What Type Of Driving Game Do You Prefer?

hando posted on Mar 8 2004 at 09:45 AM said:
No off road - those are boring ;) But being seriously - please consider maybe a few tracked levels like in Stunt - all those ramps, bridges end other stunt stuff - it would be really great.
I like that idea. Track but with stunts.
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hando posted on Mar 8 2004 at 09:45 AM said:
No off road - those are boring ;) But being seriously - please consider maybe a few tracked levels like in Stunt - all those ramps, bridges end other stunt stuff - it would be really great.
It is unlikely that I will be able to create a stunt game with the engine, since mode7 only lends itself to flat levels. Obviously I could write a ton more code for a full 3D collision system but that would take a long time and would be better suited to being implemented into a whole new engine.

I think that if this engine is a success, then I may consider making a fully 3D driving engine, but the chances are slim.
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Looks pretty good so far.

If you decide to go for off-road, can I suggest that you try to make it 'feel' like Colin McRae on the PS1. As far as I am concerned CM1 is the best driving game I have ever played, including the Gran Tourismo's and Sega Rally. It is the only game where (to me at least) it feels like I am driving the car on the surface rather than simply moving a camera around a 3d scene with the car being drawn on as an afterthought.

On top of that, if you do a decent job of the engine, surely there shouldn't be any reason why others can't develop on/off road variants..

...no pressure of course ;)

Good luck with the project...
I vote for ON-track - despite my favourite being off-track/Driver style games, just 'cos I think its easier to do an on-track one well than an off track one..
Daz_Genetic posted on Mar 8 2004 at 09:07 AM said:
Thanks for being patient. I am working pretty hard here, so I hope to show something off as soon as possible.
Hooray! Excellent!
This is something I've been wanting for my GP32 since I got it...
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As promised, I have made a PC beta to prove the validity of the project. Download it Here.

Any further comments or suggestions should be put into that topic also, as it is probably the more appropriate area of the forum.

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ye Death rally is a really good game, I still play it on my computer sometimes :)
I have to say this looks amazing so far...and my vote would be for a track racer. The Road Rash theme is cool too hehe...bikes rule! But please God, NO NASCAR!!
I'd say stick with the track racing. I prefer rally but its much harder to make a really good handling rally game. A track game would be a good start and if you wanna make a rally version eventually I doubt anyone here would complain!
Anything is good though, the demo looks like a great start.
Yep i'd say track racing 2 bcus it is difficult 2 make a rally game handle well only a handfull of rally games have done it 4 me CM1, Sega Rally, and Rally Championship
theres a lot of skidding and sliding in rally, and u turn differently, which would be hard to program + more physics involved coz u can get the car off the ground in rally, which is rare in track, id say track