due to bad controls, apparently theres only a dozen levels anyway.

'97)All other games happened on Pentium 3 including solitaire, minesweeper, duke nukum, duke nukem 3D, hyperbalde, destruction derby, time commando, fifth element, mechwarrior3, carmageddon2, star wars Xwing fighter with joystick, 1999 PC magazine demo-disk with ioQ3 & tomb raider etc, hacked/teleport GTA2, Abe 2 exodus and maybe a few more.

'01)... then came the PS2!
and with PS2 = demo disk, fifa 2001, Gran Turismo 3, gta vice city, war of the monsters ..., .... etc etc

'03)then I got over games, and used my computer (Pentium 4) for low level/online games eg Age of Myth, Mario Forever, N-game, madness interactive etc etc

'08)then I got my first laptop and I was addicted to Combat Arms (now aweful GUI and increased hackers)
then I got Crysis (highest pixels, medium settings)

'09)then came iphone 3G and its AppStore
then got rid of iphone and gave laptop to mum

'09 - current)
got a Wii, got an Acer Aspire 4810TG with HD4330
Wii = not for me (sucks), waiting for pandora

I've used other consoles which friends had owned; GB colour, N64, PSone, PSP, Xbox, DSi
So I've missed out on alot (i think), but having a PS2/online games/AppStore has somewhat kept my Gamer status from dying
Got an NES in 93, Genesis in 95, SNES in 97 or so...that was it till 2000 when I got a PSX, PS2 in '02, Wii in '06, 360 last year, but I've been pretty much PC since '04.

SNES was great; never bought anything, but got to play so many games thanks to a rental store that had 5-day rentals for $1.
I started with a Commodore 64 when I was about six years old. I had already learned to be careful with and respectful of my things, and I always treated it well. The tape add-on was the dominant means of loading the games, here in the UK, and you would very often find new games being sold near to the checkout at the local newsagents' shop! Most of my favourite C64 games were purchased this way, in fact (for example, Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo, and Magic Land Dizzy). You'd also see them in places like Toys 'R' Us, at the same sorts of prices as at the newsagent. I actually wanted a NES, when I was this age, but I learned my earliest computing skills from the C64, so I'm grateful that I had that instead.

A few years later, I got a Sega Game Gear, having decided on it instead of a Nintendo Game Boy at the last minute. Whilst I liked the games at the time (in spite of buying some disappointing titles, such as Sonic Chaos, which I really had to try to force myself to like because £30 was thirty weeks of saving, or a very big chunk of birthday money, at that age), as I grew older I found that they weren't to my taste at all. The same goes for the Sega Mega Drive, which was my next console, a year or so after that.

I got a Game Boy a while later. I enjoyed its software library, but I found that it really came into its own once I got my SNES, and began to realise what my taste in games really was.

My next machine was a SNES, and finally I had found the system which was to become my favourite of all time. This one has all of my fondest gaming memories (Donkey Kong Country 2, Star Fox, Kirby Super Deluxe, Rockman & Forte, Mega Man X, Sandra no Daibouken: Valkyrie to no Deai - the list is very long indeed), and it played a part in my life for many, many years afterwards, and still does. When I got into SNES emulation in the early part of the last decade, I started buying SNES games again - new ones, that I had either missed out on at the time, or which were never released in my country at all. I still do this, even now! (It's worth noting that the handful of games that I like on the Sega Mega Drive, have much more in common with SNES games than they do with most Mega Drive games.)

The N64 came next. It was interesting to see stuff in 3D, but I noticed that most of these titles failed to hold my interest or provide the same sort of fun as older games had. I also experienced a severe disappointment in Star Fox 64 - what a horrible game! Filled with flimsy, weightless-feeling ships and controls, appallingly bad voice-acting and writing, and cringeworthy melodrama and blatant ripping off of other fictional universes, this was a truly dire follow-up to what I feel is one of the best games ever made (Star Fox, for the SNES). It didn't help that this game ret-conned the superior product out of existence, and replaced the already-established setting with its whiney childishness instead. It was clearly designed to be looked at and listened to, but not played. (I should note that, in the years since, I have come to have an appreciation of Star Fox 64 on its own merits, and believe that on those terms it is actually a competent enough game. However, when compared to what came before it, and what was cancelled in favour of it, I still feel that it is an incredibly mediocre title that cannot hold a candle to the original Star Fox or to the unreleased Star Fox 2. :p )

