What libraries will you be using for Comp?

Use the SFML 2.0RC. It's not stable but it's usable and has _A LOT_ more features than SDL.
Allegro 5, if I can build it. If not, probably just SDL
This sucks. Using SDL makes me want to vom.


Edit: Allego 5 isn't on pandora. Allegro 4 is though.
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Nice. Is Slackware better than Angstrom at this point on the box? Aint got one yet.

Anyone got any less pain inducing libraries than SihatemylifeDL?
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Never tested it. I just tried to launch a demo program and i realized SFML wasn't installed !

Congrats, you found a "bug" ^^.

--EDIT: Yes, it's "me", it's the shop account.
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I may try to install it (SFML 2.0RC) also in the next Code::Block, but as slaeshjag said, it will be using MesaGL so will be slow for graphics, and probably not usable for games...
Unless you port SFML to GL|ES, you won't get it to run that well on the pandora.

There's _aegis_ attempt at writing a GL 1.x wrapper for GL|ES, but until that works, I wouldn't hold my breath about SFML on pandora. From what I've seen, the lib is written to not run on GL|ES :p