What was the first game you ever played? Can you remember?

It all started from Soviet "Game & Watch" clones known as Elektronika IM (series of them):

+1I know this comic ("Hase und Wolf", in English "Rabbit and wolf") from my childhood (East Germany obviously ^^')
Don't know the name, but it was some sort of reaction game on a Timex Sinclair where you had to drop bombs on a city. Although there was a kind of Yars Revenge game that I remember playing on the Sinclair too. Don't remember which I actually played first, but it was one of those two.

Anyway, I believe my first computer game was Minesweeper on my parents' old Win 3.1 computer.
Great to see another Father Ted fan, although I'm a fan of all Linehan stuff (especially the IT Crowd!)

First game first game... Probably Myst. Made well before my time, and I had no idea what I was doing anyway. I'd grab the guide booklet  (bought seperatly) and just enter the pattern on the fireplace, then go to D'ni :D I remember waiting hours trapped at that place without bringing the white page... I always thought when I was younger that if I waited long enough, Atrus would do something.

Talking about Myst, anyone got that running on the pandora? What version would be best? Qemu Win 3.0 would likely emulate it at a reasonable speed, Sega-Saturn probably wouldn't... the DS version has that extra age in it.... I still wished they released RealMyst for Android, instead of just for IOS. I'd be confident that through Gingerbread it would run pretty well.
Talking about Myst, anyone got that running on the pandora? What version would be best? Qemu Win 3.0 would likely emulate it at a reasonable speed, Sega-Saturn probably wouldn't... the DS version has that extra age in it.... I still wished they released RealMyst for Android, instead of just for IOS. I'd be confident that through Gingerbread it would run pretty well.
The DS version works ok in DraStic.   Or at least the beginning does,  I didn't play much of it, just enough to confirm that the game mechanics were working.

- Neelix
Talking about Myst, anyone got that running on the pandora? What version would be best?
The Playstation one works perfectly (as does Riven) - you get the best quality audio and video bits in the PS1 versions too ;)
^I'm sure it would run in Qemu, but may as well not bother with installing quicktime and such..
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I'm sure it was a PONG clone on some kind of east-german game console thingy back in the middle of the 80's. ^^  A little bit later I've enjoyed the only east german Arcade Machine "Poly Play" in an Hotel Complex in the late 80's.  It contained various games, also including an PacMan version of the mentioned "Rabbit & Wolf" characters, weird stuff actualy but at the age of 10 and in a land without an actual videogame-culture it was just amazing, great memories. :D

Talking about Myst, anyone got that running on the pandora? What version would be best? Qemu Win 3.0 would likely emulate it at a reasonable speed, Sega-Saturn probably wouldn't... the DS version has that extra age in it.... I still wished they released RealMyst for Android, instead of just for IOS. I'd be confident that through Gingerbread it would run pretty well.
ScummVM supports Myst and Riven however its not compiled in the Pandora Version yet. I've been on DJWillis's case about it don't worry :P
The first game that I ever played was find the naked native woman's chest...it was usually located within a National Geographic magazine.

The second game that I ever played shortly thereafter, was pocket billiards.  Also known as pocket-pool here in the States.