GP32 Mode7 Driving Game Engine W.i.p

Some people are afraid of commitment, until i see proof weither a project exists, or doesn't, i stay on the medium, hoping for the game and such, but some people get too worked up about cool looking games and then bitch and flame when it aint real, crashing their hopes and dreams, so they are scepticle at start

But even seeing the demo makes the game real enough for me :P, since mode7 would be lame to try to make a fake game*no offence*, you would've tried to make a fake game using Yeti3D or somtin XD

*idea: racer using Yeti3D? lol maybe sequal to this one :P, Battle Mode XD*
looks great and sounds promising!

keep up the good work and im sure you'll impress even yourself with the finished results, take your time and try not to worry too much about public perception, any nay-sayers will eat their hats when its finished.

the GP32 is a very easy system to code for, and the SDK isnt to shoddy - dont worry yourself too much at this stage on if it'll run slow or not on the GP32, my advice would be to get it ported as soon as possible, and then make changes to the game and engine to make sure it runs reasonabily.

i've wasted days of work by coding features only to have to scrap them as when tested on GP32 hardware it was just too slow with them included.

best of luck!
I don't think any features implemented at this stage will be wasted.. As there will always be new handhelds to play with. As much as I hate to admit it, GP32 won't be the focus of my attention forever. :)

I will definatley be looking into a zodiac when their prices drop, and I'll be looking into gametrac if it isn't vaporware, then when the PSP gets released, you can kiss my ass goodbye :D j/k
gametrack looks pure suck, PSP may not sucseed, Nintendo DS is a big waste of time right now *untill i see if it is good* and Zodiac... well thats actually intriguing, if it was better that is
I never judge a handheld till I'm holding it in my hands. I would have been the first to think that a korean handheld was a bad idea. But look at it now.. it has a great following. The gametrac has some great features, and with the emphasis on GPS, it could open up a whole new style of gaming. Who knows what the future brings, but since I collect handhelds, the more the merrier. I can't get enough of them.
Daz_Genetic posted on Mar 10 2004 at 07:45 PM said:
I never judge a handheld till I'm holding it in my hands. I would have been the first to think that a korean handheld was a bad idea. But look at it now.. it has a great following. The gametrac has some great features, and with the emphasis on GPS, it could open up a whole new style of gaming. Who knows what the future brings, but since I collect handhelds, the more the merrier. I can't get enough of them.
Well, I'm just glad you've given it a go Daz. If you do head off, thanks for the effort!
Personaaly I love handhelds, but even if I had others, this would still be my community of choice- it's generally very friendly. I'm looking forward to the PSP, and developing for it,we will hopefully be getting dev kits in the next couple of months, and if my NDA permits i'll tell you all about it :)

I think the gametrac looks nice, but all that power for a postage stamp screen has annoyed me. Would I run my PC/Amiga on a 10" screen? would I hell. I hope they change that.

Zodiac is lovely, but I already own a PDA, i'm not going to pay a premium for those functions, and i'm loath to part money with a machine that is not much faster than my 166 GP.

DS? who knows, Twin screens and CPU (both ARM, one at 66mhz one at 33 I think) intriguing what they might come up with...

Anyway, there is no reason to abandon one machine in favour of another, they all have similar architectures/CPU's it's just amatter of trimmimg functions/resolution for the less able :) (Zodiac and GP, once the gametrac and PSP arrive...but I don't think the PSP will be open source)
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Game looks very good.. engine i mean, better than doom.. looks almost ( or just about ) as good as a playstation game.

One question though, is the game going to be completely flat? or will it have hills and bumps and stuff?
Thanks for all the support guys. Here's an update.

I've decide to go with road and track based racing with performance cars. I'll be entering the game into the GBAX competition so you'll have to wait till then to find out more about it. I know that it's already predetermined that OpenSNES9x, GP Advance and any other emulators released will win, so I'm not expecting any prize but I've set it down as a milestone for me to get a demo working on the GP32.

There will be lapped tracks and also long point to point roads. The length of these severly depends on how much memory I can squeeze out of the system. It also depends on whether I automate level creation. Doing it manually is fine, but to reduce frustration, I have to use larger tiles to build up the track. I'm instancing reused tiles to reduce memory, but smaller tiles would allow me to clear out even more wasted texture memory.

At this moment, I'm working on creating a menu system. I want everything to be fully polished and working like a commercial game when I release it so the interface is as important to me as the rest of the game. Sound is also very important to me, but that will have to wait till I get the rest ported over to the final hardware.

I plan on saving best lap times in encrypted files so you guys can run your own competitions without the possibility of cheating. Key inputs will also be recorded so you will be able to view, save, load and share replays. This will also provide another level of proof when it comes to competitions.

As you can tell, I'm concentrating more of my time now on the game and gameplay features instead of graphical features as I think a good game with simple graphics is always better than a bad game with good graphics. Hopefully in the end, I will have to sacrifice neither.
Sweet! Best of luck Daz! I really think that you have a chance to win one of the prizes. Opensnes has a good chance if they make a lot of progress but yoyo is busy with lots of things atm, and the gba emu is is interesting as a tech demo at the moment, but a full 3d style racing game could easily grab a good, maybe even first prize!

You know where to ask if you need any fiddly graphics/beta testing to do :D.
You could code a program that extracts replay saves and puts them into a video or such, like gpv *GPVideo* or somtin XD

And if you need help with some GUI stuff *not sure if i will suck, but i am pretty good at gfx*