I think my first was probably Crystal Caves for the PC, but I did that with god mode on the whole time, so my real first would probably be Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, which kicked some serious arse.
ummm...i THINK it was spiritual warfare... :lol: OR kings quest 7...i don't really remember...maybe it was tiny toons...that game was awsome...
but its sad...i could get to bowser in smb3 but i could never beat that fatass-mofo-piecocrap...when i was about 6 i could get to the last level...never beat it tho... <_< i think that will change today tho... B)
Dizzy or Treasure Island Dizzy on the speccy , Can not remember which one it was :unsure: . But me and me younger brother spent days trying to complete it :blink: That was like 15 years ago :blink: .
Edit: @ nerd of nerds: Your sig brought a chuckle , I was beginning to think like that not too long ago.
hmmmmmmmmm...lemme see.... i think that first game i completed was super mario bros. for nes.1 of the best games in da world but it could have been sumthing else coz my dad introduced me 2 video games when i was young and ive been playen them since i was like 2 or 3. and i am now 14 turning 15 in october