Then there was the Game Boy Pocket (bought because the original Game Boy gave me eye-strain), and then the Game Boy Colour - there's not a lot to say about this. See the entry on the Game Boy. :p

My next machine was a used Sega Saturn, of which I have some fond memories, even though I only had two or three games for it (and only one that I played regularly). I bought this because of a particular game, but when its sequel turned out to be for the Sony PlayStation, I picked up one of those, as well. Around this time, I found that video games were becoming even less interesting to me, not only due to most 3D games simply not being much fun to me, but also due to too many games wasting disc space on unnecessary fluff, or outright pretending to be some sort of film. This, of course, continued from the stuff I began noticing with the N64. At the time, though, I was too inexperienced to quite figure out why, however.

After that, the Dreamcast. There was nothing of interest to me on this system, I'm afraid. Anybody who claims that there is something for everyone on this machine is forgetting that it had no 2D platformers - or, at least, none that I'm aware of. "3D platformers" don't count, I'm afraid, because they are often erroneously called platform games, even though they normally aren't - they're usually just spatial path-finding or scavenger-hunting titles. :p

Next up, the Game Boy Advance! This was more like it. It's close to the SNES (but comes after the Nintendo DS) in terms of fond recollections of it. Here, I started finding that more games that suited my tastes were available again.

Next, came the Nintendo GameCube. It had a few great games that I still like, but again I felt the same problems that I had with the PlayStation. I was starting to realise, faintly, why. The Dreamcast and the GameCube were the machines where I started noticing that customers like me were being actively pushed away by many third-parties because of our tastes and expectations of quality.

I got a GP2X after this. It was a First Edition unit, I got it from Craig's store. It was one of the flickery-screen models, and unfortunately it bricked itself as soon as the first official update was issued. :( The unit was replaced promptly (a belated thanks to Craig and crew for your excellent service :) ), but unfortunately the screens on the second lot of GP2Xs seemed to cause me to get headaches, so I had to sell mine.

And then came the Nintendo DS. Now I fully realised why I had been beginning to tire of video games, and found that there was now a machine that brought me as many awesome new experiences as the SNES did back in the day. Anyone who thinks this is about the touch-screen or "gimmicks" is missing the point - it's about the driving values behind it.

I finally picked up a NES at some point after this, and I love it. Again, it's close to the SNES, DS, and GBA in how highly I regard it - lots of stuff to my taste, here. I got it for £30, with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge box of games. I didn't want some of the titles, and sold them, and in doing so I made almost all of that £30 back! Top tip: You don't need to replace the 72-pin connector in a NES to make it work again - you can fix it for free by opening it up, taking the connector out, and carefully bending the pins up with a small flat-head screwdriver. You can also cut pin 4 on the lockout chip (at least on a PAL unit) in order to not only prevent future "blinking" problems, but also to allow it to play games from the US, and, with an appropriate adapter, Japan, as well.

And that brings me on to the Wii. Yet again, another machine where I'm feeling the same as I did with the SNES and so on. Plenty of excellent arcade-style games, and a convenient way of legitimately buying older titles on a number of machines, too (I bought Pulseman, this way, for example :p ~£6 instead of £60+? Excellent.). Once again, it's about the driving values, not the input methods - it's interesting how the biggest-selling titles are not those that use all of the features, but instead those that combine them nicely, and put them to use in an excellent game (there are even some that mostly don't use the standard controller at all - again, it's about the driving values). This machine also saw the return of my favourite video game series of all time, the "classic" string of the Mega Man series. Whilst 9 was hugely flawed and had some game-breakingly bad level design decisions in places, I love Mega Man 10 dearly - it's one of the best games I've ever played. :p
When I see 20 somethings that say they were born in 89'/90's, I shift my head to the right like a confused puppy. My perception of time and age pretty much stopped after I turned 23...5 years ago.
This should be in off-topic or other consoles, but...

