What was your favourite Childhood toy?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Come now and be unmanned.What was your favourite childhood toy?

Mine was Ace mcloud a centurions figure. It was stolen by one of two childhood friends.They never would admit it.As a kid this was quite depressing.

It was a very well made figure so explains why it was stolen.Yes im a nerd and will probably buy this figure again when i have the money.

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mine was


however this was stolen and my mum replaced it with

and I also had these 2 sexy things :)


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I also have a original Super Mario Land Watch Game, it even has a Stereo Headphone Jack. :D

But my Fav. Child toy always was LEGO in every fashion. :)

this was the one thing everybody in my neighborhood between the age of 5 and 30 would play when i was a refugee kid in germany
Ok, ok...

Mine was Teddy Ruxpin. I got him for Christmas when I was little, and I still have him right here on my desk. He looks brand new, and he still works, too. :p


I hope to be as good at plush design as Stephen Key, the man who re-did Teddy's exterior design after seeing the terrifying and ugly prototype version, someday. :p
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I have the smaller one. He was way ahead of his time, and there's no doubt that I got my habit of taking exceptional care of my things from him. :p

EDIT: And lately I've been messing with pulse-position-modulation hacking for the older version. :D Just because I can.
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That's a long story. :p

But in a nutshell, Worlds of Wonder (the original manufacturer) spooked its investors not long before the US stock market crash of 1987, and went under, and the rights-holders, Alchemy II, have had a run of bad luck keeping him on the market ever since (though he has only been off the market three times since 1985, in spite of that!).
what you can still buy him now?

how did they spook the investors?
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what you can still buy him now?

how did they spook the investors?
You can sort of, yes. There was a digital model manufactured between 2006 and 2010, so right now it's the third time that Teddy hasn't been available to buy new.

As for how they spooked the investors, there's a bit of info on that here - apparently it was something to do with some stock trades. There exist articles from the time which mention that the company was living beyond its means, and couldn't pay suppliers, too.

But, I should stop here - I don't want to drag this any further off-topic! :p
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I suppose...


well, it's hard to say. I guess it would have to be the computer. I played Lode Runner: The Legend Returns quite a bit when I was 3-5 years old. No favorite toys, really. I just played with whatever I had. :p

Well... it's a stretch, because it was around 6th grade and it's a bit odd to classify it as a "toy", but... there's the GBA SP.

I dunno, I always liked games more than toys. I liked toys, but didn't really have favorite toys. My favorites were games you play with the toys. Or just games. Toys were more like a thing you use to make games with.
wow I remember the thundercat toys and they had that thing you plugged into their back to make there eyes glow :)