What single player game have you sunk the most time into..

Probably Desperados: Wanted dead or Alive, also nearly on same level Thief 1 and Gothic :)
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Oblivion as well. Only up to 100 hours right now. If I don't have something for the rebirth competition, blame Bethesda.
A few too many to list. :P

Off of the top of my head: My favourite Mega Man games obviously come first, here, along with Lemmings, Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest, and also Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS.
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Mostly I tend to only play and finish a game once.I probably played virtua tennis on the dreamcast for like a year.The multiplayer with 4 players was great.

Recently i played risen rigt towards the end.Unfortunately the combat system is irreparably broken and as the game became tougher at the end it was not possible to finish it.

I played fable 2 nonstop when i got it.It is superb and i advise anyone who likes pure fun to buy this game immediately.
either westwood's Nox, or Skyrim now. up to an embarrassing 370 hours into skyrim at this point and really not much will to play any further, but id still like to finish it after all the time thrown into it. nox on the other hand, every hour i ever played was well liked. 3rd one would probably be LoZ:OoT, since ive beaten the game 5 different times now i think
Skyrim has about 120 hours logged in already. That game is absolutely amazing, and I have so much yet to complete yet. I started playing a little oblivion, but compared to Skyrim, Oblivion feels a bit dated overall. I'm hoping to finish up skyrim sometime in my lifetime, and then play Oblivion.
It's unfortuante we didn't bring up MMOs and all into this too. If we did, WoW with my 120 or so days logged would be the largest amount of time I stuck into a game. I'm ... not very pleased with spending 120 days over 5-6 years in a video game, though.
I started my videogame longplay history with Alex Kidd on Master System, same with Sonic, played these games to death.

I spent much time with Lemmings, Commander Keen, Duke3D, Unreal, Diablo 2, Sacred 1+2 and many more.

All in all I guess I've also played Tetris very often over the years... :D

Edit: I really forgot Minecraft. :o I guess I play it every day since I startzed it back in 2010. Creative classic first, then bought the early alpha, best €10 I've ever spent for a game. :)
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Pokemon Yellow, NES Tecmo Bowl, Magical Drop III, Game Boy Tetris B)
It's unfortuante we didn't bring up MMOs and all into this too.
I purposefully titled the thread the way I did specifically to sidestep MMO's & online gaming in general.. they are all pretty much an anathema to me (& yes I have played extensively pretty much all the usual suspects at one time or another) I'm quite happy to live up to the traditional anti-social gamer caricature.. a good well crafted single player experience (in my humble opinion) is (and always will be) superior to anything comparable you will find online (Journey on PS3 is tempting me though).. put me in front of a TV, however with a copy of Goldeneye/Mario Kart etc etc & 3 friends.. now that should be in the Oxford English Dictionary under FUN..!
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Wizardry 7 is _enormous_ DOS RPG from back around 1992; not sure it holds up, but I am tempted/afraid to go replay it. (ITs a couple hundred horus long :P ) -- Wizardry 8 is an amazing finale to the seriwes.. hard to find, but a great game (about 2002ish. I remember being amazed they continued their tradition of importing save games, when it had been 10 years since the previous game..)

Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim .. all are deadly; about 150 hours to each :) A serious productivity killer..

Civilization 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / not-so-much - 5 :/ -- Civ .. win!

When Civ 1 came out (and Sim City 1), whole days were ruined; and Populous; those early 'game changers'.


WizardStan -- wouldn't Minecraft trump all for you? I got the impression you'd done hundreds of hours on that, more than say skyrim..
The whole Heroes of Might and Magic turn based strategy series has stolen 100s of hours of my live. Probably (ok, certainly :D ) 1000s. Nights and nights of hot seat playing with my friends. When the Playstation came out we combined it with trying to finish Gran Turismo. Oh how I miss those times when I could crash on someones couch for three days without anyone finding that strange at all or demanding me to be elsewhere.

At the moment I'm playing Morrowind with my 7 y/o daughter. Just an hour at a time 2/3 days a week. So it'll be a while before we can move on to Oblivion. But it's great to see some of that wonder and immersion in her that I used to have too. I even make her write down all the quests as I have to translate it. :)

Apart from that I probably spend a tad bit too much time playing Eve Online.
WizardStan -- wouldn't Minecraft trump all for you? I got the impression you'd done hundreds of hours on that, more than say skyrim..
Oh yeah! I've been out of Minecraft basically since it went release (Enchantments, the way they're random and the way you need specific ones in order to really proceed to The End, really detracted from the fun in my opinion) but in all the time leading up to it I'd easily put in hundreds of hours of digging and building, averaging probably 6 or 8 hours per day for months.
tony hawk pro skater, it was the first game I owned on the PS1 and since I didn't have much money growing up... ended up playing it non stop for over a year

I think mine might go agianst "single player" because me and my best friend would have our 2 min rounds to see if we can beat each other's best score

next would be guitar hero 2... played that for a good portion of 2 years straight all night every night
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Hm... I don't think there's any one game I've played the most (I tend to have periods where I play a certain game or certain set of games a lot), but games that come to mind are:

- Shadow the Hedgehog

- King's Quest VI

- Lode Runner: The Legend Returns

- Super Metroid

- Super Mario Bros.

- Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

These are just games that I've come back to a lot.
I don't think I have a major one to choose, but to list a few:

- Pokemon Firered, I've completed this one way too many times for me to be proud of.

- Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim have probably totalled up to around 1500 hours by now.

- MarioKart 64, It just never gets old!