What Games/systems Have You Spent The Most Time On?


Mar 5, 2003
Toronto, Canada
I thought it would be fun to make a little list of what systems and what games we've spent the most time on. I'm sure we all can remember certain games that just defined a particular time in our lives because we spent so much time playing them.

So for me, the games that I've spent the most time on (or at least remember most fondly) are:

1) The Commander Keen series. The 386/486 PC (with VGA graphics) was my first and only "gaming system", and it was only a decade later that I got my first "video game console". I gather that this is quite unusual. So I missed out on all of the Marios and Sonics that others must've been playing in the early 1990s. I spent hours and hours playing the seven Keen games, though (they had EGA - 16-colour - graphics). My favourites were 4-6, and Keen 6 especially.

2) Jazz Jackrabbit. I spent ages on this huge game. People called it a ripoff of Sonic, but I never knew of this or played Sonic until much later. And when I did play Sonic, I actually found it to be a disappointment by comparison; I missed the speed (JJ is faster) and the weapons. Don't get me wrong, Sonic 2 & 3 are also great. And so is JJ2, a much later title, though I still prefer the first.


[in fact, during the DOS days, I remember that just about every game published by Apogee, and to a lesser extent Epic MegaGames, was sure to be solid gold]

3) Pokemon (first generation). Yeah, I got sucked into this craze along with everyone else. I won't say anything bad about Pokemon, though; it was a very fun game, though I haven't played any Pokemon stuff since the GBC games.

4) Star Control 3 (another early PC game). People who've played often SC2 say that it is much better, and not without reason. SC3 basically copied SC2 while screwing up a few things along the way. But some additions were nice (I liked the colony system, for example), and the game was good enough to totally engross me back when I was playing it, for a whole year I think. I played it before I played SC2, so that's why it's going on this list.


5) Grandia II (Dreamcast). This was the first "modern" RPG that I played. It took up a few memorable months.]

6) LOOM (DOS VGA). This adventure game really enchanted me when it came out (it was also the first adventure game I played), and I haven't come across anything similar since. It actually took me a year to figure out how to get past the dragon (!). And when I finished it, I often replayed it.
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I spent hours and hours on all the old Maxis games. SimAnt, SimTower, SimCity 2000... I have fond memories of Windows 95.
'Esn' said:
3) Pokemon (first generation). Yeah, I got sucked into this craze along with everyone else. I won't say anything bad about Pokemon, though; it was a very fun game, though I haven't played any Pokemon stuff since the GBC games.

You're not missing out much. None seem to compare to the originals.
Advance Wars on the GBA.

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I spent most of my childhood (10-13) playing the Spectrum 48k. I was lost in a world of Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner most of the time but I ventured in the Underworld and other Ultimate games. I was so addicted to Bombjack it's untrue. I was fascinated with the mini world that School Daze and Bak 2 Skool created. I was Head Over Heals in love with Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummands' Batman. I was amazed with the game Movie. I was frustrated with Atic Atac. Basically, I loved and still love my little old Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K, rubber keyboard an all!

Then again, I loved my Atari ST and later my Amiga as well. Super Sprint, Bubble Bobble, Super Cars, Dungeon Master were games that took over my life for weeks at a time. One of the greatest games from that period has to be Lemmings. Which is why I'm working on a (as perfect as I can make it) clone for the Pandora, complete with 2 player network capability. It's going pretty well so far, bit of a hack in places but it should work...
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We've playing M.U.L.E. via vice on our arcade cab almost everyday now for the last couple of months.


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'Reesy' said:
Advance Wars on the GBA.
A friend gave me that game to play for a while. I had to return it eventually, to my regret.

'Username' said:
'Esn' said:
3) Pokemon (first generation). Yeah, I got sucked into this craze along with everyone else. I won't say anything bad about Pokemon, though; it was a very fun game, though I haven't played any Pokemon stuff since the GBC games.

You're not missing out much. None seem to compare to the originals.
Actually, the best Pokemon game I've played so far is a fan-made sequel called "Pokemon Prism" (for GBC):

It's not finished yet, unfortunately. But so far, it is better-constructed than the others I've played (Yellow and Crystal). The guy who made it is now working on a GBA Pokemon game instead, though he said that he'll come back to finish it one day.
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'Esn' said:
Actually, the best Pokemon game I've played so far is a fan-made sequel called "Pokemon Prism" (for GBC):

It's not finished yet, unfortunately. But so far, it is better-constructed than the others I've played (Yellow and Crystal). The guy who made it is now working on a GBA Pokemon game instead, though he said that he'll come back to finish it one day.

In my opinion best Pokemon game ever was probably Pokemon Of The Past DX, a zelda hack for (I believe) GBC. I don't remember as it's been a while, but it's full of really funny stuff thrown in from different Nintendo games.
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Console/computers is a close call for me......spent most of my time when I was young on a Spectrum and a little latter on my Atari Lynx.

In later years spent a lot of time on my gp32 playing Spectrum and Lynx!
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From handhelds, GP32 playing a lot of emulators (especially streets of rage 2 on drmd), no GP2X (I had it only for programming and demos, the stick makes it hard to play, NDS and GBA for games and maybe a little PSP (castlevania)

I have burned my mind on Doom and still burning it (Downloading and playing lot's of user made WADs, MegaWADs, etc, even making my own level, doom is like a scene on it's own)

Metal Slug yes
Eye of the Beholder
Kung fu master on CPC (I have played all these again and again)
All castlevania series especially Castloids (lot's of hours searching for the secrets)
Maybe more..
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The time I played most games was on a c64 and later a 386sx pc. Some memorable games: Goldbox series (AD&D from SSI), particularly Krynn ones, Ultima series (we never finished one, but played for ages), Microprose sims (airborne ranger, pirates and sub sims). Later on pc Civilization and Master of Orion took ages. Also enjoyed Day of the tentacle.
NetHack and Ancient Domains of Mystery on PC.
Tinkering Unit1.pas in Delphi 4-6...
My Pokemon Pearl (NDS) playtime counter counts about 219 hours. So, yeah, that one. But I'm playing Pokemon Platinum now... :P
Second is probably Pokemon Silver with about 120 hours.
Third is maybe Advance Wars 2 (GBA), Dragon Quest Monsters (GBC) or Pokemon Yellow, all about 80-90 hours I guess. I'm pretty damn addicted to these collect-and-battle-with-monsters games...
Then comes all the 3d stuff, Half-Life 2, Anno 1701, Grandia 2 (yep!) and also, Final Fantasy 3 and such. Good times I tell ya...
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