Atari 2600, must have been about Christmas 1980 as I was a wee tyke. Adventure blew my mind. Loads of Combat (esp. Biplane mode) too.

Commodore 64 came next, round about 1984. A zillion games then - Zorro, Paradroid, Pool of Radiance, H.E.R.O., Super Cycle, Summer Games, Wizball... Pedro! Bruce Lee. Crikey, way too many.

Moved up to an Amiga 500 a few years later (and a couple of years later than everyone else), to enjoy Silkworm, Stunt Car Racer, Apidya and a trillion others.

Eventually shifted to a 386DX, but didn't do a whole lot of gaming on it. Wing Commander, Wolf3D. Became addicted to Moria. A few more recent things over the years with inevitable upgrades, but more than anything stuff like Angband and D.R.O.D.

Back to the consoles, I had most of them at one point but always seemed to swap systems with people. Briefly had an NES (Super Mario Bros, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden and Kabuki Quantum Fighter mostly), SMS (Alex Kidd, Choplifter and Sonic), a Megadrive (Desert Strike, Toejam & Earl, Streets of Rage), and then into SNES big-time. Had a Wildcard and was a "courier" for Anthrax cracking group, so I had every game as it came out. Played, well, literally everything, even the wacky Japanese stuff I couldn't understand. I conquered Alcahest in Japanese back then. Most-played games were Super Mario World, Pilot Wings, Super Metroid, Super Mario Kart, Castlevania 4, Zelda 3, Secret of Mana, FF3/6 and a stack of other RPGs.

Gameboy and Game Gear came and went. GB was all about Revenge of the Gator and Tetris, while GG I didn't do a lot with past the Sonic game.

PS1 was up next. Enjoyed this for a while, especially FF7, Suikoden and Castelvania SOTN - but never got into it as heavily as I expected.

Around the same time, someone came into the book/comic shop I was managing wanting to sell a Vectrex. Yes please! That became a standard in the store and customers would try to beat my Minestorm score.

Also had an N64 with a Doctor V64 backup unit, but really didn't like the system. Played everything that came out, only really enjoyed Mario 64 and Space Station Silicon Valley. I never got back to playing Ocarina seriously, it's always been on my list though.

Then I took a break for a number of years.

The newer stuff (Saturn onward), well that's a whole 'nother story.
I'll try and keep this Pandora related and start with what I'd like to have working on it:

Speaking as a child of the 70s, in 1980 when Pac Man was big I was 5. Loved it, played it at the grocery store while my mom shopped. Learned how to punch below the coinslots and reset the machine and it got to the point where mom had to wait for me sometimes. Those were the days. The town where I grew up had 3 GOOD arcades at the peak of upright gaming early 80s. Games were everywhere, and eventually the craze moved into the homes and out off the streets. My first gaming home system was the Atari 2600, at one point I had one of those $100 TI 99/2 that I learned BASIC on in 3rd grade. Friends had Atari 400, Colecovision, Intellivision.

A few years went buy playing Atari, blistering my hands, ruining joysticks. Sometime I was on a vacation on the boardwalk and played my first game of Super Mario Brothers. Wow. I think that Christmas Santa bought me a NES along with Zelda. Stoked.

A neighbor in high school had an Amiga 1000 and I picked up my first PC, an 8088XT with 20mb hard drive. Got my first virus on that thing in 91 or 92, a trojan. Loved playing Wasteland, Scorched Earth, Rogue, and Mechwarrior on that. Got in trouble for crashing school PCs by hacking through WatchDog, ah the joy of youth. Somewhere in here SNES came into play, SFII, F Zero. Didn't play much from Sega till college, Techmo Football obviously (why better on Sega?). Freshman year of college, I had a friend pickup Super Metroid in Japan when he went home for Xmas. For some reason it was delayed here. That also turned me onto foreign markets regarding bonus tracks on CDs, and games released in Japan that never made it stateside. Ranma 1/2, fun fighting.

