What Are Your Favourite "gimmicks"

hi there,
i got into here FAR too late... i would have mentioned warning forever (for random bosses) and shooters solitude, but i am too late...bad....
i really much like the idea of not losing weapons when you die, i think everyone hates this.
very important is a high score board, as these are getting lost in modern games (talking bout xbox ps2 and so on)
a cool feature would be a melee weapon that gives more points and does more damge because its more dangerous to approach the enemy that far (used like that in blood rain)

for music I'd like something like the fantasy zone soundtrack, that was l33t...oh yes and dont make it start the same track every time you play or define a certain track for each level because if you die and start again or dont get through a level and try it again and again you WILL at some point think "ARGH FRIGGIN MUSIC" and turn sound off.
No one's too late with replies, haven't you noticed I'm still replying?

Anyway, funny you should mention a melee wea- *battery dies*

That Lynx shooter sounds very interesting, I can't believe the level system hasn't been used in something else.

I won't be using the level system mentioned, but it won't be completely linear, just mostly.
Not too sure if I should mention anything, but I'm making a shooter at the mo, and one of the ideas that I am implementing is varied missions for the levels. ok, so it will still mostly be masses of firepower blowing enemies out of the sky, but each level will have a slightly different mission outcome - e.g:

1) Some levels are normal. enemies, power up, kill things, boss at end.
2) Some levels you have a piss-poor weapon, and relies on precision shooting and flying (thing old-skool luke skywalker flying through the death star type scenario).
3) Some levels the boss is a friend! You have to defend it rather than attack it, and if you shoot it, you're an idiot.
4) Some levels are extremely fast and rely on dodging rather than attack.

You'll have to wait for a demo or screenies to know more :) But hopefully this different sort of look at shooters gets some variety into them.

For inspiration, I like Strikers 1945 II on mame. The original is at 320x220 and has amazing graphics. There is also a playstation version I think. And a great resource is http://www.classicgaming.com/shmups/ - a site dedicated to the good old Shoot-em-up (SHMUPS) genre.

EDIT: fiksed sum speeling
Dozer posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:42 PM said:
What's that game where you can collect the stuff you shoot down and it sticks to you like armour. That's fun :).

That one´s "Tumiki fighters". Get it HERE. I like its style, but its skill lever is really too hard. I also think this "sticky" feature is hard to code and it might run slow in fenix because of the many many sprites.

Screenshot. Gosh.


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he could always update it if need be but I highly doubt he's gotten extremly far into it yet, although he could just code faster than me, most people do :huh:
acid/rave/techno is a cool look. like rez, right? have you played rRootage? That had some really nice graphics, all wireframe.

depending on what you want, I could make the graphics. PM me if your interested.
yeah make rez styled graphic....or even leave the acid/rave/techno scene as it's been used so often, go into... i dunno....the kinda music that rayman 3 has in the warp levels, and steal a bit from rez (ie enemys make sounds, not just BOOM)
Good thing Warning Forever is already mentioned:) What I particularly like are shooters like Imperishable Night, Cherry Blossom and Psyvariar, relying on dodging insane amounts of bullets. Psyvariar has an upgrade system that works with leveling(RPG like), which slowly improves your craft the higher you get. Leveling is done by touching bullets, where the center of the craft is instant death, but precisely touching the bullets with the crafts edge gives you points, daring you to take risks.

Plus it too has normal game levels, there are multiple ways to finishing the game where after each level you can choose which way to go, some ways are hard, some are easy(but get you less points for the final ranking).

Imperishable Night:


Imperishable Night screenshots

Cherry Blossom screenshots

Psyvariar screenshot

I doubt these kinds of shooters are possible on GP32 though due to the low resolution :(
i think so, too...that many shots can only be displayed with 1 pixel=1 shot lol
also a grappling hook would be funny (to grab items and/or enemys)
Yeah, i like Imperishable Nights too, but its off limits on the gp32_console, so i didn´t mention it first . Gotta check out this Psyvariar game... never heard of it, but looks fun! :lol:
isn't the gp resolution the same as a tv? and you can get most arcade shmups on dreamcast,to play on a tv,so surely resolution shouldn't be an issue in creating a bullet hell shmup?
HOHOHO, the Dreamcast had a *theorethical* max resolution of 1600x1200!!! Of course most TV´s doesn´t support such highres graphics, however most 2D style games on the DC had a resolution of about 600x400, which is still a lot more than 320x240 on the gp32_console ;)
EDIT: btw,TV´s have flexible resolution...
I know Hexen was a 3D game, but it had a weapon that shot a load of ghosts that flew around sucking life out of the enemies, every enemy a ghost killed it let the ghost live for a while longer, allowing it to fly after another one. Some enemies had the ability to temporarily turn ghosts back against you!

How about a shovel, that allowed you to dig for powerups, and made a hole for enemies to fall into?

Some of the Castlevania games had the whip that you could swing on objects, that was always good for a laugh.

I would love to be able to pick up dead enemies and throw them at other enemies or to break walls etc.

PUZZLES, I love good puzzles. If a platformer is simply running around killing I get bored, but combine with something that gets the ole' grey matter going, it becomes something special!

Another aspect of a good game, is multiple ways to complete levels, and multiple tasks. you need not complete all tasks to get to the end, but it's nice to find all the hidden stuff.

Hope any of that was of help?