Went into the Army (young dumb.......) and picked up a PS1 in Germany. FFVII, gosh, a girlfriend erased my game and I was furious at her, but she was a good sport about it, should've married that one (love the German gals for anyone that's got a cute single sister over there). Anyway, i digress. And I'll stop here because I can't play anything after that on my Pandora.

Look forward to things like N64 that I never owned but played at a friends as well.

Peace & stoned ramblings,


EDIT; Forgot about my GameBoy, must have been Jr High and I've fried those braincells somewhere along the way, I also had a 386 a few years after my 8088XT became antiquated. Somewhere in there I bought an Atari Jaguar but had to return it for being faulty.
My first console was the Fiesta64 - it looked like a bootleg N64 but it only played a small handful of NES games. I quite enjoyed it even though I realized it was a complete piece of shit at the time. Boy I loved that console, I still to this day have memories of playing all 16 games on it. Ironically enough it boasted having 64 games but they were the same 16 games repeated with different names. This console taught me the meaning of hard work and the usefulness of Chinese prison labor camps.

I was so happy to find on my 8th birthday that my parents had bought me the new Funstation. At the time I had this product confused with the Playstation that my friends had been bragging about having, but quickly I learned my mistake. While I was disappointed, the Funstation really grew on me, I had never seen games with such graphics! The 22 SNES games it came with suddenly found themselves a special place in my heart, though it did come with a 23rd game but it was less a game and more closely resembled a text file giving credit to the creators of the system. I wish I still had my Funstation to this date, but alas, both of the controllers it had come with broke, and there was no place that sold extras for it (I recall going into one store where I was called a "retard" and was escorted out of the store for requesting a controller). Ah, those were the good old days.

The third console I owned was a gigantic improvement over the other two. It boasted real 64 bit gaming, and while I'm sure this figure was pulled out of someone's ass, it came with a whole 80+ SNES games. I believe it was called the FunBox, but I can't seem to find any more online (it must have been really rare). My favorite out of all of the games was definitely "Duck Hunt", and while I did enjoy it, the gun never actually worked. I still loved it though because I got to hold a toy gun that I could actually shoot at the screen and I thought that maybe one day I would actually be able to hit a duck in the game (never happened, as it turns out the gun didn't even have any electronic components inside, I had always wondered why it was "wireless" and yet needed no batteries). This was probably the best console anyone ever bought me and it made for a great 12th birthday present.

The last "retro" console I owned was the PocketGaem Xpress - and no those aren't typos on my part, that's what it actually said on the console. It had 36 of my favorite Gameboy games, and while the 8 AA battery requirement plus the built in rechargeable battery seemed excessive, I did truly love that console. It felt so good to finally be able to carry my games with me wherever I went, and the graphics were so amazing for such a tiny screen. I suppose that's why it needed all that juice. My 13th birthday truly was my favorite birthday ever. Sadly I had to retire my PocketGaem Xpress as a few minor holes appeared in the case and the shocks I occasionally received from the console turned me off from handheld gaming for years.
I started off with a GameGear. I only had a few games for that thing, but still a very memorable experience. Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Itchy and Scratchy, and Battletoads. Yes, the first game I ever played was Battletoads.

Went on to SNES afterward with more traditional gaming stuff like Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger. I played most of the essential classics, but didn't branch off much into gaming yet. PSX, N64, and Dreamcast followed, along with my ability to rent games at the local video store. Played many games, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros. 64, FFVII, Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, and many more.

Soon DDR came around. Say what you want about DDR, but it's fantastic game imo. Became very good at it, AAs and AAAs on Heavy mode, still play on occasion. Imported some Beatmania IIDX games for PS2 and got relatively good at them as well.

Went sort of back in time after this, playing some classics I missed out on. With my ridiculous coordination and reflex time gained from DDR and IIDX, shmups came naturally! NES, SNES, PSX, Genesis, arcade shmups, etc. I've become pretty well versed in gaming history at this point.

Unfortunately, not much time for gaming at this point. Too much work and barely any time to touch the newer systems. With the Pandora I'd like to get some on-the-go gaming in, as well as having a 'historical archive' of all the greatest games of the past. I see the Pandora as a kind of text book on gaming as a whole, but not in the boring math homework textbook kind of way. Like a rad 80's arcade textbook with neon lights glowing all over it.

Edit: Of course there are many other systems I left out, just wanted to write down the gist of it. There's also TG-16, GB, GBA, DS, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, Xbox 360, as well as late 90's/early 00's computer games. The only main systems I've missed out on are Saturn, PSP, and PS3, though I don't really care about the last two.
It was soviet country, so we have our own gaming computers with lot good games...So i got "Электрон II" and was happy)
But few years after, new console appeared - Dendy...You know, this was just a pirate NES, but in our soviet place nobody care...Everyone got Dendy and everyone was happy...tv show about Dendy Nes was never sold here, it just can't be plugged in russian tv's because of format defference( Next step was SEGA Megadrive, it was after USSR broke in to a countries, and it was AWESOME! It was time I really love sonic :3 At the same time I got Gameboy, ant it was a fake again, before game boot there wasn't GameBoy logo - there was a TTK...but it was better normal GameBoy, because it was playing GameBoy color games! (still black and white)
After I've got a playstation spending all my time in Ape Escape and Spyro.... and at the same time GBA, playing POKEMON! God, I love this game sooooo much!
Here was a long time I haven't any console, because I bougth PC, but after all I got PSP, yeah, was cool, but...I have no idea what to play after I played ALL intresting games, so I got DS..still playing! And final step was about PS3..yeah, love it)

At the end I got:
Dendy(hacked NES), Sega, Sega32x, SegaCD, TTK(GameBoy hack), GBA, PSP, DSLite, Dingoo, PS3.
Well... my gaming history has been a little bit... delayed.

Let me explain: The first gaming machine I owned was my first PC, a 386. But I played mostly "old" CGA games (like Alley Cat) most of the time. Of course, I played also the "hot" titles at the time also, like Prince Of Persia 2, Wolfenstein 3D, etc.

That PC lasted me... wow... many, many years. My next PC was a Pentium III machine... so go figure :p

Now, consoles... I wanted so bad an Atari 2600 when I was a kid... then, one day, when the SNES had already been released, I went with my parents to buy one. My dad saw one Atari 2600 and said "Hey Chris, look! Didn't you want one of these consoles some time ago?". And... damn... I just couldn't resist. I passed on the SNES and bought that Atari 2600. I loved it!

Of course, I played NES, SNES and Genesis, but only rented them. Here in Perú, in almost all shopping malls, there were stands where you could sit down and rent a console per hour, and they had a lot of games to choose from. But I never owned one of those babies.

Then, for a long time, I played PC games only (and emulated some consoles also). My P3 retired after some years of use and then I got a P4... now is pretty slow and can't handle decently any hw-demanding recent game, but I really played all it could when it was brand new and was more than capable to run the latest titles of some years ago.

Then my next console was... a PS2 I bought last year! Yeah, I could've bought a Wii (I wanted to), but that PS2 just was begging me to take it home... and play tons and tons of PS1 / PS2 games. First I thought of a PS3 when thinking of a Sony console... but then suddenly Sony dropped the support for backwards compatibility and... well, it just killed the mood for me. I just love my PS2 now, and have tons of fun with it.

My first handheld was... my DS... that I got a year ago also. Again, I bought a DS Lite... didn't go for the DSi. Why? Because I wanted to play GBA games on the real (well, almost real) thing. And I don't regret it.

So... my gaming history is a bit "delayed" and "weird"... but damn... I can't say I didn't enjoy it as it was and as it is now. I've been a "retro gamer" ever since I started being a gamer... weird, right? ;)
Timeline is relative, but approximate at best.

Super-80 => Apple II ===================| (...we kept that Apple a long time)
--------------------> XT => 286 => 386 => 486... ================== (etc...) ================> Athlon
----------> Pong =|--------------------------------------> Neo Geo CD ====> PS One ====> PS2
----> Game & Watch ====|-------------------------> Gameboy ============> Neo Geo Pocket ===> PSP

I'm sure there's stuff I've forgotten, I'll revise as I remember.
I just realised that I forgot the collection of LCD games and game-watches (ahh, game-watches - the only way you could legitimately get away with taking video games into school daily :p) that I had when I was a kid. :p People don't give those things anywhere near enough credit.

My first machines were back in the early eighties ... through to present:

  • Acorn BBC B - From where I first learnt basic, ace, robust, but just cost a fortune, wrote a few games in PD
  • Atari 800 - More for games - had the Beeb to program games, but playing them on original 4 port atari was ace
  • C64 - Ok - only had for a short while, Beeb Games took a while on tape to load, Atari games also (but loads of carts) - on the C64 - jesus could be re-born, but they did speed up
  • Dragon - Okay - but it died to quick
  • Colecovision - ditto
  • Vectrex - Ditto - but really died too quick
  • Oric 1 - A crazy device - ahead of its time - again died to quick
  • Acorn Master 128 - a mistake
  • Spectrum ZX80 - okay but it was tempermental
  • Spectrum ZX81 - like c64 - peek and poke Versus bad boy basic
  • Sinclair QXL - this was fantastic - I still have this in my garage (along with Atari 800) - if only sir clive had spent a few more months doing some proper R&D - instead of C5
  • Amstrad CPC - had that one through first year of uni - a CPM beast - it was cool
  • Sinclair Spectrum +3 - A real mistake, an spectrum in an amstrad cloak - this one lasted a few weeks
  • Epson HX20 - Ah my first laptop - microtape drive, built in printer and amazing small display - with external modem - great for bt gold hacking
  • Victor Vicki - A so called portable of its era - more like a sewing machine, with two 5 inch floppies
  • Amstrad PC - a mistake quickly forgotten
  • Commodore Amiga 600 - good played more games on this
  • Atari ST - amiga had graphics - this was up there on some games, but more general all rounder
  • Nintendo SNES - From waiting for games to load on tape and disk this was a revelation - albeit it was a souped up 8bit machine
  • Sega Megadrive - Like SNES - this always felt as games were more vivid and quicker rendered than SNES but less colourful.
  • Sega Gamegear - worked a way for a long while - this was first handheld - it was okay, but died too quick.
  • Nintendo Gameboy - The original was amazing at time - but kind of looks like an old betamax video cassette these days!
  • NEC PC-Engine - Had both TV version (Japanese) and handheld turbografx devices - the best shoot-em console of its era - well they looked and played miles better than a SNES/Megadrive
  • Commodore Amiga 600HD - should of done my masters thesis on this but enjoyed playing sensible world of soccer too much
  • Commodore Amiga CD32 - Yes it was bad, and amiga with a CD but which had most games still to an amiga 16bit standard - at least I did not buy the CDTV device I was originally tempted with
  • Atari Lynx - Handheld hell - game out early nineties - wasted so many giros on games
  • Atari Jaguar - most games un-polished - but this did have a wicked version of Doom and Raiden.
  • 3DO - Build as a must have device - the MSX of the new generation - had some amazing games - especially boxing and samurai showdown - but died too quick - playstation and N64 were too much competition.
  • Playstation - Had one of the original ones - yep had it chipped and copied games - Just look above and you will see I already spent like a lifetimes salary on stuff already (before I hit 30!)
  • Nintendo N64 - Had some amazing titles - but just too darn expensive - made the SNES look like pocket changed
  • Sega Saturn - Yeah I had one - I love old school shoot em ups - this had them by the bucket load
  • Neo-Geo Pocket - so much expectation, but delivered badly - had Black and White and colour versions
  • Sega Dreamcast - what a beast - what a pity sega left the console side of things
  • PC's - from AT/XT/286/386/486/Pentium to current systems
  • Unfortunately I then got married and my gaming escapades have since diminished - been waiting for the pandora so long

Shit I do now design software - Originally I was an engineer - computing was my main hobby - I get to work in IT and enjoy it while most around me do it as a career for money - usually burn out after a few years and do some other stuff.
I started in... 1998, at the age of four. I don't remember much of the computer I started on, but I think it was something from IBM running Windows 95. My grandmother, upon seeing me using a computer so young, decided she'd become more computer literate (but that's another story ;-)
My first memory of Nintendo was this commercial:


I don't remember much else from that era, but moving on into the early 2000's, we had a Destination from Gateway, and I had my own computer as well. Good times playing Virtual On using such a massive screen, also possibly the reason I need such powerful glasses :p
Earthworm Jim I also loved, and Jurassic Park, chaos island.
Flash forward to about 2005 and I have a copy of Scan Command, something I've been seeking for years, along with most of the LEGO PC games released, i.e. Rock Raiders, Island, etc.
Around 2007/2008 my father won an Xbox 360 in a sweepstakes (how often does that happen?!) and around the same time I get into editing Wikipedia, which in 2009 led to my discovering Open Pandora, and thus I am here.
I hate writing much, so I'll compress it a bit.

Space Pilot on Plus4

Elite on A500

Descent on PC

Never owned a console.


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Diving for pesatos in the Hotel Samba swimming pool, too deep for the ridiculous British kids who couldn't swim while spending their summer days in Llorret-de-Mar, 1982, then losing it all on Crazy Climber in the lobby.

Ah, sweet, sweet days ..
Gaming for me started way back on the Atari 2600. I don't remember the year but I was a young boy. From there I've owned most mainstream console with the exception of the 3DO, TurboGrafx-16 and Neo-Geo (I could never find a place to buy these where I live).
I've played arcade games through the years and Donkey Kong, Ms Pac-man, Ladybug, Joust and Street Fighter II are favorites.
I discovered emulation in the late '90s and as a proud retro-gamer I have sworn off contemporary gaming.
I'm a huge fan of open source and Linux and have ran Linux exclusively since 1998.
I only discovered the GP2X Wiz last week. I ordered it immediately and just received it today. As a matter of fact, I don't have time to post right now... I've got a new toy to play with :p !
First gaming machine I got was a Intellivision of which I was bitterly disappointed that christmas because I had hoped to get a C64. Before this I had played with C64 and Spectravideo, later a friend had also an MSX. Gaming was intensely social, there was a big group of kids going to someones house and playing in turns. Then the amiga era dawned, I didn't get one but I played lots, one friend had a Atari ST too, but I didn't mess around with it that much.

Then my father brought a PC from work home, the harddrive was incredible! I mean it loaded _instantly_ leisure suit larry or Test Drive or Tetris which were the games on it. I got online on BBS's soon after and later became a fidonet active as father got a PC from work to home to keep. Played a lot of PC games during that time, around 90-93. Then I got internet back in 93 and discovered the wonders of BatMUD, playing with nearly 200 players was _amazing_. Played a bunch of muds, Battletech MUSH's were especially memorable. Then I bought a CD32 with the purpose of moving to Amigas from PC's (windows was gaining ground which I didn't like and the PC was a 386SX/25mhz so it was old) with the purpose of expanding it to a full 1200 (there was a kit for it).

Moved from home to helsinki, so I only had the CD32 which was mostly a CD player, played a bunch at the arcades. After general adventuring I came back the city I was born in and a bought my sister a PSX for christmas. Played quite a bit of that, but moving around separated me from the PSX and back in 2000 I moved back to helsinki started messing with linux (I did try it back in the batmud days in 93/94), so it was nethack, hunt and a dos game machine, but no windows games.

Went to spain some time after, got a gp32 after having read about it on YakYak's forum. Came back, having lost it on the way, got a GP2x, played some on Wine, got a Wiz and now I've got a dual boot because NVidia's 3D vision doesn't work with linux at the moment. I'll free that discspace once the support is here.
My first gaming machine was an Tandy TRS 80 that I built from scratch, I taught myself Z80 machine coding then basic my next gaming machine I lashed out and bought a Amiga 500 and taught myself 68000 machine coding then Nintendo SP, DS, DSi LL, DSi XL and GP2X F200
I fogot to mention my first gaming computer was an IBM Main fraim with magnetic beed memory and telex data tape and keyboard it was the latest and gratest at the time, good fun
FU*K I am old